Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Thank y’all for finally being honest and transparent that these are bash LK threads and no other perspective is welcome. So much for the “we are just trying to understand” smoke blowing.


Or no cameras by the time the police got around to looking for them, anyway.


I remember reading posts that said that MB and MHG were openly carrying on their affair while VK was there and still acting as business partner, and that that situation eventually drove her to leave.

I don’t know when she left. Therefore I don’t know if LK was there before she left, and don’t know if there was a time that MB, MHG, VK, and LK were all on the property at the same time.

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What’s missing this story are all the inconsistent pieces of the testimony. Testimony is what matters. Her are a few that I noticed.

“when she was shot she ran away and I couldn’t see her.” When she was shot I saw two bullet holes in the back of her shirt”

“I pounded his head with phone for 7 minutes.” “No, her phone was on the stairs in the house. We were using my phone (RG) to call 9-1-1.” Let’s add to that…multiple “she ran away” and when she came back (?), she was too weak to pound his head cuz she was dying.”

“She came down the stairs behind me”. “Sorry, no she was in front.”

“I was on the stairs”. “I was on the landing”. “ i was on the patio”. “I was on the first step” “I couldn’t see her. She ran away.”

The only consistent thing said was that MB stepped out from the bushes toward the walkway.

If I have processed any of this incorrectly, I take ownership. But look at it this way. I came into RG’s testimony cold…as a juror woul and not allowed to take notes.

My lasting impression was RG provided conflicting and confusing information even though the line of questioning came from a sworn affidavit. Also found the testimony evasive on all points on who was where when the shots occurred…the landing, the steps, the stairs, the patio, she ran off, she was dying, the phone was inside, the phone was pounding MB for 7 minutes. Not clear on the angle of MB’s arms cuz it wasn’t clear where anybody was.

So…on that testimony alone, I have reasonable doubt on what occurred.

The record will stand for itself.


How would you know what caused the break up of their marriage, and frankly, as others have said, how is that any of your business?

Sure business stress affects everyone, and some people cope better than others.

Most of us don’t find IM to be this all knowing insider they claim to be, but you’re welcome to believe IM if you like.

According to LK, she was mad that she was being shunted down to JH, so MHG would have had no reason to demand MB stop training LK or she’d leave. Based on her testimony she was terrified of RG & LK to the point that she had her father come stay at the farm during the end of it all. Some have said she’d sent her kids away to stay with others because she was so worried about everything going on with LK/RG


That is what I remember.

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Aww…you fail to comprehend our “understanding” was confirmed by LK and RG last week. But keep on doing your job, mkay?


Thank you for being transparent in your constant support for someone who has threatened multiple people on this forum AND testified that she lies on social media.

You should be proud.


Poster 1: Stop twisting things to fit your narrative! You’re so one sided!

Also, Poster 1: tells a twisted one sided story about what happened

A thought: What if…it was something in the middle? What if details of both speculations could be true? What if there is blame to be placed all around? What if those that say opposite to what you think aren’t LK or MB haters or fans?

stands back as heads explode


Meh, there’s smoke coming from all directions.


Contacting the FM about the dryer is just upping the ante to drive MB over the edge. For someone who lies on the witness stand, illegally records private conversations, and flouts barn rules by going in after hours, lights on and music blasting, it would not be out of character to flout the rules and unplug the dryer herself. But if you have a plan to drive someone crazy, calling the FM is the move she makes instead. So devious.


They opened her up to clamp the aorta to prevent her from losing the other half of her blood.


MHG testified there were around 40 horses there and I think she mentioned 30 stalls.

However many horses LK had there, bringing in $5000 and or subpar construction work in trade…
It seems to me, her horses leaving would create room for paying (you know, in money) horses to board there.

I don’t think keeping LK was motivation at all, certainly not for her non- payments. :thinking:

It was testified to that the arrangement was facilitated by her father. That her father was involved in orchestrating some plot with these two to manipulate the arrangement of the work for board and rent, etc to their advantage. It was testified to that MB expressed he was was afraid of JK.
LK admitted to wanting to ruin him over this nonsense arrangement that most horse owners have agreed, clearly gave them a very sweet deal.


It sounded to me like RC testified that she handed her gun over to MB not long after she arrived in New Jersey on that trip. Maybe the night she arrived, or maybe the following night.

(And maybe the reason he asked for it was so that she would not be sleeping in the barn with a gun under her pillow. Which seems to me like a pretty reasonable course of action under the circumstances.)

So I don’t know if she would have still had the gun under her pillow a night or two before the shooting.

And yes, I realize I am breaking my previously stated rule about not trying to remember testimony from more than 36 hours ago. But still.


I have no idea. I’m not him, don’t even know him.

But the idea that he needed a client getting a huge discount for her money is baffling.


Wasn’t he the one who testified last week that he found the clip in the police car and did not know how it had gotten there?


Guarantee MB didn’t ask her to stay, oh, and continue harassing everyone.

Which is exactly what she did.


I think so. It’s one I want to go back over.

Yes, after he testified that he ran in the house to hide when LK was shot???


Oh, so you’re confirming that MB, MHG, and VK where all on the property in summer of 2018 when LK was there?

At some point MH transitioned from assistant trainer to “girlfriend”.