Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

MHG WAS involved from the beginning. Michael’s wife, Vera was not.


Good point. I had not considered that a round might have been deflected by bone. I can’t remember if the surgeon mentioned damage to ribs, etc., but I would think a round entering the upper chest would have had to hit the first or second rib in order for such deflection to occur. And it seems that such a shot at “point blank range” would have certainly damaged the rib - maybe even shattering it (?).

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To clarify - did Barisone’s hands test positive for GSR? And nothing else was tested for GSR?


Duh. We already knew that.

To us, that just makes 2 of you wrong.


You mean the shirt and jacket where her blood was magically washed away but of course GSR wouldn’t be in your mind?


I nearly threw up testifying in a civil case on a regulatory/technical issue on a case that started long before I was involved just from not wanting to be there. He has to remember a traumatic event where he could have been killed and thought LK was dying. The defense attorney is asking questions in a way to illegally testify instead of cross-exam. No one remembers traumatic events 100%.

Regardless of any negatives, he came through when it counted. If he kept running, MB could have put in the second clip and finished him off, left LK to bleed out and gone to the barn to say he solved the problem. What would have happened then to MH and her dad or anyone who tried to intervene JH, RC, barn staff?


What a surprise! I never saw that coming. We you a member of the committee?


I’ve been through some major traumatic events and I remember them to this day.


I’d like to say that the one where I walked into a house being burglarized by 2 peeps in black ski masks who were holding hostages on the floor and I walked in to have a gun tip meet my left temple was it but that doesn’t even make my top 3.

So there’s that.


You did not address at all the main point of my post: that he claimed almost no recall at all on any of the other questions he was asked by defence - no recall even when refreshed! What are your thoughts on that and how that can be squared with his recall of the shooting (which, you stress is traumatic and that impacts memory)? If he cannot remember the farrier was there or what he told the police even though he reviewed it in prep for the trial, how can the jury trust his memory of anything?

And he choked up with the prosecution question, not the defence.


Everyone should hire reputable licensed contractors and make sure plumbers and electricians and HVAC people are licensed and have clear contracts and completion dates, never pay upfront, hold enough payments back to insure all items are finished to satisfaction. People don’t do that. They DIY, they hire friends and relatives, they hire illegals, neighbors, etc. It’s why realtors push inspections when property is sold. It’s why Building Code exists and engineers and electricians, and plumbers, etc. are licensed. “Code is written in blood.” Still, people will be people and try to save money by doing it themselves.

Edited to take out “we.” I am not a realtor. That was a typing error.


I LOLed.


Yeah I’m quoting this gem for both posterity AND amusement.


Twist twist twist. No other perspective/observation but yours is allowed. Why is that?


Known by whom?

By you? Or by the two people who demonstrated that they lie, even under oath on the witness stand, whether you noticed or not?


Maybe because yours is based on the word of someone who just testified that they lie on social media?


Well, for starters, you left a whole lot of crime scene bungling out of your executive summation.

Then called the defense attorney out for not presenting his case when he does not have the floor to…present his case.

So, as they say, rose colored glasses…


That also texted about being able to access the office and could therefore engage in nefarious acts.


Is it in dispute that the affair with MHG started while MB was still married to VK? I have no idea whether VK was driven away sometime in 2018 (when LK was present) or previous to 2018.

You are correct that my view of the tragedy (my narrative) is that huge stress was placed on MB by the breakup of his marriage, which severely damaged the smooth operation of his business and created financial stress when he had to divide assets with his ex wife. It seems even fairly amicable divorces are very stressful.

LK had nothing to do with with MB losing VK as a spouse and business partner. MHG did.

With all that stress, MHG then got into a war with LK. MB needed to keep LK as a client for her money, and he needed to get rid of her to please MHG. More stress.


But wait!!! Hold your horses!! I have posted “what ifs” for over two years based on the knowledge I had at the time and was pounced on by you literal fan-girls! Now it is perfectly okay for your far fetched what ifs just to attempt to make your case and drum up support for Ms Kanarek? Give us all a break here. She and her boyfriend, employee, whatever he is are toast as far as credibility.

I have a suggestion! Why don’t you fan girls start another thread of support for your buddy. Let’s see how many flock to join your team. At this point you are wasting others’ time posting your narrative here.

