Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

But not uncommon.

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If RG was in the police car was that the same police car in which the mystery clip magically appeared in the back seat?


I see lots of opportunities to get in there.


Yes, and I apologize if my words are strong but the whole damn thing does not pass the smell test. those prices to keep a horse in a mediocre barn in this area is low… Never mind with an Olympian


I wonder if there was a written contract for the boarding and training just not the living arrangements. Maybe it is in evidence if it does.

$2,500.00 per horse for boarding and training was the going rate in my area about 10 yrs ago and not with Olympic riders. Most barns I knew of did not give much if any discount for multiple horses. They operated as each stall had a potential to earn X amount of money each and calculated the cost per stall to provide that service. Most sucessful show barns were full and had a waiting list.


4-8 working students, 3 trainers. At least one client we know. MH father. All living there and working horses all day. I just think it’s unlikely. I don’t have a good feel as to how you can sneak into the office.

It sounded a little vague to me whether RC handed the gun over to MB late on Friday night or late on Saturday night. I think she said it was around or after midnight when it happened.

So if the gun went into the safe at that point, it would have been sitting there for a few days before the next relevant point in the timeline on Wednesday.


New Jersey has a requirement to retreat with self defense as compared to a stand your ground. That would be before MB shot LK twice and shot at RG once.

I asked this question 11 hours ago. I’m hoping @hut-ho78 can give their insight since they quoted this at least once and are making a case that RG has a “better memory of the event”.

How can we rely on the memory of the event given by someone who said “I don’t recall” as many times as he said that in his testimony. He claims no recall of his own actions, texts, postings, guns, even who was at the barn that morning EVEN with the added info that he and farrier had an altercation which would make it more memorable, not less.

If he has this little recall of his own actions and even who was around the barn that day, how are we meant to take his word on the recall of the traumatic event given that, as @hut-ho78 rightfully notes, the trauma of the event makes it harder, not easier, to recall details?

Remember, the jury is supposed to put someone away for decades. Is it reasonable to do so in reliance on “I don’t recall even when my memory is refreshed” guy?

That’s a huge issue I currently see with the prosecution case.


How would he retreat if say he was on the ground being pummeled?


Wrong. There are two posts. One from 2-3 days before the shooting and one from right after LK got out of the hospital.

The one before the shooting arguably refers to:

  1. RC’s gun
  2. the hollow points that the defense said was being searched for
  3. a private conversation that IM attributed to MHG’s child (punching LK in the face)

MB mentions this post in a 911 call and says LK is trying to access the clubhouse. My guess is the BI/FM was really to clear the staff out of the barn to allow access to the office.

The Facebook post after LK got out of the hospital was to RC and references:

  1. having recorded the conversation between RC and MB when she gave him the gun
  2. the gun going missing and it being negligent to endanger 12 year old children

I wonder if the trailer was considered one of the two vehicles, or were there two plus the trailer?
It was stated “both vehicles were RGs”

Nobody knows if RG was put into the same cop car that the mystery clip appeared in the back seat?


Well it doesn’t appear that the defense has any accounting records to offer to counter that narrative. So whether you believe the $ or not it doesn’t appear that there’s an actual proper accounting of the board and training charges. Just putting things in writing even informally could have averted a lot of the eventual conflict. I would be very curious to hear the defense explain why there weren’t formal accounting records of Who provided what services and what the charges were. You can say that the tenants were dirt bags and druggies, but what would MB excuse be?


I have never been to Barisone’s farm, and I am not at all familiar with his day to day operation.

But most show barns that I know are closed one day a week so that the help can have a day off. Hunter/jumper barns are usually closed on Mondays. I believe racehorse and dressage barns are usually closed on Sundays.

And on those days, very typically, there is either a greatly reduced staff and the horses don’t get worked that day, or the whole staff comes in together in the morning to bang out chores and then leaves for the rest of the day until they have to come back in the afternoon to do the same thing again. In between, a barn could be completely deserted for several hours.

Just something to bear in mind.


exactly! There is something not right here… as we know but the prices LK and family are claiming are so very very very below the going rate at a mediocre barn- believe me I ride in this area and I wish I could find a barn at that price that is a high level facility barn with top grooms and working students and other grand prix riders whom also train under an Olympian!? for that price - actually if you know of one any where in the country for that price with those classifications please let me know. Thank you


No idea

How do they prove it was even from that crime scene?


Maybe this is purely my preexisting bias based on LK’s behavior before the trial, but to me it seemed like all of RG’s “I do not recall” statements tended to be delivered with a sort of half-smirk and an attitude that seemed to imply he was avoiding incriminating himself, rather than that he sincerely just didn’t remember the details because it was a stressful event that happened over 2 years ago.

Edit - at least all the instances I watched. Admitted I have only seen parts of his testimony.


She testified she got there Thursday or Friday.