Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I honestly think they did come together to try to formulate the same story, but under pressure, with heightened anxiety, forced to think in the moment, and the many thorough questions asked by prosecution, I think it’s nearly impossible to both formulate the same responses if the responses are dishonest. And truly, they have no reason to be so convoluted if speaking the truth - even if they did beat MB for 7 minutes after LK was shot. There are too many questions to be asked to have the foresight to align every answer. May the truth prevail.


What evidence has been presented to support your theory? There has been no evidence presented by anyone other than LK on SM that implicates MHG as an actor in this situation. Please remember that LK has declared in sworn testimony in a court of law that she lies on SM.


Assuming that the prosecution asked Facebook for the players’ postings, would that include deleted posts?


It would include everything.

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This is what I, too, was just thinking may have happened - that after RG spoke to (a “calm and sorrowful”) MB, RG turned, went back into the house (as LK testified), then Lauren stomped down the steps, screaming and threatening MB about the 50K he owed (?) and possibly started hitting him in the face with the phone in her hand. He pulls out the gun to back her off, she grabs at it and in the tussle gets shot. Just another possible scenario.


Question for the legal eagles / legal beagles:

I thought I saw someone post the other day that LK had been posting in the comments on the YouTube videos of the trial.

If that is correct, then couldn’t that be considered contempt of court? Aren’t witnesses given directives to not discuss the case or their testimony with others? Or do those directives apply only to the jury?


All this discussion about MB being incredibly dependent on the $5000/month from LK’s string of horses (is that the figure that was testified to last week with the balance being worked off in labor?) is interesting if that $5000 figure is correct. Didn’t MH testify there were 40 to 45 horses there? Assuming say 10 of those horses, or even 15 horses were MB’s and MHG’s, how much was coming in on the other horses? It’s hard for me to wrap my mind around MB being so financially dependent on LK, excuse me, JK. He was still doing clinics with a pretty hefty profit margin and could schedule more within days.

Bottom line is there are too many BS moments in all that the Kanarek clan has thrown against the wall about Barisone Dressage/Hawthorn Hill.


So, my experience watching it on Law & Crime’s YouTube channel was that I could pause it, and then start it back up where I left off. Sometimes an hour later. Every time I did that I got caught back up during all the sidebars and breaks by fast forwarding. I never left the feed when it was paused. I have a TV in my office that is internet connected, as the speakers in my computer suck, so that is how I’m watching.

The YouTube channel has been more stable for me than L&C’s actual website feed.

On Friday I wanted to finish RG’s Thursday cross before starting Friday’s testimony. When I went to the YouTube channel for L&C I was able to select the Friday feed and it did allow me to rewind to the beginning. Obviously YMMV.


Imagine being the person with the job of slogging through all those posts from LK and RG across social media and all those text messages looking for the relevant ones. I hope that person was getting very well paid for that task.


I seem to recall that RG told the police that they had the shooting recorded on the camera. Has that made it into the trial?


I remember RG using the word sorrowful, definitely in court, and maybe even in his official statement, which seemed like an odd word choice to me for him to use, and seemed a little coached.


Apparently that camera was conveniently not on during the episode, OR that was the camera above the door that suddenly disappeared when the police went back the next day to retrieve it. It reappeared 2 - 3 months later wiped clean of all data.


Speaking of the camera…is there any mention of recordings of the event in the sworn affidavit RG gave just hours after the shooting?


No. The camera was not secured on the day of, and later turned up blank. RG said in court he turned it off just before MB arrived because his household chores were triggering it. Make of that what you will.


Interesting that prior to MB coming up to the house, LK had found out thatB told the farrier to stop shoeing her horses. And her response was one of fury, saying, finish the bastard. Yet she says she was peacefully reading on the porch or patio or some such, and MBs arrival was out of nowhere attack on a peaceful scene. Doesn’t sound like she was all that peaceful.

Was the farrier there when CPS was there?


In the testimony I watched today, he owned farm in FL outright, owned antique car(s), and was quite well off, the word I heard was millions. His distress over the financial situation was not because he was going to be destitute.
I don’t think LK leaving was going to cause financial ruin.


I wonder if the interviewer put adjectives in her questions that he repeated?

Don’t know the answer to the legal aspect of it, but during lunch on her first day of testimony, someone definitely showed up on the live feed comments that sounded just like how LK sounds when she’s all worked up on these threads. I remember thinking it was suspicious that this poster showed up during the lunch break and then disappeared. There was a photo attached to the poster, but it was too small to really make a identification other than it was a woman in the photo and she had longer blonde hair.

I had turned off the comments long before Taylor had them shut down as I actually need to be working at the same time and the commentary was getting a bit ridiculous, lots of comments about LK’s appearance and demeanor. Things that I don’t want her judged on - I want her judged on her pathological need to lie, dominate, and never be held responsible for any of her actions.


Are you referring to RG’s statements that he had it all recorded? Not yet, I believe. Again, unless the prosecution brought it up themselves, the defense could not ask about it on the cross examination.


I totally agree with you. As with most well off business people, much of their wealth is not liquid. That does not mean they are going bankrupt!