Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

The defense lawyer and RG testified that MB sent a barn employee to help RG lay tile as RG said it is easier with two.


Let’s correct one huge error in @hut-ho78’s post…MB and VB were already separated and she had moved on by the time LK entered the scene. LK seems to like everyone thinking she has been in MB’s life much longer than she really has.


I’m confused about verdict choices.

Is it not guilty as in he didn’t shoot her.
Is it not guilty due to insanity.
Is it not guilty due to self defense.
In polls where not guilty is overwhelming, how do we know which of the above is meant.


I believe that came up when they returned to New Jersey in the spring of 2019, after the water damage from the frozen/broken pipe in the farmhouse during the early winter of 2019 when everyone was in Florida.


@hut-ho78, do you honestly believe MB would have had to attempted to destroy LK’s good reputation?

Here is a hint- when people outside the equestrian community see the “victim” on the stand, hear her testimony, and it elicits the reactions they are having, there is no good reputation to destroy!

The cat was out of the bag about LK a long time ago. MB would never have needed to say one word about her.


Ok poor Johnny one more. We all know you believe LK is bad. Why is a balanced perspective so threatening to you?


Those physics you’re describing make no sense. Bullets are not racehorses. What forces would be acting on the bullet to accelerate it once it leaves the barrel?

Not that Wikipedia is the best source ever but even it explains this: “Muzzle velocity is the speed of a projectile with respect to the muzzle at the moment it leaves the end of a gun’s barrel (i.e. the muzzle)… For projectiles in unpowered flight, its velocity is highest at leaving the muzzle and drops off steadily because of air resistance.” (

So unless the Ruger was loaded with torpedoes, the projectiles would not be accelerating after they left the barrel. Not significantly anyway. There might be some interplay between barrel length and the type of load in the ammo, but you’d be talking milliseconds and a very short distance.


Because there is nothing balanced by your perspective. And what on earth gives you the impression I am “threatened” by your ridiculous post? It’s all good Hut_ho. It will be over soon.

And, I don’t “believe” she is bad, I KNOW she is.


I won’t bother to address all the other questionable aspects of this post.

I will just point out that now and forevermore, the words in the quote above should always be followed by the phrase, “although LK admitted under oath on the witness stand that she lied all the time on social media…”


He didn’t make it clear in opening arguments. In cross examination, he may not have a chance yet. When he starts the defense portion, unless he is committed to the possible imperfect defense, he needs to get there.

By stating not guilty by insanity and self defense, the defense lawyer and MB affirm MB shot LK twice and shot at RG once. That is out there. It’s done. It’s hard to prove insanity. It isn’t self defense because MB needed to prove he was backing up and trying to leave and he can’t do that because no evidence exists he did.


$2500/month per horse for two horses.

She then bought what appears to be a well trained horse from MB that had health problems -shivers and Cushings for $40,000. It sounds like a schoolmaster. LK testified that the horse board was to be continued by MB, not her. That could be a misunderstanding or correct.

MHG was there the entire time LK was. It is my understanding VK was still there the summer of 2018 in the house with JH, LK, and RG while MHG and MB were living together in the barn.

The house was damage over the winter while they were in Florida. VK stayed in Florida. The ad hoc renovation board mess started that summer and Lk brought in her retired horse and imported a horse. Those were to be the renovation board deal but the imported horse was in transit and quarantine through most or all of this.


So far the only evidence on that subject is the word of two people who demonstrated their tendency to lie a lot, even under oath on the witness stand.


I haven’t seen them lying on the witness stand. I think RG has a better memory of the event. The major elements are the same.



What trial have you been watching?


Maybe they haven’t been and that is the problem?


They forgot that LK was posting MB owed the $50Gs here many times until someone who vacuums under lawyer desks posted about unlicensed contractors and treble damages. Therefore they could not have known that at the time before the shooting or she would not have been posting that.


Wait, what? LK and VK were not on the farm at the same time?

I noticed just during the week or fortnight before the trial started, a couple posters (hutho, currentlyhorseless, I think sierramist) came on and started to push a certain narrative. It came in different forms, but there were a couple talking points that were consistent throughout: VK leaving stressed MB b/c VK had taken care of most/all of the logistics of the business; MB had money stress; and MB might have gone on to kill more people had RG not stopped him.

Setting aside how likely any of those are, if VK and LK were not even there at the same time, that seems another huge inconsistency in this new party line about what happened and why.


That seems like the only possible explanation.


I feel like posting these screen shots of posts from archived threads. Her character and history of lying and cruelty are far from new.


So your original long description post - That’s ok, everyone is entitled to their opinion of how the testimony went last week. You find LK & RG entirely believable and honest. I’d only point out that there are plenty of people out there, not in the dressage world, that knew next to nothing about this case until last week that find both of them not truthful, very unlikeable, and making the defense’s case better rather than the prosecution that they were called as witnesses for.

Now, about the above - did you hear nothing of the testimony where both RG & LK were beating and subduing him? We only have the testimony of what was heard on the 911 tape and two “victims”. There is no way that we have heard yet to reasonably establish at what point LK was shot, what physically transpired prior to the actual shooting, and whether MB was actually defending himself. There has been plenty of testimony to plant seeds of doubt in the minds of the jury. On a previous occasion LK would not let MB leave? RG chokes him out? In the minds of some that could definitely lead to self defense.

I don;t know if you have read or re-read all of LK’s posts on this board talking about bombshells, irrefutable evidence, the solid gold ear witness that the defense is actually going to call(???), audio and video recordings, etc… that as the prosecution finishes up their case on Monday with a couple of subject experts, none of it has come out at all. It just makes us all question her version of the events even more than we did in the past.