Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I just don’t want to have to explain the whole situation to my brother (who is also my attorney) over Easter dinner. Lol.


LK testified they were not supposed to be in the barn then and no one would respond to her texts and that she asked if someone would unplug the dryer. Then, no one responded they went to the FM and BI.

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Considering she wasn’t paying anywhere near market rate, I’m not sure that is/was true. I’m sure he would have been better served bringing in 4 quality horses and their owners paying full freight.


What a familiar narrative! Did I read a similar post some time ago by IM. I really can’t recall.

Blame it all on MHG. Got it.


That, too.


Nobody cares about Vera and MB breaking up and why. Not the sword to die on dude.

Just makes it look like you have nothing else to say and makes us remember IMs posts about LK coveting MHGs position as top noodle.


Maybe after entering the chest cavity, the bullet hit the scapula and was deflected.


Someone can correct me but didn’t she add the $40k she paid for a horse that she then owned and held title to in the $50k that she felt was ‘owed?’

That’s what I thought I heard but I didn’t watch her testimony continuously.


Your response does not address my question at all: several posters and LK herself have represented that she was on the farm at the same time VK was on the farm. Is that accurate or not? That was my only question. I don’t know or care about the affair and when it happened. It is not germane to my question.


what second clip?
Heymer only found the clip that was in the gun iirc.


I’m looking forward to the testimony on the FB post you have told us about, the one you described as LK saying she owned a Ruger, the one LK said she never made. Haven’t heard anything on that yet. Maybe when the defense lawyer starts the defense portion, if any evidence exists.

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I thought what she was saying there was that at that point she wasn’t allowed up at the barn and she kept texting them asking them to confirm that they had unplugged it or something like that

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Awww it’s so sweet of you to be thinking of me.

Sadly, I’m not the one who testified in court, under oath, that I lie on social media.

But guess who did!


The half her blood that was lost per the doctor testimony and the clamp on the aorta and blood products used and flatlining?


This ol’ chestnut, eh?


One thing you have to say for LK.

She really likes to leave receipts strewn about everywhere. EVERYWHERE.


No, she was there, in the barn.
She was never not allowed in the barn, see their testimony that they were dealing with cellulitis leg twice daily.


That was in the hospital in the ER. That’s why that doc could testify to it. He had to deal with it. Then. When they opened her up. At the hospital. With that doctor. In hospital.

Got it?


You do know that divorces can take YEARS to finalize sometime? Especially ones that involve a business with substantial assets that need to be divided.

I know nothing about the dissolution of VK/MB marriage, how long they were separated romantically, when MHG came into the picture, what the arrangement that they made regarding the summer 2018 occupancy of the NJ farm, any of that. But characterizing the relationship between MHG and MB as an affair may be an exaggeration. They all lived on the NJ property together in relative harmony to outside observation in 2018.


But they testified that they heard the drying running and it wouldn’t stop and they heard the WS tell RC that it wasn’t stopping. Thus, they WERE in the barn at that time in order to hear all this. So they could also have unplugged it. Leaving it running and going off to dictate/hand write a 2 page letter and delivering it to the township the next day is not exactly what you’d call an immediate response for safety.