Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Indeed. So my friend ( the property owner) learned. That person eventually lost all his properties and his marriage ended and he had to run from the IRS and he was basically homeless at one point. Oh, and guns were involved at one point, though no shooting occurred.

There are people very skilled at working the system. That is their day job.

I have disdain for those people. And I sympathize with their victims.


Has he admitted to taking the gun from the safe to the house?

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I went back and re-watched that part of the Day 4 cross examination.

She offers to demonstrate to the court how she ran around, then, as she’s standing up to do so, she asks, “Can I remove my shoes so I don’t fall?” But she bats her eyelashes as she says it, and it’s obvious she is wearing heels, and carefully stepping out of them while the men surrounding her sort of watch.

Then, when she demonstrates the “running around in a circle”, she comes across VERY strangely. My husband thought she seemed to be making an odd attempt at appearing like a very vulnerable helpless female… and it struck him as strange… especially since she testifies a few minutes later that she proceeded to beat Barisone over the head with her cell phone.

He found her to present as a very calculating and cold blooded witness, who was shifting between ‘personalities.’ And he found her makeup and eyelashes and highly coifed hair a really BIZARRE choice for a criminal courtroom proceeding. :woman_shrugging:


Not believable to me. As I said, he wanted in that office such that he asked CP and MGH to leave. Now I think he wanted that gun. Others (you?) have this theory(what I think is real far fetched) that LK took the gun earlier. And thus, it just so happens that she or RG had it handy when MB drove up to the farm. Do you see how unrealistic that theory is?

I believe some are saying that by the nature of the defense admitting to that is implied.

As a defense is submitted to the court prior to discovery being completed I’m not so sure if that implied part must necessarily remain unchangeable.

@soloudinhere can a not guilty defense be altered mid trial if new evidence comes to light? As in just changing the plea to a simple not guilty instead of not guilty/insanity and not guilty/self defense?


But they didn’t go to FM & BI until the next day, when they would have been allowed in the barn “to change Symphony’s wraps” (if nothing else).

A reasonable person would have maybe unplugged the dryer then. A reasonable person would have made more attempts to contact MB, or JH, or another of the “management staff” to express concern about the dryer not turning off. A reasonable person would probably have even expected that mgmt was getting the problem fixed - and perhaps the very day unreasonable person(s) elected to escalate things to the fire marshall.

Either that whole “dryer not turning off” thing is a LIE, or certain persons involved in the episode are unreasonable. And those two statements are not mutually exclusive.


not the issue, but carry on.

Possible. Certainly possible.

Also possible: Something triggered him to check and see if the gun was still there and if discovered it wasn’t he drove down to calm things down as now it was escalating just too much with them maybe having taken the gun and now CPS is there.


I think just about not possible. So he thinks she has the gun, he’s scared to death of her, so he drives down to her house. He gets brave all of a sudden?


I remember clearly. I actually posted calling the poster Lauren :sweat_smile: but then upon request edited it and took her name out.

It totally sounded like and echoed our Popgirl. I have to say I never considered IM credible and was surprised at posters who did… always so mysterious, repeating Popgirls accusations, acting like Joe Insider… wanting to be considered an Important Source of Insight… where is he/she now that we have seen the truth if what so many of us suspected, that our Popgirl is a lying troublemaking delusional craycray?


But didn’t RG testify that he went to the barn pretty much every day (even 2x) daily to tend to Symphony’s leg?

If so, what is the reason he couldn’t unplug the dryer if they were so concerned about it?


that is pretty sick…

But with all their gun posts isn’t it also possible he always thought that they were armed? With RG posting gun pics?


Is this all wild speculation or do you have any inside knowledge to Mb’s mental status before the shooting?

And if MB was extremely fearful of LK and RG and in fear for his life, wouldn’t it make sense that he was armed around them?


Relying strictly on my understanding of the evidence that has been presented thus far, what we know is: MB drove his truck to the house where LK was living. LK was shot twice.

I truly can’t go through everything in this remarkable thread (which somehow goes up at least 100 posts every time I turn around) nor all of the video on YouTube. I would really like to hear exactly what the surgeon said about LKs care in the hospital. Is there anyone who made a note from which they can direct me? If not, no worries.


Yes, that’s possible. But gun or no gun, if he was truly as afraid of them as has been said (fetal position and all), why go to the house alone for any reason?


Quick google search will show Jeffery was diagnosed with “borderline personality disorder, schizotypal personality disorder, and a psychotic disorder.” You can be bat poo insane and still know right from wrong. That is what the court is looking to know.


You have valid points. I can’t possibly say why he or the others whom I never met did what they did.

I have seen landlords get very frustrated. I’ve seen street smart tenants use the system to corrupt justice. I’ll never forget the first time I came across a landlord removing the front door of the apartment he wanted people out of. (Note that is considered an illegal eviction). Others turn off utilities which just lands them in court for violation proceedings where they can be fined $500/day the tenant is without heat.

There was no quick way out for MB.

He had to start eviction proceedings, assume his property would get destroyed and just leave town and pack up everything to Florida while locking the place down until such time as they were removed.

And if you’ve never been exposed to this type of stuff you’d have no way of knowing what to do. He tried hiring guards. He tried the police. He tried lawyers. He tried talking nice. He tried being assertive.

Honestly I don’t know what I would have done or at what point I would have realized it’s a pack up situation possibly sacrificing your stuff.


One other thought on MB’s possession of RC’s gun in the hour leading up to the fateful shooting.

If someone has a better grasp on facts of the case, and relevant testimony, and can point out how this theory just doesn’t make sense… by all means… please do.

But here is one possibility.

RC turned over possession of her gun to MB in the days proceeding the fateful incident, and presumably, he locked it up in his gun safe with the other weapons. But LK and RG became aware of this fact, by virtue of the recording devices they had placed in the barn in one - or possibly more than one location.

Then a complaint is made to SafeSport by LK about child neglect on the part pf MHG. And let’s say, hypothetically, that part of the complaint involves MHG’s child being around improperly secured weapons, that MB is in possession of. Perhaps RCs gun is specifically mentioned in this complaint.

And so SS passes the complaint on to local child welfare people, who immediately show up to do a wellness check. And because RC’s gun is part of the complaint, that is why she actually needs to speak to child welfare that day. And somehow, during the course of this situation, as the child welfare investigator is talking to various people, MHG lets MB know that RC’s gun is part of the complaint, and thus, at the first opportunity, he gets it from the safe, so that it isn’t found there if they go to look at the safe. But rather than immediately returning it to RC… he makes the decision to hold onto it, and instead drives down to the house to confront LK and RG and to try and talk to deescalate the “war” that has spiraled in the last few days, and now involves local building inspectors, fire marshalls, child welfare investigators, and his own repeated calls to the local police. And in the midst of his attempt to speak to them about a truce, something goes down between him and LK, and he mentally snaps, and reaches for the gun that he has on his person, because he is acting on impulse…

Anyway… does anyone else see this situation as plausible in terms of why he had RCs gun on him when he drove down to the house that day? Maybe he wasn’t intending to use it at all, he just didn’t want the child welfare investigators to find it in the safe at that exact time… because that particular gun wasn’t legally supposed to be in his posession. And for whatever reason, he thought hiding it on his person might be an immediate “solution” to the immediate situation that has unfolded up at the barn right after the child welfare investigator arrived…