Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Maybe bc she doesn’t want to contribute to the theory that he was insane so it was important to project that he was calm and cool, like he has been for the 2 years she’s known him


True though of all liars. Trying to figure out the percentage of truth versus fantasy can be a hopeless task though.

I thought I heard testimony that at least one recording was so poor in quality as to be useless. In general it’s harder to make clear recordings than you’d think, especially if the microphones are in a locker.


I agree and why I questioned it. LK/RG could just have easily said anything as there were no witnesses.

It doesn’t make sense, but who knows what someone in a severe mental state might do.


Not with a narcissist, especially to insiders. They project in their lies. MB chose that post to read as an example of a threat to the police in one of his 911 calls for a reason.


I agree with you on this. But each of those choices are careful, and low risk means of defending himself. Picking up a weapon, that he is not in legal possession of, and carrying it on his person for the purpose of self defense while confronting them?

That’s a high risk, poorly thought out choice when it comes to self defense. To me… it’s inconsistent with his prior choices.

So I wonder if he didn’t actually ever intend to use that gun for self defense. I hope that makes more sense.


Agree, it seems his defense escalated as the days passed with no relief to their fear or the situation.


Ah yes. They do project. But one never knows if the projecting is about things they want to do or things they have actually done.

It’s true they accuse other people of doing the things they themselves feel and things they have done, so there is reliably a mirror version aspect to dealing with them. But it’s never going to be clear if they have done the thing or just fantasized about it. Until you get independent corroboration.

Especially with claims of having power and knowledge. These folks can be very adept at figuring out a whole fantasy narrative that looks coherent but is imaginary and then constructing a whole different one. They call this finally seeing the truth etc.


MHG has already testified to her having referenced their private conversations. I think it’s pretty it’s pretty obvious the gun post was a projection of something they were planing to do by way of referencing things they did and a private conversation.


I am gradually rewatching the RG testimony but haven’t gotten to this part yet. Maybe someone else will remember it.

There was something RG said about LK stomping down the stairs to Michael. I do not remember the details. It could have been the time she confronted him about something and shut his truck door so he couldn’t leave. The defense attorney picked up on that “stomping down the stairs” immediately and questioned RG, the prosecutor objected.

I could see where that could have happened again on 8/7 knowing that she was upset about the farrier. She could have been furiously yelling and threatening him when she came down the stairs.

I wonder how much yelling she did around that farm when something didn’t please her.

I hope the exact text of finish the bastard gets shown.


I agree. She was fortunate to receive very good care from the trauma team and then this surgeon and the operative team.

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Oh they could have been planning or fantasizing about planning almost anything, agreed. And that plan was likely fluid. But we cannot get at the truth of what they were planning because it likely wasn’t the actual outcome and there’s no reliable co-conspirators to testify.


Not that I think this was the case, but–it is plausible that MB saw the gun was missing, and thought that it might have been taken by LK or RG, and planted someplace where the child could access it in order to “prove” that there was indeed child neglect going on.


It is actually his house too…

More his house than her house.


Then you have to consider LK’s follow up post to RC about her gun being missing. Yes, RC giving MB the gun may have been a crime, but keeping it in the safe is hardly negligent or endangering children.


And MB was also very lucky.

Back in the oughts when I lived in the USA a study came out about the drastic decline in murders over the 1990s. All cities were patting themselves on the back and congratulating their police.

It turned out the real reason for the decline was vastly improved Emergency Response care and tech. In 1982 you’d die from wounds that you could be saved from in 2002. The actual levels of severe assault had not declined very much.

So one key thing between murder and attempted murder or assault charges is whether your victim gets excellent emergency care and survives.

I expect this is true of battlefield casualty figures as well.


LK complained a lot about having missed CPS. Maybe that was the intent all along and she mis-timed the plan, CPS showed up faster than she could get it stashed somewhere and MB came down to demand the gun back.


I’m rewatching RG’s cross examination. If you pick up on this clip at the 1:21 mark, and watch for the next 4 minutes… RG DIRECTLY contradicts LK’s prior testimony as to what happened immediately after the shooting.

Yes… she was just shot at that point in time. and her memory is understandably unreliable about what happened right then. So I’m not going so far as to say she committed perjury in her testimony… But it’s REALLY odd that as of the trial, after having gone through witness preparation of some kind, the two of them have contradictory testimony about what exactly happened in the minutes involving the shooting, and immediately thereafter.

I would think they would have discussed it and sort of agreed on what really transpired, and been through witness prep, and testify to the same version of events at this point in time…

Very odd.


Totally true for battlefield casualties. It’s the whole concept of the golden hour.


RG didn’t need reading glasses for that transcript.


So when we compare deaths between wars in different times or places, we need to take into account the quality of available medical care. I’m pretty sure the US has state of the art medics, as they should, which has reduced military deaths over the past 20 years of war.