Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

No, no. Nice try. Read my post again.

I said it would be interesting to compare a designated pro-LK thread to the usual threads where everyone stated what they thought, such as this one.


Not based on personal knowledge, based on what has been said about all the arrangements, on various platforms over the last 2+ years. Including the testimony from last week about the 2018 vs 2019 living arrangements on the farm.

It should not be considered confirming anything.


“I know nothing about the dissolution of VK/MB marriage, how long they were separated romantically, when MHG came into the picture, what the arrangement that they made regarding the summer 2018 occupancy of the NJ farm, any of that. But characterizing the relationship between MHG and MB as an affair may be an exaggeration. They all lived on the NJ property together in relative harmony to outside observation in 2018.” @rothmpp

That sounds to me as though MHG & MB & working students and employees of SGF. Not that VK was on the property.


I believe MHG confirmed that herself on the witness stand.


I have a question for the legal minded among us.
So, throughout all of this, COTH has kept track of LK’s lies. We can see these lies clearly on the stand because well, many of you have notes from her posts.

So, when we see “AHA!” moments on the stand…as in “AHA, she just lied there”. Do you think the jurors can see it as clearly as we can? I mean, we all have the collective memory of COTH (for what it is worth) to rely on.

I mean, watching this trial, I can clearly see that she is a manipulative witch but is that enough to drive him crazy in the jurors minds?


Holy heck, the reaction from Prosecution when Bilinkis started to ask MHG about RG attempting to find where her kids had gone… Talk about drama.
They REALLY didn’t want that brought up.


I don’t know where IM gets his information, but I believe what he posts. If you choose not to believe him, that’s your call.


This is exactly right.

Although, my head already exploded when I read a comment declaring that LK and RG’s testimonies agreed… when they did not.

But then, because I have not been gushing and gooing about LK through all these threads, apparently that makes me one of the crowd of starry-eyed MB squealing fangirls that we keep getting told post here. I have not seen one - but never mind, we must comply and bend the knee to The Truth that a select few insist on enforcing.

The “bash LK threads” and "MB fangirl " shtick got old and tiresome a very long time ago. Unlike those who promote that nonsense, 90% of us on these threads have just wanted to wade through the morass, wanting to follow the case as it played out and unraveled. And boy, is it unravelling…

The one who has done the most anti-LK posting in these threads is LK herself… the rants, the rages, the admitted lying, the threats… she has been her own worst enemy - both on SM, this forum and on the witness stand. Her own words and actions - no one else’s.

But it is amusing to see the “fangirl” swooning about how awesome and magnificent RG was… wow. Just wow.



Without question Vera moved out prior to Lauren coming to the NJ farm! Lauren NEVER was on the NJ farm when Vera was there!!
MH was MB’s girlfriend before she was a trainer at Michael’s farm.


I also don’t remember hearing any mention that VK was staying on the New Jersey property in 2018. Or at least, not from any of the witnesses who did not display a tendency to lie a lot under oath.

Needless to say, I was not there, so I don’t know who was on the property at that time. But I don’t remember hearing about VK being there.

And if she were living in the farmhouse in the summer of 2018, where would she have been staying? In the main floor apartment with RG and LK? In the upstairs apartment with JH? In the basement with the working students? On the loveseat on the patio? Many questions ensue.


I believe IM believes what he posts for sure and expects others to as well.

By the way, I’m still waiting for the bombshell they promised would be coming. Was the bombshell RG’s testimony?


I agree with you that calling the FM snd BI on Aug 6 was a hostile act meant to harass MB. I also think that MB calling 911 in response to their not signing a new agreement and in response to their being in the barn at 9:00 pm were acts of harassment.

Both sides were in a war of harassment that point. Only one side upped the ante to gunfire.


I mean…

It seemed like it bombed with many observers. Does that count? :thinking:


First off, I am NOT a true crime enthusiast, but a person who understands firsthand and knows the type of people who will commit fraud by any means necessary for their personal gain and fully respect the rule of law. Lk’s and RG’s testimonies were obviously contradictory to each others testimony. The pure fact that the shooting happened is not in dispute, but JUST WHAT led up to that point. LK claimed that MB’s gun came out of his pocket and they attacked him after the shooting, OR, was it they attacked him first and the gun came out of his pocket? Questions arise of how could a woman who was shot twice be able to do what she said she did ( calling 911, and attacking MB with a cell phone) AFTER the shooting occurred for 7 minutes. How about LK’s statement about thinking of herself as " Miss Bad Ass" showing her state of mind as being confrontational from the onset. Its clear to me the Judge is not allowing certain information and evidence to be admissible which could challenge the state of mind and actions at the time of the prosecutions (supposed) victims and police handling of this incident for failing to test for gun powder residue on clothes and hands and blood type residue on the phone and going by word of mouth only. Why is my question? Protecting the County and Police Department? You do know LK was involved with a shooting once before, shooting towards her boyfriend and hitting his motorcycle (proving she is a hot head and not emotionally unstable) The Court in most cases allows leniency to the defendant with evidence for painting the picture because they are the ones on trial. The prosecution has a right to challenge that testimony for creditability, which in the end paints the REAL picture of the events that took place. By withholding evidence, it opens the case up for possible mistrial or hung Jury. Let the truth be heard and the cards fall where they may, but in the end, let TRUE justice be served… just my opinion.


It was a calculated choice not to simply unplug the dastardly dryer herself. Even while claiming it put her own horses at risk. :thinking:
Which suggests she didn’t really think it did.


I believe IM admitted in previous posts that he mostly got his information from LK. But I am not going to wade through thousands of posts on old threads to find that statement.


The dryer thing has me a bit confused.
Was it said that the dryer wasn’t unplugged by RG because he wasn’t allowed in the barn after hours?
If so, how did he know it was running?


shoot…an oversized semi…


I have seen no references to “MB fan girls” in months. I have seen Hut-ho accused of being a “fan girl” of LK
recently upthread. But you didn’t step in with your “let’s not label posters as fan girls” lecture then.

Does your “don’t dismiss posters as fan girls” apply in both directions?


I did go back and look at the testimony from the gun expert on Friday afternoon. He talked for some time about the gun that was actually used in the shooting.

Then when he transitioned to the next gun, the disabled one with the white handle, I did not hear him say anything about where it came from, other than it was one he examined in December, which was later than the first gun, I believe.

So as far as I know, there was no statement about the source of that gun, or the revolvers he mentioned, either. Except that he had looked at those additional guns in December.