Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I believe there were two vehicles plus the trailer in the diagrams. The trailer was not attached to either of the two vehicles, so to me, that would make it a third vehicle. Maybe in police terminology, it’s only a vehicle if it has an engine in it, or something.

But it was certainly a place that should have been searched if they were trying to do a thorough job on the crime scene. Particularly since according to the police accounts, RG was free to move about the crime scene for quite some time before they finally decided to handcuff him.


Sorry, I’m like 200 posts behind right now again but if I don’t reply to this I’ll never find it again lol, and anyway my post is in response to a common theme here.

I agree that if that was his plan, it was terrible. The issue with this superficially reasonable line of argument is that the state doesn’t have to prove he intended to murder them when he left the barn with the gun. Intent in the criminal law sense doesn’t have to involve a plan or plot or conspiracy, and intent can be formulated very very quickly—say, in the time it takes to draw a gun and fire it.

Also, intent can be inferred from actions, like shooting someone in the torso. Here’s an excerpt from the NJ model jury instructions for attempted murder, which says just that: “The use of a deadly weapon such as a (describe the deadly weapon used) in itself may permit you to draw an inference that the defendant’s purpose was to take a life.” (


Cops wouldn’t search a cop car. Perfect place.


On the 6th, everyone who was sleeping in front of the office was evicted from the barn and had to sleep on the porch. There is your access right there.


Yes, and it sounded like she handed over the gun to MB within a day or so of her arrival.

(To which I still say: Seriously?!?)


He was trusting and sadly that trust was misplaced?

One poster loved to bang on about Occam’s Razor. Well, in the experience of your average person, you don’t expect the kind of chaos and red flags that were eventually discovered about these folks. You take what you see on face value and think of the most likely scenario: these people are probably not “dirt bag druggies” and won’t ever plan to “destroy” me and/or others at my facility.

Yes, it should all have been in writing but the fact that it wasn’t (or at least we haven’t seen evidence of it in writing, evidence that could have been taken if, say, someone had full access to the office and could do anything they wanted re: contracts, MB’s signature, etc.) doesn’t indicate anything nefarious. It’s at most an indication that he was lax about written contracts as many, many barn owners/managers are (see, also, half the posts about boarding/leasing situations gone bad on this BB).


I agree but I feel as though nothing was normal at this point and the level of vigilance was heightened. (By the time Cox arrives in the farm)

I’m just trying to think very critically about all these theories to see what makes sense and what a jury might reasonably conclude.

I can pontificate all I want but the defense presentation hopefully makes more of the circumstances clear.

I don’t envy the jury. This is a difficult situation to follow.


And even when the texts are right there in front of him in black and white?


yup. its hard to keep a lie straight… especially when it contradicts what really happened when recounting details…


Coincidentally, I have a Seinfeld rerun on the TV right now, and it’s the one where George is angling to meet Marisa Tomei in person, and he is watching My Cousin Vinny in preparation for it.


In every barn I worked in, yes of this calibre, we weren’t in the club room. We were working. In the barn.


Remember in one of the hearings Heymer said he searched MB and found nothing. The 2nd cop on the scene (I don’t recall his name) said he search MB and found a full clip in his pocket. During the trial nothing has been said, to my recollection, about the cop finding the clip on Barisone and now we’re told a clip was found in the back seat in an empty patrol car. And we were told RG was running all around the crime scene, around all the vehicles, the pond, the patio, etc trying to catch his malicious dog. FRIGGING AMAZING INCOMPETENCE.

Can this police department find their nose on their face? IMO this case should never have been taken to a Grand Jury with this absolutely inept law enforcement department…forget the fact MB went to speak to a higher ranking officer and was turned away!!


Not exactly. MB had two facilities to support and the black hole of expenses to support those facilities is hard to describe. Not to mention his own substantial collection of horses.

People may recall an incident with a another Dressage rider in the area where he was lunging, horse flipped over and I think broke (or seriously damaged) its neck. A significant part of why that thing occurred is he had some lady who was a ship in client who hadn’t done much work with her horse. Granted the trainer wasn’t the biggest genius and he slapped side reins on the damn horse and it flipped over. But many of the high ups in the area fancy themselves quite the generous lot and if you have a nice bred horse and/or nice $ and or you are just willing to talk to them, they will be more than willing to take a moment to feel out the situation for potential.

And hell yes, they will chuck a rope over anyone who looks like they can pay the bills. Clients are fairly notorious for coming and going, and even the big names have big check books, with multiple equine, saunter out the door with little warning. So if they are smart, they will always be aiming to get a new potential client on board. And hell yes, the love bombing is thickly deployed, initially at least.


I agree. It doesn’t make any sense at all, then add to it, why oh why did he ever agree to their living with everyone in the house. And then, after the flood, kicking out his assistant trainer, so they could have his apartment. I


I can’t find a question in this, just complaining about my comment. Please clarify your question. LOL!

100% agree. That’s my entire point.

So, he either has to admit he does remember all the bad stuff he posted, texted, said, swore to, and recorded, and who was there that day (farrier) OR he has to understand that his lack of recall (or “lack of recall”) must be applied consistently (i.e., his recall of the shooting can be judged to be no better than his recall of literally everything else.

Cannot have it both ways. How reasonable is this statement: I recall almost nothing I wrote, texted, said, or did; I do not even remember if the farrier was there that morning and we had an altercation, and I do not even remember once my memory has been refreshed; BUT you must believe my recall of the event is somehow miraculously 100% accurate in all details.

Not reasonable at all.


Fingerprints? If they had bothered to fingerprint everybody?

Maybe it was left over from the previous crime scene they “processed.”


He is supposed to retreat before he shot Lak twice and at RG once. It’s not shoot and run away, it’s run away and DON’T SHOOT.

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I think it pretty much looked like that the whole time once he started to answer questions.

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If MB is running a legitimate business, he should have records. Trusting has nothing to do with it. There’s no reasonable excuse for him not to have an accounting. The only reasonable excuse is that he was doing something he know he shouldn’t have done.