Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Ah, okay, ad hominem attacks on other posters followed by deflection rather than a straightforward answer. Got it.

Jokes on me that I expected more from you. Lesson learned.

I do understand it’s a hard one to answer because it defies logic to believe the memory of a person about one thing who claims he cannot remember basically everything else. I’d hate to have painted myself into that corner as well.


If MB was on the ground on his back reaching the groin is easy even for a small dog.


Only the die hard MB fan club creating inventive scenarios based on no evidence. If Bilinkas can come up with some last minute dramatic evidence and save the day, good for him. Right now, he is flailing. I thought it was Columbo imitation but really doubting that now. It is not looking good for MB.


You seem to be unaware of the consensus at this time here, on L & C and everywhere else.


The pictures previously shown here, show the dog being about half the height of the porch railing.


Who says there aren’t records?


Several corrections, Jay-T was Michael’s horse. DeeDee was co-owned by RC and MHG.

The dog shown in the photos was fully capable of jumping to a 6’4" man’s groin, sinking her teeth and ripping away.


You don’t know that


Dude or dudette, watch the trial. It’s on YouTube. Look up the New Jersey articles on self defense by insanity and self defense and imperfect self defense. If the defense train wreck has you so upset you have to bark at other posters ok, fine, if it makes you feel better. I’m just watching the trial and looking stuff up I’m confused by.

MB was the last person known to have the Ruger. He shot LK twice and shot at RG once. He agrees with that. Now, he is trying to be declared not guilty by insanity and self defense.

Good luck with your creativity.

Why do I think RG remembered things better than LK? Gee, blood loss, anesthesia, flatlining, 8 days on a ventilator, heavy pain meds, opioid dreams, PTSD. RG may have a little PTSD too. Don’t forget it happened 2.5 years ago.

I just love y’all’s personal attacks when your little dream bubbles pop.


Is that picture available? Or was it shown only to LK?

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I believe DD was the horse owned by RC, maybe in partnership with MHG. I believe MHG still has and shows that horse, since I think I just saw it in a Facebook post with her quite recently.

Here is the diagram of the crime scene showing two vehicles plus a trailer towards the bottom of the picture. I can’t zoom in enough on my phone to see if the writing in the diagram is legible there.

Tangent. Now I’m watching the Seinfeld episode where George meets Marisa Tomei in the park, and she just smacked him in the face and stormed off.

Omg. And then in the other plot line of the episode, Jerry‘s dad is getting impeached on his condo board, and I just had another Hamilton flashback when somebody said:
:musical_note:”You don’t have the votes.”:musical_note:


Ya know…you would think that MB would have had the entire property covered, inside & out, with security cameras…it’s common sense…no?


I think it was only shown to LK. Or I don’t remember seeing it on the screen, anyway.

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Ah. I’m not such a good investigator.

I thought we saw the defense reference a text about LK talking about disabling his cameras….but honestly, I don’t think he was there yet.


That is noise. It has nothing to do with what is happening in court. It’s not the court of social media.


The deal was arranged by Jonathon Kanarek, maybe that’s where the “sketchy” comes in?


Personal attacks???


Yeah that’s rich!!


Anyone think it’s funny that only after RG’s testimony did Hut-ho really come into the thread? Another attempt to shut down the thread so we can’t discuss the trial?


Personally, I sort of wonder how much value the dogbite evidence really has in the big picture. In a scene like that, with people scrambling around on the ground, and the dog running around in hysterics biting multiple people? Including the cop? It seems hard to really hang your hat on anything definitive there.