Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

No, the commentary was that someone with the username Miss K was posting a bunch of threats about hacking people’s identities and that it sounded like LK.


Exactly, in fact they referred to investments as well, beyond his property. Sounds like he’s been very smart with his professional income.


I didn’t make myself clear. Did the statement made by RG to the police about the shooting being recorded get talked about?

Edited: I would think that statement would be an important thing for MB’s lawyer to know.


Boy, you guys are made of sterner stuff than I am if you can watch that footage a second time.


I didn’t hear it addressed.


I saw that too, calling herself Miss K.

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I agree with your post…mostly…I am really conflicted as to whether Barisone shot LK. I do think he shot a gun…but did he shoot LK?


Again, I will point out that so far we have only heard (most of) the prosecution’s case. If there is already so much reasonable doubt about the events that day, what will it look like in another week? Or two weeks?


I haven’t heard it in the trial but definitely one of the hearings. Perhaps the defense is planning on calling that cop to the stand for that question and several others!

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It’s too bad it wasn’t brought up in the cross-examination because RG said he turned it off. He was lying one way or another. Would have been a perfect catch.


We all need to remember LK slept or napped most of the day. Apparently she is hardly active. Remember she posted she also has an apartment at the barn so she can take naps, even though her house is 10 - 15 minutes away. I believe that is one of the reasons her testimony sounded stoned on occasion…she was missing her nap time. Too bad the trial couldn’t be held late at night, when, as she says, she paces and forms her best plans!


Suboxone makes your sleepy.


But the prosecution had only asked him about the camera itself, not his statements to the first cop on the scene regarding the camera. So maybe that’s why it could not be brought up on the cross examination.

I’ll bet the subject will come up again.


Does it matter if I can vacuum or not? For the record, its not a skill I really choose to work on :kissing_heart:


And one doesn’t build up a tolerance to that side effect?

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Can the defense call the same witnesses? So we may see the initial police officer, RC, MHG, LK, RG again?

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People are murdered all times of the day and night. Under all kinds of circumstances. Not all murder attempts are carefully planned way in advance. People just lose control. Heat of the moment. Build up of anger and frustration.
Since he can’t testify we probably never really know what was in his mind when he allegedly grabbed a gun, drove to where they were living and shot at them. The defense has said he was insane, so it makes sense that an insane person would not consider that it wasn’t a great time to go shoot someone… if you want to get away with it! But maybe he was so out of control he didn’t think beyond just removing the problem.


No idea. I’ve never even seen heroin or meth.