Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

If he’s on the ground being pummeled he cannot retreat.

I would add that a few days before LK blocked his ability to retreat by his truck.

Repeated behavior it seems.


Interest, why were they described as both RGs cars?
Not one being LKs?

Its all very peculiar… I know top riders that MB trains/ed occasionally, actually all the top dressage riders paid MB top $$$ to train them. ALL of them. Yet LK basically rode and lived for free…


Once again creating alternative facts. He wasn’t pummeled until after he shot. The two victims said so and his defense is not guilty by insanity and self defense. Do we get to take this one down to a one letter post again? Oh goody!

LOL, look for the question marks as they indicate a question. Also, interesting that everyone else saw the question in my original and subsequent posts. So strange this difficulty reading and then evasive response rather than just giving a straightforward answer to a straightforward question. There seems to be a lot of that going around this week, huh?

Here it is again, for you, for ease of reference (you’re even copied within the question if that helps):



After 5000+ posts it seems there is no absolute narrative and beyond a reasonable doubt has not, and will not be established.

And that’s a big fat NOT GUILTY if the jury finds the same.


And you know this how?


How do you know? LK lies. RG can’t remember anything.

You’re just guessing based on what you want it to be. But it won’t be.


Yeah so whatever their deal was it is easy to conclude that it was sketchy from the outset. Which likely greatly contributed to the tensions when things fell apart. So if the deal had been on the up and up initially, it wouldn’t have crumbled so disastrously. Which makes me think MB was in not so great shape (mentally/financially) at the outset.


so far lala and [edit] have messed up there testimony.


Only if you believe the order of events stated by LK/RG. There is now a HUGE, reasonable reason to suggest the shooting occurred AFTER RG/LK/Rosie began their attack.


Its shocking, right?


I don’t know. I don’t recall that being stated by the police or anyone else.

If I were going to let the squirrels in my brain run in circles for a little bit, I can imagine a situation where it might be advantageous to have vehicles in the name of someone who does not have endless resources, for liability purposes just in case there was ever an accident.

I’m not saying that happened here. Just saying it could be a possibility under certain circumstances.


How many?

Uh oh. The pack is going feral again. Answering this posts is going to be like putting out a forest fire by peeing on it-as soon as it’s out in front it’s burning your tail.

Y’all can make up some crazy scenarios. Maybe the defense can make one stick this week.

I’m just following the trial. So far, MB said he is not guilty by insanity and self defense.that means he agrees he shot them. To get not guilty he has to meet the bar of insanity and self defense or an imperfect self defense.

Fiesta, I just said I thought RG remembered what happened during the shooting itself better than LK. You are the one that twisted it around to say how did I believe him 100% when he couldn’t recall other things. Your little tempest in a teapot is all on you.

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If she doesn’t drive she may not have a license. Might be difficult to register a vehicle in her name.


You’re making the assumption that MB shooting LK was the first event. In my hypothetical, I’m saying that were the three of them to have gotten in a physical fight as the first event, where MB was being held down and beaten, and in that altercation LK was shot while MB was defending himself, he would not have been able to meet the requirement to retreat.

It’s a hypothetical. But the “victims” alone cast a whole lot of reasonable doubt all on their own with their testimony.



That possibility never even crossed my mind, since every 41 year old I know has a license and knows how to drive, unless they live in New York City.


we only have lala , papa, mama and the [edit] response right now…


LK said that Rosie the dog was a Doxie/Rottie mix. Then it was mentioned that it was a Doberman cross. She was shown two pictures to confirm that it was Rosie; she smiled at each one. Bilinkas pointed at the second and she said “She’s yawning”. He questioned her and asked “That’s a yawn?” or something like that, in total disbelief. I think maybe the dog was barking visciously in the photo and she called it a yawn. I doubt a Doxie cross could reach a man’s groin area when standing. But I don’t know how the dog bit MB when he had RG on top of him. She probably got out of the house thru the laundry room door after the shooting.

I think LK’s horse with shivers was Jay D. Being the curious sort I am I looked up JH’s show record and he showed Jay D quite a few years ago, so he’s probably an older schoolmaster now with health issues that she “fell in love with” (her words, probably easy for her to ride well). Symphony was an older mare with the cellulitis. There was a DD horse mentioned in there too, but not sure where he/she fit in. So possibly only 2-3 horses in full training board.

Why was MB’s white Google phone on the patio table? It was visible in a photo taken after the event. If JK and RG came back the next day, why were they able to do things around the house? Wasn’t there police tape around the crime scene? Did they take incriminating evidence while there?

AFAIK, in NJ squatters have more rights than property owners. Once on your property, it’s difficult and expensive to get rid of them. My friend told me his friend had a newly built house that squatters moved into before his family could get in. He was told he’d have to pay out of pocket to find them a new place and pay their moving expenses. So…the house mysteriously burned to the ground. Will MB’s 911 calls begging for help in removing them from his own property help his case?

Wish I didn’t have to work tomorrow so I could watch it. I can only see bits here and there until I get home.