Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I don’t think that’s accurate. Bullet trajectory once inside the body is extremely unpredictable because it can be influenced, fragmented, and redirected by the tissues it hits. For example if a bullet hits a bone: the bullet could shatter the bone, the bone could fragment the bullet, the bullet could travel along the bone and exit elsewhere, etc etc. I think you would need very detailed medical notes/imaging plus an expert to draw conclusions about what the relative positions of the entry/exit wounds meant about how the shot was fired. And even then, with a living victim whose medical treatment necessarily destroyed evidence, you might never know (as compared to a deceased person whose body was not subjected to extensive surgery and whose wounds can be analyzed more thoroughly at autopsy).


I’m way behind my reading on this thread, DH and I are attending a clinic this weekend. So not sure if this was answered upthread or if someone confirmed the testimony on what, if anything was given to MB at scene.

DH is a registered EMT in NJ and when I asked about the fetyanl or ketamine (sp?) his response was “F-no! We can’t even administer aspirin”. What they can do is assist a patient with their own meds, like an insulin shot, if needed.


RG also testified that some of the white currogated metal lining the barn interior was done by someone else. It was while looking at those pics, and his explanation that he did ‘this part’ and (other guy) did ‘that part’ that RG stated that he didn’t do too much work because he didn’t want to get too far ahead of services MB was furnishing as payment.


If LK was never on the farm before MHG was around, how do the ever-omniscient IM’s claims that things between LK and MB were A-ok until MHG stepped in and ruined it make any sense?


Good question.

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That’s board, only, in 2018? Not including training?


It sounded to me like the rates included board and training.


I think that RG does not have a grasp on how much everything he & LK were being provided in trade is actually worth. 2 bedroom apartment rent? I’d think $2k would be reasonable. She’s got 4 horses there? Even if only 3 of them were at full training & board - maybe $3500 a piece at market rate in NJ? $2k for the board of horses not in full training? If MB was providing the farrier? $400 per horse every 6 weeks? That’s going to add up really fast. They were only paying $5k per month for everything.

If RG had help doing work from people that MB was paying, that is lowering the value of the work that RG was doing. And any contractor type, licensed or not, keeps track of his tools. They cost $$$. Even if they were MB’s tools, I think RG would know if he’d been working there that day - plus at a high end facility, who leaves a pile of crap like that sitting on the floor unless you’d been working there that day and planned to be working there the next morning? So when there was the pile of tools outside the tack room the night of the shooting, RG not knowing if he was using those tools just sounded…shady.


It was IM who said that SGF acknowledged the debt to RG, not LK.

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What? This man claims he cannot remember most of his texts/SM posts, cannot remember conversations he had that were recorded, cannot even remember having words with the farrier a few hours before the shooting. Did you hear how many times he said he “couldn’t recall” on the stand? And did you see how, even when he was able to literally read what he wrote or told the police he would answer that he STILL didn’t recall his own statements?

I mean, it was shocking how little he claimed he could remember or recall and even having his memory refreshed for almost every single question, he maintained he still lacked recall. I don’t even know what to say about that, it’s so bizarre. But, one thing that could be said: this man’s recall of events is not his strong point, to put it mildly. He cannot claim to not be able to recall most of his own actions and simultaneously ask the jury to believe his recall of the shooting is 100% accurate. It just doesn’t work both ways like that.

He was asked a very simple question early on by the friendly prosecution and he choked up and had to have water. It was a nothing intro question, no pressure, but he was unable to speak and looked like he was going to be sick. There was a long on-line discussion about how it appeared like he knew he was about to embark on a less than honest performance under oath and was at least in that moment rightfully scared of what he was about to do.

I actually felt bad because I know he must be under enormous pressure from the family and the prosecution. He nodded to someone up in the gallery before he was sworn in, so he was well aware he was being closely watched. He’s literally singing for his supper up there, as he has no job or income on his own and if he falls out of favour with the family, he’s homeless/jobless. It’s a really sad situation and as arrogant and disrespectful as he was up on that stand, I did feel a bit sorry for him.


We no longer believe anything posted on social media due to LKs sworn statement that she lies on SM.

So we cannot also trust any post in which she is the source of information.


She certainly was adamant that RG was owed money and not a small chunk of change for renovation work. But the handyman didn’t think to unplug a dryer.


If LKs parents are actually funding her life, and therefore RGs life, then they’re indirectly paying for the drugs he’s been using “not on MBs property though” - unless he’s got a side gig to finance that bit of his life. Each to their own, I guess.


I must disagree with you on one point: I do not feel sorry for him.

I agree on the rest!

It is inevitable that a life lived in lies WILL catch up with you.

Lies used to destroy another catch up with you faster. That which you put out returns to you times 3.


Yes. Me too. Sorry if I wasn’t clear.

Ah, you’re just afraid of the lawsuit and the lein on all your property.
Chicken :wink:


But if MB was on the ground, and LK was bent over beating him on the head, couldn’t a bullet go from her shoulder to her lower lobe? The bullet would be traveling up from MBs position but with her body bent over double, it would be going down her body. Maybe?

ETA sorry, I see Sdel already mentioned this.


I agree almost 100% with Hut-ho’s synopsis.


That and she was shot twice and the house was shot and MB was the last known keeper of the Ruger and he drove over there. I keep going back over testimony for what I missed. I think GSR on MB’s hands, nothing from the other technology on LK’s shirt.


I thought they both did. SGF was MB and VK and others at that time I think unless MB had already bought out VK.