Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Apologies for the word “we” before realtor. I am not a realtor.

RC testimony.


Well, she did admit, after claiming she only had ONE gun, that she did post her two guns and did have that second gun she purchased in NC but had not yet picked up.

RG also stated he didn’t have guns, but then was presented with his own post talking about a/his gun or some nonsense.

For two people who claim to be nonviolent, non-confrontational, they sure do throw around alotta threats, images of guns, etc.


Then why didn’t he tell her to leave on July 1 with 30 days notice? Or July 15, of Aug 1?

According to IM, he was telling her to stay (and he’d deal with MH) and at the same time telling MH that he’d somehow deal with LK.

I will say I was vaguely wondering about the record on the BB for rate of posts on a new thread.

So it would be interesting to compare and contrast the number and frequency of posts on a pro LK thread, just out of curiosity. And also the ratio of posts to poster, if that makes sense.

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Well, if we are being honest here, of the two guns in the post she did admit to posting, one had already magically poofed according to testimony under oath. It seems posting about guns and then saying she doesn’t own the guns - or some of the guns - in those posts is kind of a thing. Also like posting about owning cameras but it turns out that there were no cameras. It all does get quite confusing, I will admit.



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Did RC testify that she saw MB take the gun out of the safe on his way to his truck that day? If so, I must have missed her saying that part.


Well, sure, but you skipped over the fact that most mortgage companies require an appraisal and inspection as part of the approval process. It’s not just smart home buying - it’s usually a requirement. A buyer paying cash or using a unconventional financing can waive inspections, but they can’t if their mortgage company requires it for the loan.

None of your word vomit negates the bulk of my comment being about RG overvaluing his work on the house/barn.


Exactly what? It doesn’t answer my question at all. And you also have not answered my question about the recall failure. Why bother quoting someone if you do not address the topic of their post?


No, IM didn’t say that. Blue Saddle did. LOL.

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And really, how is any of that the business of anyone other than MB, VK, and MHG??


I think your missing the key point here……RC was asleep at the time….presumably with the Ruger under her pillow. And then for some reason was trying to get into their apartment the next day when the FM/BI came. Also, wouldn’t that timing match the 8/5 gun charges for RC?


The second police officer on the scene testified earlier before trial about the second clip. It’s been discussed in these forums a great deal. Funny how memories work.


Some posters (you and EB) claim the breakup of MBs marriage is irrelevant because you want to blame all the stress on LK alone. I think the break up (clearly caused by the affair with MH) created a huge amount of stress (loss of smooth management of business, losing half his assets, breakup of marriage). If, on top of that, MH was then threatening to leave him, …

IM was clear that LK was not trying to displace MH as girlfriend or assistant trainer, and that it was MH who was bothered by MB devoting time to training LK.



Again, I will point out that the three words quoted above should be followed now and forevermore by the phrase “who received his information from LK, who admitted on the stand under oath to lying all the time…”


BS. IM says. Malarkey.

I’m beginning to think IM is up to his eyelashes in planning this tragedy.


What?? I am impressed by your dedication to LK, but this is just shocking.


You sure do “know” alot about MB’s personal life.

What if they both had problems with each other (LK and MH) and it wasn’t soo one sided? What if thefe were to be pettiness and misunderstanding by both parties?

I don’t know who developed their problem first.

Also, I don’t know why MB and his ex-wife divorced. Are we positive that it was exclusively due to an affair with MH? We also don’t know the details of the divorce. I know it’s popular on this thread, but we should just make assumptions in order to fit our narrative. Maybe what you think is true, and it might be, to some extent.