Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

According to LK they did 12 on, 12 off. So she didn’t want to get up at 6am if taken off at 6pm. But any reasonable person might do it at 8:30 am/pm to compromise (or whatever the hours were).


I missed their testimony. What did they say?

Well, I believe they did say the wraps were supposed to be put on and taken off 12 hours apart. So that would have meant getting to the barn at 6 AM the following morning.

So, you know…:woman_shrugging:


Ohhh, thank you very much.

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It needed doing, according to testimony, every 12 hours.
Hence they testified they wrapped/unwrapped at 9:15-9:30 am/pm

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Am I missing some aspect of testimony that makes this impossible? I admit, I have not followed all details of this case as closely as many other posters.

But to me, I just don’t see MB having grabbed that gun, that day, at that time in a premeditated effort to either:

A. Go shoot LK and RG
B. To defend himself while confronting LK and RG

So perhaps he grabbed that particular gun at that particular time, and stashed it on his person for a completely unrelated reason. And then Went down to speak with LK and RG in a genuine attempt to calm the situation down. But… the confrontation immediately spiraled out of control, and MB reached for the weapon he had on him, in an impulsive attempt at either:

Self defense


An Impulsive act of rage


No. Way.


So no one would feed the horses in the morning? Because they could take off wraps at 7 am. I dare say most barns have people there at 7 am. Many earlier.

Also, in barns all over the world how would they do it when most barns have hours of operation?


I think the question is why push it out to 10PM nearly. I mean I don’t know what the barn hours were, or bed check, but the barns I have ever been would have been displeased over prolonged activity that late in the day.
Unless of course…one can’t find their eyeballs at 8AM…never mind 6AM…


It seems to me: cps was there. MB wanted desperately to go to LK and figure out what was it going to take to make this stop immediately. He wouldn’t go to the apt unarmed bc he knew the biting dog was there. I don’t think he thought for a second abt using it on people.


You forgot C and maybe D

C. He never pulled the gun at all and in the tussle it went off when they disarmed him or went to use it against him

D. He just didn’t have it.


8 am and 8 pm seem reasonable to me. Most barns have a closing time by 8 unless you’re hauling in from a show.


Absolutely agree. I had jobs, so doing something like this for my horse would need to be done before work…

To me, it smacks of trying to push buttons by not respecting the barn hours.


Those are both possible as well.

I’m just trying to look at the issue of IF he did make a choice to carry that weapon to that scene, on that day, at that time… then WHY did he choose to do so.

I just don’t see him as having made a premeditated choice to carry a weapon to attack/intimidate them, nor to have carried a weapon for the purpose of self defense. Neither theory quite fit his general behavior and other choices in the days leading up to this incident


I know my family would have asked me if I had lost my marbles, wrapping legs at 9 o’clock to ten…


I had a little giggle at LK’s remark “That was embarrassing” after displaying her circle.

Out of all of her actions in the past 2 years - she finds THAT embarrassing??


Pretty much what you said regarding the duties and tasks for the child protective service agency, or whatever the official name of it is. Then she said that she went there as the result of a safe sport complaint, I believe. And that she wanted to talk to MHG in private regarding MHG‘s kid, so they went in the barn office.

And then during the course of her conversation with MHG, MB came in a couple of times to ask if they would be done soon, or something like that. And then finally MB came in again and said he needed to use the office himself, so they relocated to a different location to continue their conversation.

So turning that over in my head with this new theory, he certainly could have overheard part of their discussion as he was going in and out of the office, and wanted to do something about the gun, whether it was in the safe or missing by that time.

I’m just remembering that testimony from the CPS person off the top of my head, and I’m (very!!) sure someone will correct me if I’m wrong.


Maybe, but plenty of people have a irregular schedules and I’ve certainly been at Barns where there are people riding in the indoor at 10 PM to midnight. That’s not allowed in some places like Wellington were light pollution is a problem. But most barns are not located in areas where that would be an issue.

I had a brief working student position for a woman who had us in the barn until midnight on a regular basis. She didn’t start till noon either.


She also might need a refresher on what a “circle” is shaped like!

You’d think a promising, up and coming Dressage Queen like her would be able to make a circle …


This. Additionally he had just had that run in with LK during which she went at him, backing him up trying to retreat, her denying him ability to get in his truck to get away…
So the dog, that incident, or sure, keeping that gun on him so CPS wouldn’t see it…

@Virginia_Horse_Mom. This is my answer to your question to my comment on your novel theory.