Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Or maybe because a certain client said, “Oh, don’t worry about things like permits, licenses, etc., etc. My Daddy is a lawyer and he will make sure those things don’t become issues.” :upside_down_face:


I’m watching MHG testimony, she was asked about hearing LK and RG in the other apartment, and she was about to describe challenging incidents wrt living below them… But youtube/Law & Crime slipped out…


I would have like to have seen more of the police work in reconstructing the crime scene. I imagine whatever program used to create the printout they used in the scene allows for the use of layers or different pages for different things such as measurements and angles. Even slight changes in ground elevations can make a difference.

I would have like to have seen or had someone testify to (unless I missed it) was how they measured everything, the placement and height of the porch, window and even the placement of the shrub to prove that everything was accurate to verify and support the path of bullet through the window. It might have been done and was accurate but I would have liked to have been shown that as a juror.

The jury was told to look at the evidence and what was considered evidence. To me there was not enough of it shown and why a juror should trust it regarding the drawing.


Funny you should say that. Check out the expression on the prosecutor as RG was cross examined the second day.


should have put a mask on…
did he not read COTH before hand?


Lauren would text and taunt MB with things we had said in private, in the clubhouse, and in the office where the safe is*

  • paraphrase

MHG showed screenshots of threats etc to officers responding to the 911 calls. They did not take it seriously.
Those interactions with officers made it worse for MB and MHG

MHG was concerned about how he was at that time running his business

ok would sometimes delete these threatening posts on SM


If you start the live feed and have to step away for a while, can you back up the feed or do you just have to wait to see that part when that video is posted later?

Actually, it was interesting that some of the people in the courtroom were wearing masks, but not the major players. Maybe that was a voluntary choice on their part to mask up.

You can’t back up the feed, except a smidge. It’s really best to just wait for the daily video uploads or put the feed on a tablet, so you can listen to it in the background, while you do other things.


Yeah, it’s not a DVR, is it? Duh!

Except then it is easy to miss stuff, like LK shedding her shoes or RG waving to somebody in the crowd in the court room.

Luckily, we have excellent observers here on the BB to help us take up the slack.

And thank goodness we can go back and watch the videos to catch up.


During the cross examination of RG, Bilinkas asked RG where he was when Rosie got out and started attacking, and he said he was on top of MB sitting on his lower back. Bilinkas asked if he was aware Rosie had bitten MB and RG responded rather cockily that she’d bit him too. Bilinkas then asked if RG was aware MB had been bitten in the groin area next to his genitals, and sort of placed his left hand on his upper left groin area, and RG sort of snorted his response that he didn’t know where all MB had been bitten. Bilinkas then said “well, he’d have to be standing to be bitten in the groin area if you were sitting on his back wouldn’t he?”. The color in RG’s face immediately changed color and I “think” Schellhorn objected.


Ah, good catch. Thanks.


And, I still wonder why RG had his wrist so sloppily bound during the arraignment if no injuries were reported for RG? Was it for effect?


MHG sent SS hundreds of hundreds of pages of evidence
Spoke to Sonya Keating via email


720 pages to be exact.


I thought it was even a higher number than that. 750? 760? A lot, anyway.


LK has admitted to lying constantly on SM to the extent she can’t even remember what she thought she was saying at any given time. From what I have sreen, her main motive is to say whatever she thinks will scare people. That includes lying about how many guns she has, about the extent and content of listening devices, about the extent of her access and knowledge, and about the motives she attributes to other people. The stories change so much because there is no coherent goal

This is consistent with a personality disorder in a conflict situation. I’ve watched these unfold. Person will say anything for effect at any given time and be operating from their own somewhat delusional account of events. The next day they will have another story and be furious if you mention yesterday’s facts. This happens even if you are on their side and trying to be helpful. I’ve found the concept of narcissistic wound useful to understand. They get so angry because the lies they tell are meant to shore up their actual sense of self and if you say something normal and reasonable like, so last week you said xxx and this week it’s yyy, they lose their sht and you become one of the enemy attacking their very existence.

So I don’t know why LK was going on about a missing gun. Was she setting herself up to “find” it? Or was this for CPS? Or to attack RC? Was she snooping in RC’s truck and saw gun was gone? Honestly trying to stitch together a coherent motive from the torrent of SM lies is pointless.

As far as MB I found his 911 calls odd. Partly they sounded genuine but also they sounded a bit campy and performative and overdone. I can’t conclude my anything about the situation from those calls.

As far as fear, anger and confrontation. People do risky things and make unwise choices once their adrenalin is up.

I have no idea what MB’s mental health or finances were when he met LK. It’s certainly true that people who are under emotional or financial pressure may end up engaging with clients who might display red flags to differently situated professionals.

I can see where a client fully funded by a wealthy father who wants multiple expensive horses in full training in order to try for a Bronze medal (scores at 65 through 2nd level in the US, correct?) might seem like a high reward /low effort client. I mean basically a first level rider throwing major resources at their hobby. Fine if you can afford it. But cash out of all proportion to the immediate goals. Bonus points if client seems not that engaged with actually riding. Let them spend money and putter around with the assistant coach. They’ll get their scores just fine if you send them out on solid school masters.

The problem with this kind of client comes when the coach treats them as what in reality they really are and not what the client fantasized.

Anyhow I don’t think it takes awy from MB’s line of insanity defense to suggest he had preexisting emotional or financial vulnerabilities that LK found and exploited. The question is not “Did LK drive him crazy all on her lonesome?” but rather, was MB not responsible for whatever happened the day of the shooting? Indeed pre-existing vulnerabilities strengthen his defense.


It did not look to me like a wrap job that was done by any sort of medical professional.


Somewhere upthread, Hut Ho said that “all three agreed” that the beating occurred after the shooting. I think that’s what was said. What 3? MB has not testified or agreed to anything.
The only folks that say it happened that way are RG and LK.
I think Hut Ho also keeps saying the defense attorney testified to something. Attorneys who are representing parties don’t testify. He used materials to impeach witnesses and a lot was said about that, but it’s not testimony.
Sorry I couldn’t find the post…