Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Wasn’t it $2500 per horse? Plus housing for RG and LK in a pretty expensive area?

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Easy enough to wipe your hands on your pants in an emergency, no?


If we are pontificating the potential ways the gun made it to the scene, color me doubtful that either victim took it from the safe. At that point the club house was crawling with dwellers. There was private security. And Barisone was up all night watching things. How could they really get into the office with all of those eyes and no one saw?

Were the posts that Lauren wrote regarding a missing gun discussed during any testimony. I’ve not been able to see every minute? I am wondering what day that happened.

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I don’t think the subject of the missing gun has come up yet during the trial. Again, the prosecutor would probably not want to bring it up, so that means the defense could not ask any questions about it.


Maybe…. That is still absurd in this area with an Olympian! Doesn’t pass the smell test…. I know the prices here with a top level trainer and they are not MB. He is or was a highly sought after trainer I know top level Grand Prix riders who paid him to coach/ train them …. Letting them stay for that amount of money doesn’t sound right. The whole thing doesn’t sound right …


I’m not saying if it’s accurate or true or false or whatever. I’m just saying I think the price mentioned was $2500 per horse, not $2500 for both horses.

Plus the human housing, which probably had significant monetary value.


It was posted right after she got out of the hospital. And then it continued with a few hints and intimations here over the last two years.


In the safe:

Two revolvers ( 1 a colt 45 w/no ammo) (s201- 22 cal revolver, ammo present in safe), a semiautomatic handgun (380 w/no ammo)and three rifles.
Ammo for rifles

Bilinkis states 40-50 different people on scene when Bailey arrived to process scene.(11-1 crime scene log records who was on scene)
Excess of 50 people, Bailey says approx 40
Scene not secured at his arrival
Video camera on the side of the house. Did not preserve that video?
Pros office there, and aware of camera?

Found handgun, two shell casing and one magazine.
Prints and DNA done on them? No
Waited for search warrant, and received it. Searched MB vehicle via warrant

RG in police vehicle

Telephones present. One on round table omg
Two on top of each other on umbrella base near steps

Two other vehicles owned by RG, not searched.

Shirts found, understood they were the victims.
No GSR to Clothing evaluate close range it was negative?
Warrant indicated MB hands could be tested for GSR
No request to do presumptive GSR test on LK or RG in warrant
No camera get testing on MB clothing

Bullet hole in the door, never found. No metal detectors used to try to find it. One casing also missing

Safe was closed but not locked


So all the supposition that Barisone connected child services with a missing gun doesn’t make sense at the time of the shooting?

I guess that would be a question for LK, since according to the lawyers, she was the one who texted RG on the subject, I believe.


If RG was in the police car was that the same police car in which the mystery clip magically appeared in the back seat?


That is still very low in this area with an Olympian. I don’t know what kind of crazy happened there but it’s crazy. He is well over 300 or more for a lesson. Probably more. So her board baffles me and I want to have the same price and ride with MB and I promise to show up for my lessons. Crazy. None of this makes sense.


If I recall the judge didn’t allow it. I can’t remember when that text was sent.

But I do really think it would be hard for her to get into the office undetected by Aug 6

I agree. I essentially think she was training at a very large discount, and I wonder why Barisone made that arrangement. Or if he did. Perhaps she owed him so much money that was really the initial problem. 5k per horse per month seems much more likely than 5k per month for two.

The jury prob would never leap to any of these conclusions because they likely don’t understand how much money horse people spend.


Do we know if all these other guns were legally registered to Barisone?

Ok, seriously. How. On. Earth. Does this happen?!?

Especially when MB had been in touch with the police multiple times in the previous week to say he feared for his life?

Plus I believe RG said that the trailer in the driveway was also his, and that was not searched either.


That price per horse is very very low in this area - then add in an Olympic trainer and a high performance facility. I wish I could find a facility in this area at that price with an Olympic trainer. If you know of one please share.


Can you imagine yourself in this living situation at that age, financially independent and single except for a bf?

I can. I would be the boarder from hell!

Maybe I would take some time to catch a movie or go out to dinner, but basically I would be in the barn. Taking lessons, watching lessons (assuming that was permitted) doting on my horses, sitting with the farrier, shadowing the vet (hopefully at a respectable distance)—they would hate me after a while!

I just don’t understand the lack of curiosity about the whole system and I conclude that because it seems she was sleeping through a lot of it! I guess it was the drugs—heartbreaking!


As I say, I was just clarifying the price quote that was mentioned per horse.

I’m sure a lot of people would love to find a deal like that with an Olympic trainer.


Agreed. But when did RC hand over that gun to Barisone? Wasn’t it on 8/2 or 8/3? Couldn’t a third party who had access to Barisones office have gotten ahold of that weapon shortly after RC handed it to Barisone, and he theoretically put it in his gun safe? Why does that have to have happened on 8/6?

Full disclosure… I didn’t follow RC’s testimony closely - maybe that sheds light on the potential timeline and narrows it more than I realize-