Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

But weren’t the both of them expert at wrapping? Jk.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I’m with you. I think we are on the same general page on this case.

I just am not buying the whole idea that he had any intention with respect to using that gun and shooting a human being. So the question becomes, why did he carry it on his person when driving down to the house to confront them that day?

I do think @Knights_Mom makes a fair point… it hasn’t been proven he actually DID carry it down there on his person that day. And there is the issue of RG disabling the blink camera (I think that’s the type) which he had just installed at the house. And RG did so approximately 15 minutes before the confrontation with MB happened. If I am recollecting the testimony correctly.

Frankly… I find that detail VERY suspicious. And it’s very bizarre and frustrating that steps weren’t taken by police in the immediate aftermath of the shooting to secure that camera, and any other footage it MIGHT have captured.

I just have a challenge feeling like the prosecution has definitely proven attempted murder, what with some of these gaps when it comes to coherently and credibly explaining what lead up to this shooting.


Good one! Maybe the skills don’t always transfer from the limb of one species to another.


I don’t see why a dog couldn’t bite the groin area with someone face down and someone on top of them. I’d need to see photo of what this looked like.

Sorry I can’t quote with this phone so I understand why lk had this problem.

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Personally, I do not want to see that photo, thank you very much.

But if somebody has a bite mark on the front of their thigh on the inside, I would wonder how a dog could get to that spot if the person was face down on the ground. Especially with another person on top of the face down person.


Or even someone well versed at wrapping a horse.




Yes. Well versed might be the relevant part there.

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Could LK or RG have called MB down to the house? I mean she did tell RG to “finish the bastard”.

Would those phone records been presented yet?

I’m also naming my next dog Mr. Bilinkis!


they definitely set this poop avalanche in motion.


Because maybe when the dog first bit one guy was laying on his back on the ground legs spread and another guy was sitting on top of him on his stomach punching him in the face and head and it was during the scuffle (maybe for the gun) that they rolled about, flipped over and a gun discharged.


Yes, and they can use those conversations they engaged in as evidence if it is connected to the case. But they can’t record a conversation neither of them are part of. Let’s pretend that they do have recordings of, where MB and his people are speaking of murdering LK. Neither LK or RG are participating in that conversation. It is inadmissible because the context in which it was recorded is illegal.


To me it looked like He (or someone) was sitting in the chair next to the table be set his phone down on the table the way everything was laid out.


Considering that the defense attorney was able to show them text messages from years ago, I have to think those phone records must have been turned over long since. But that does not mean the prosecutor would have brought them up. Which means the defense could not ask about them on cross examination. So maybe that is something for the defense to bring up this week.

(I’m learning so much legal stuff!)

Also, I hope you will post a picture of the dog when you get it. I don’t know if the full name really rolls off the tongue, but maybe you could call him Mr. B for short.

And for Halloween, you could dress him up in a little suit and tie with reading glasses. Which would certainly require another picture. :dog:


Lol. He going to be a cute agreeable type. Mr. Bilinkis sit down! Lol


I’m still trying to figure out why LK and RG described MB as calm… or even sorrowful, I can’t remember exact terms, when he arrived at LK/RG’s location prior to shooting?

Was this to dispute the idea that if he arrived angry/upset, they should have called 911?

Who arrives calmly, asks how to work things out (per LK/RG), and then just shoots someone??


I think LK said she lied to avoid having to admit the truth, because what the defense was asking her about right then was going to impeach her testimony and show she was recording MB for months. She readily acknowledged that she posted everything else.

Yes, LK “lies”, but she lies by stringing together true statements into a fictional narrative, not generally by making up whole cloth lies.


We need to keep in mind that Bilinkis would never have let this go to trial if he didn’t think he had a case…


You need to vacuum in safer places. Darn.

Now this has for sure taken on a new meaning. I love it.