Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

My husband also watched the part where LK got down from the witness stand to demonstrate how she “ran around in a circle” after she was shot. He zeroed in her interaction with the judge, I think, and how she asked if she could take off her heels…

He found that BIZARRE. And thought she came across like she was trying to be manipulative and flirtatious with the men who were in the courtroom. And that made a POOR impression on him.

FWIW, DH is a bit of a “traditionalist” sort of guy. And definitely predisposed to take a woman’s side in almost any violent conflict involving a much larger, more powerful male. That’s just how he’s wired… he’s a natural “protector.” But he isn’t buying ANYTHING LK is selling, and finds her frightening.


I recall RC stating that MB left in his vehicle shortly after he entered his office.

If he was in fact extremely scared of LK/RG, why would he drive up to their house and confront them? He could have called them on the phone, or texted them and asked them to come to the barn where he had people around him.


I don’t believe MB has admitted anything.


I just don’t understand why someone, who supposedly doesn’t have a gun with them, would search that unless they did have a gun, possibly an illegal one, with them and what was the plan once those bullets were obtained? Self defense?


Hollow points are illegal to carry in NJ unless you’re law enforcement.

Maybe they are OK in NC. Or Florida. Don’t know.

If I was just guessing and wildly speculating my first instinct is that I would guess a search was done in order to buy them and plant them and then report him.

But I’m a very suspicious person.

Ah here we go. It’s a Felony. And if convicted no more USEF competition.


I originally said that I thought VK had still been at the NJ farm in the summer of 2018, but then, after several had said that was not correct, was attempting to own my error. It’s gotten out of hand, again, as things often do on a internet BB.


I certainly don’t know but I am creative enough to come up with some dark ideas as to their motivations and intended purposes. But that is speculation. Reasonable IMO in light of what has been revealed about and by LK & RG.

I wouldn’t trust either of them with an animal or access to any personal papers, jewelry or any other easily stolen and salable asset. Identity theft and fraud aren’t beyond their reach.


You can email me a bottle of wine.

I wonder how many bottles of wine the jurors have drank since this trial began?


Cardboardeaux for you! And you! And the entire audience!

Well, not for some of you. It’s reserved for people who work or have retired from honorable work lives.

Burger flippers united


. The scuttlebutt I heard at the time (of MB/VK split) was that MB had decided he wanted kids after all. It seems quite plausible that if MB has had any kind of mental breakdown, it could have started before LK arrived on the scene.

Being the control freak/A type personality he is I also find it very odd that MB employed this person to do repair work on the house. I could well believe MB doing/attempting the work on the house himself. He was very much hands-on with building and repairs (as many property owners are/ have to be.) And certainly the “come train with me” phenomenon of client capture is common enough. But the $ details suggest that MB was not in a strong position to make a deal. Perhaps not financially or mentally. Perhaps he was struggling with management in VK absence. But I see a lot of behavior PRIOR to the breakdown between LK and MB that make me think MB initiated the relationship when he was not in a good place. Then when he found himself in a very bad spot (atleast 50% of his own making)he panicked about how to get out.

I have known a property owner to be banned from their own property for threatening a tenant. That situation also involved a partial partial barter arrangement, escalating tensions, kids living on property, and a hostile message on an answering machine.

It seems very likely that the reason that MB did not employ more “by the books” methodology was because he was on the hook for several things he had done incorrectly himself.

If LK and RG are struggling with drug issues, and MB is struggling with his own decisions and a latter midlife crisis, then liability for the situation seems to be well shared. And if the defense wants to claim MB was scared for his life, then that circumstance seems to be 50% his own decision to do dumb things. (Barter without a contract, not file with the courts for eviction, etc) and LK was backed up by legal counsel within her family, so she was not going to just roll over when the arrangement deteriorated.

Irresistible force MB meets immovable object LK.

At this point.
It is hard to discount the fact that LK got shot, and MB drove down to the house with a gun. Those facts alone may be more than enough for some people. But they add up to nothing for others.


I think the “not guilty by insanity or self defense” is his plea, the lawyer presents his plea.


More excellent questions.

Maybe someone should ask JK what he had in mind when he stole LK’s gun to do the search.

(^ Sarcasm.)


One thing I think you have to remember was that Jeffry Dauhmer (sp?) was ruled Legally sane. He was about as bat-sh#t crazy as they come as far as I am concerned. So I am not sure they can prove MB was crazier than JB. But I am not a lawyer and am not well versed in the legal definition.



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I completely missed the part about the heels. That may have been when I was listening to it, not looking at the screen. But wow.

I just have to wonder how many men in the jury might have a crazy ex girlfriend or two stashed in their memory banks.


Wasn’t that in a different state? Not New Jersey?

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I will start by saying I have no clue about the circumstances of MB’s divorce, etc, so zero opinion on that.

But much of the rest of your post rings true to me.

HOWEVER, I firmly disagree with the first bolded part. If MB was genuinely in fear of his life leading up to the fateful confrontation, in my opinion, this was because

  • EITHER he was mentally deteriorating to the point he was irrationally paranoid and not in his right mind
  • OR he had a genuine reason to be in fear of his life, given LK’s past history of assault and shooting, and the threatening statements she had been making about MB

And as far as bolded point two, it’s DEFINITELY the case that LK got shot. HOWEVER, it has not been definitively proven MB is the one who brought the related gun to the scene of the shooting. It seems HIGHLY LIKELY… but has not yet been definitely proven. It seems wise to wait and see what the defense has to say on this point as they make their case this week.


Legally insane such that you are not responsible for your actions is a very high bar to meet.


A threatening message on a machine where the safety of children may be at stake will get a temporary Order of Protection excluding the caller - owner or not - from a Criminal Court in about 3 seconds.


A theory that has come up on previous threads, which I find very plausible, is that he wanted to insist that they come back to the barn with him to talk to the representative from child protective services who was there interviewing MHG at the time, probably as a result of the complaint LK/RG filed with Safe Sport.

Obviously in hindsight, it would have been better not to go in person. But he may have figured broad daylight, middle of the day, lots of other people on the farm, etc.

All the same reasons that make it seem ludicrous to think he would have chosen that exact time and setting to attempt to murder them.