Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I said the Assault thing many times and so I agree with you there completely.

Now I’ll read the rest LOL

Rest read and I agree with you.


Can I chip in on that bottle? Lol.


Trouble is, with these people, they often come across as charming, or at least harmless, until you cross them.
At least that’s been my experience.
I can understand somewhat how things unraveled based on experience with one of these types that led to a cascade of awfulness, the repercussions of which persisted long after said person was actively involved, and the damage to both people and business was considerable.


RC testified that MB was the last known person, referring to having possession of her gun, the gun that testimony has been presented by experts was the one used in the shooting.
She didn’t know or say that anyone else had the gun after MB.
And I can’t remember if she knew for sure he locked it in his safe or he just said that he did.
There is no other evidence so far (but lots of speculation here) that anyone else was seen or had the gun up to the time of the shooting except MB, after RC gave it to him.




Without question Vera moved out prior to Lauren coming to the NJ farm! Lauren NEVER was on the NJ farm when Vera was there!!
MH was MB’s girlfriend before she was a trainer at Michael’s farm.


I think the relevant part of the testimony is not whether they are horrible people (no comment) but whether there is any credibility to their statements, since their statements are basically the foundation of the entire case for the prosecution, based on the lack of corroborating evidence from the scene.

I certainly hope to see more on that subject as the defense presents their case.


I totally hear you - and I’m going to stop trying to explain to those who can’t seem to read for comprehension.


If you watch the testimony this is dealt with. LK admits upfront that she lied on SM about owning 2 guns. Folks on COTH were referencing her SM posts. Now we know by her own admission that she lied constantly and couldn’t even remember why she was saying when some were pointed out to her.

Do watch her testimony, if you re not on court order to stay away from it. It’s very very interesting and much worse than I expected.


What are your (anyone’s) thoughts on the search for “exploding bullets”. Any ideas why that would have been searched for?


Agreed. I will add, that these sort of people are INCREDIBLY adept at “triangulation” … so even if you spot them, if one of your loved ones, friends, or business associates are still under their spell… you are still at risk for damage.

I hope everyone watching this whole case gets a better understanding of just how dangerous these types of personalities can be.

Last thing… my personal experience with narcissists/sociopaths is that the #1 tell you get is their propensity to lie. They lie in the most casual, strange ways. And don’t get anxious about it like normal people do when telling a small white lie. I have pretty intense radar when it comes to these sorts of people… and it’s always the weird lying that i can spot first.


That is not the same thing as anyone seeing the gun in his possession that day before the shooting.

There’s also the matter of LK‘s posts, linked upthread, describing a missing gun on the property prior to the shooting. Was there a gun missing? Did she just invent that story to stir up trouble? Or was there something else going on?

All interesting questions that I hope will be answered in the near future.


And through testimony or on this forum MB or MH did the same back with the same results.

MB was listed after he was arrested for shooting LK twice and shooting at RG once.


Possibly too addled to type in “hollow points” but searching for the effect.


I don’t believe anyone has stated they saw the gun the day of the shooting except the person that was shot and the one shot at….agree.
So ruling out their testimony at this time we only know according to RC testimony MB was the last person she knew that had her gun. I don’t think the defense will argue anyone else had the gun or did the shooting, it seems he has admitted MB did the shooting, but justified or insane. I too am interested to see what happens next weeks.


Louder, for the people in the back!


Rothmpp. If you’re saying that VK was not on the property during summer 2018 or summer 2019, I believe you. Apparently I misunderstood your previous posts as to whether she was there in summer 2018.

This is a key issue I am watching this week as the defense makes their case.

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Perhaps the legal experts can answer this question. Is the insanity defense in this case related to the fact that MB says he does not remember the events of the day? Which means he cannot testify to the events of the day?

Also, I find it very interesting to hear the comments from the husbands of the posters who have mentioned them. I do wonder what the male perspective is on all of this, since most of the jury members are men, so it could easily be an all male jury when it is time to deliberate.


So is everyone ready to take the Court Clerks test yet? Or The Bar exam?



I would need to watch My Cousin Vinny at least two more times. Maybe three.