Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Oof. I would not envy RC, MHG, and JH if they all had to sit around and wait a week to go through that whole process again.


Oh so you admit LK and RG are a problem.


I think I do remember either LK or IM claiming that MB was in financial trouble and couldn’t stand to lose her as a client … but how would losing a client that barters off at least half their board/training bill be that financially devastating? It seems like his training services were in demand, and if she left he could fill those stalls with customers that pay in cash and are easier to work with.



Plus there could have been a rude awakening from the time she got there as a customer to a little over a year later regarding:

A. The quantity and quality of horses she might buy, and

B. The amount of trouble she might cause, especially once they ran a background check on her, which MHG mentioned on the witness stand.


Exactly, well said

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This may be mentioned in another response, but add in JK and MB’s fear of him. I am curious as to the source/history of this fear. My spidey sense says JK is a huge piece of the puzzle


Can you imagine having to fork over $5000 to pay someone to debug your own property of illegal devices? And then pay someone, I believe, $100 a night, just to watch you (MB) sleep?

That’s a lot of money to me. And a lot of trouble.


And according to the testimony of (I think) JH, he was not even getting his money’s worth, because he still couldn’t sleep.


But the two hugest:



Exactly. Just as LK likes to say MB begged her to come train with him. I never swallowed that one. I can’t imagine a trainer of his caliber and ego begging anyone to come train with them…quite the opposite. Didn’t IM imply recently other BNTs were courting LK to come to their team and that her current trainer “loves” her?
Maybe I dreamt that comment.

It was truly surprising to me RG said their lives were upended when she decided to train with MB. I remember a rumor that they had sort of split up when she went to FL and he had to be asked to pack up her stuff and haul it to FL to live in an RV. As many times as RG went carousing around in NC, he may have had an entire network of friends that LK was excluded from.


I have some recollection of that as well, but as I think about it now - how would they actually know? Given the info from testimony, it sure doesn’t sound like he’s in $$ trouble, but I can’t imagine that any professional would discuss such things with clients. Some of this may have been presumption in light of his divorce. At worst, he may have had some cash flow problems but I still come back to my original thought/question.


I never said they weren’t. In fact I have stated several times I would not want them at my barn or at a barn I boarded at. I have agreed she has said and done some very unpleasant things. I avoid drama and crazy horse people as much as possible…which makes me wonder why I ever started to engage here. I also wouldn’t want MB(his actions/behavior before the shooting were pretty problematic as well) around me or my horses either… as well as many of the people posting here.
You just can’t go shooting people that are a problem. And I still find all the victim shaming disgusting(if you feel that doesn’t doesn’t apply to your comments fine).


Your spidey sense is correct. He may even be the mastermind in my opinion.


I think the source of the fear was the background check they finally ran.


And no evidence exists that he didn’t.


I mean… generally speaking, nobody gets to be a trainer of that caliber in the first place by turning away new customers who talk a good game about taking lessons and buying horses.

But that doesn’t necessarily mean he begged them to come, or that they fulfilled expectations on either front.


What are all the things in this image, on the “patio”?

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MHG said as much in her testimony.
When they got that report it all got more serious.
I’d love to know what was in that report.
Would the private investigator testify?


Am I mistaken that MB does need to prove anything, as in he was backing up? He has to be proven guilty?