Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Why are things like the wrapping time and dryer pertinent? Is it to show inconsistency in testimony?

Omg. Thanks for the laugh!!


All the calls to 911, the visit to the PD, the hiring security, getting the place debugged, etc all speaks to him feeling he needed to be protective and defensive.


Yes, 12 hours on/12 hours off. Which is somewhat difficult when you are still up posting on SM at 3 AM. Besides THEY were not allowed in the barn during off hours.

Where I come from the horses are out all night in July and August, but I understand that dressage folks do things differently. It could well have benefited the horse to be wrapped all day and out moving around at night, but I’m no vet.


I think people are trying to figure out if their story about the dryer holds any water at all, or if it was a complete invention in order to stir up more trouble for MB, this time with the building inspector people.


One of the reasons so many of us agree that last week was a train wreck for the prosecution is because the Kanarek clan assumed MB would jump at the plea deal so they could move on to their intended next target, MHG. Whatever preparation the State tried to give LK/RG, it became obvious they didn’t pay attention. Imagine that.

Apparently MB and his legal team knew what they have in discovery including documents, audio, possible video records, other witness testimony and a report from a renowned psych expert and decided to take the gamble on a trial.

Regardless what the verdict is, Michael Barisone was able to show the world exactly what the Kanarek family is and how they operate. How sad he has already paid a huge price for what many have known for a long time.

Tomorrow can’t come soon enough for the next chapter in Taylor’s Sidebar Show.


I’m wondering if the expectation for a logical thought process at that point in the developments might be a little too high as we are mulling it over on our phones and computer screens 2 1/2 years after the fact.

Considering the descriptions we’ve heard about the situation there at that time, combined with the fact that MB was living in the lounge and then on the porch at the barn, and not getting much sleep, according to the testimony about him being up all night checking on the barn and the horses on the property…

I just don’t know how much brain power was really involved in any of these decisions by that point in the proceedings.


  1. So, we have LK testifying to owning one gun, the one she describes as the gun holding 18+1.
  2. The next gun mentioned is a small gun that fits in the pocket. Decently describes RC’s gun. Couldn’t be her gun because she testified to only owning one and in Aug it’s a little late to claim it’s in layaway in NC.
  3. Says they are both walthers but she testified to only owning one gun and that she lies on SM.
  4. Talks about her hollow point bullets (exploding bullets she was searching just before the shooting?). There was a box of 9mm ammo in the safe. Didn’t RC testify that it wasn’t hers? Did they ever say how many bullets were missing or what type of ammunition it was?
  5. The rest of the post talks about a 2 hit advantage and begging to be let up. Didn’t IM say that one of the tapes has MHG’s kids saying he’d punch LK in the face?

Very astute comment by your DH. That was a great book by Ray Bradbury, and a super good movie, too)! Wikipedia synopsis: "A nightmarish experience with a traveling carnival that comes to [their hometown].

Sounds a bit familiar…


I think she’s stoned


MHG testimony, reading text messages dated 8/3
She says why can we not just tell them they are evicted?
MB response “Monday Morning”

Another text, same day, at 7:11 pm from MB to MHG… (YouTube blipped)

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MB turned down the plea deal a while ago, though, right? It’s not as if the prosecution just found out about that a week or two before the trial started.

I guess the next question would be how much time would it take to sufficiently prepare his star witnesses for the prosecution. I’m not sure there’s really an answer to that question.


Did they testify that they overheard Cassandra telling RC that the dryer wouldn’t stop while they were on night check, or could LK’s locker have relayed the conversation? :thinking:


On one of the Law and Court (my recall of the syation name, and certainly not accurate) links posted upthread said that in New Jersey not guilty by reason of self-defense and not guilty by reason of insanity must be pled and tried together.


I wonder if Rosie was turned loose to attack MB from the get go? I understand many of the bites MB sustained were inflicted while he was standing. Interesting, eh?

By the way, the actual person who saved lives the afternoon of August 7, 2019 was Officer Heymer. Personally, I believe RG was trying his best to kill MB when Heymer arrived.


I don’t remember it in quite that much detail, so I’m not going to guess.

Plus they said so many different things that it’s hard to keep straight exactly what was said.


I think that is more about the conspirators’ mindset vs the prosecution.
I suppose they hoped he would change his mind over the course of his incarceration…

The prosecution had to find out the hard way who they were dealing with as prime witnesses…


How would they know that? From the location of the bite wounds?

Poor Rosie. I feel sorry for her.


Yes his bites would be hard to imagine if he was on the ground, under RG when the dog came out and attacked MB


Actually she was wrong again. When I looked it up and posted it’s a Class D Felony punishable by up to 18 months in prison. But the felony would be enough to have MB permanentlysuspended from USEF.