Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

It is a representation of how the public sees the case. The jury is comprised of public. Even the speakers on L&C are commenting this way.


Personal attacks? I don’t think so. Disagreeing with your tired mantra is not a personal attack. If you want to see examples of “personal attacks”, pull up almost any LK post.


But not the one still using. :thinking:

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O. M. G. Again I have to say: How. On. Earth. Does this happen?!?!?


I’ll make super simple questions for this one.

  1. Where did I ever “bark at other posters”? It’s you calling them feral, etc.

  2. I never addressed the defence, I asked how you squared RG’s recall - or lack thereof - of everything else with his recall of the shooting. I did not ask about your comparison between his recall and LK’s. I asked, repeatedly, how do you rely on his recall of the shooting when he claims to recall nothing else?

  3. When did I make a “personal attack”? Or, am I not part of “y’all’s”?

Can you answer that 2nd one without deflecting to his recall v. LK’s recall? Just how do you rely on the recall of a man who claims almost no recall of anything else?

Simple question. No barking. Following along with the trial, watching the testimony and discussing it is all. :woman_shrugging:


The dog shown in the trial had to be 40-45 pounds, not 25 as LK claimed. Also a Rottweiler mix, I didn’t see a speck of dachshund.


Also, she had what…5 horses? Plus daddy, plus his money, plus was buying more? He may have seen a possible investor.

I recall he questioned her about that and she said, yes, she did in fact mention disabling the cameras.


I think the defense lawyer said that MB was planning to put cameras in the barn, and LK‘s text was already talking about disabling them. And when the defense lawyer asked her why, she would not say a reason.


DD is Don Divon(??) Owned at the time by RC and MHG

Just like your posts.


Maybe those posts would best be ignored by everyone else.


Wait, has the defense presented it’s case? Nope.

Did the State present a logical, factual, evidence based case? Nope. Almost no forensic tests, trajectory tests indicate the direction of the shots angled UP. How could a 6’4" man fire shots upward into a 5’4" woman unless she was above him?

It is shocking you are so willingly prepared to put a man in prison for a long time based on what the State presented. Only the diehard LK fan girl club is willing to do that.


lots of people in this world have 5 or more horse and lots and lots of $$$$ and they pay MB to train them and MB knows them and i think many would happily and probably did sponsor him…


Honestly, I have basically zero direct knowledge of how people like that operate or function. Thank goodness. So it is just a guess on my part.


Well there was the epic comparison to GM alleged child molester.


It supposedly got out of the house by jumping out through the shattered window, am I wrong?
My Beagle couldn’t do that and she’s athletic.

If I’m remembering the images correctly the door is solid on bottom, glass is only the upper half of the door.


Will do. Why bother as I haven’t gotten a straightforward answer yet. I feel like Bilinkas at this point! Just answer the bloody question that was asked for the love of all things good and wholesome! :rofl:


So the crooked parked truck was RGs


Exactly. At this point it’s relevant LK was paying a chunk of change in board and living in a suite in a house for free. But so far it hasn’t mattered whether the board is $2500 or $3500 or whatever per month as that doesn’t seem to be disputed or the source of the conflict.

I’m sure accounting records exist but unless there is a reason to subpoena them we won’t see them.

As I said upthread, a very low level amateur with money to burn, willing to way overpay for her current goals, and not very focussed might seem like a great money spinner for a barn.

As far as living accommodation I get that it’s an expensive area. But the house was divided into 3 suites, upstairs mainfloor and the basement for working students. I’ve seen a lot of pre ww1 houses split up into suites, lived in a couple myself. They can be done with more or less style but they are always a bit cramped and eccentric. This place was a dump on the outside, the basement was gutted after a major leak. It was not a posh place to live from all appearances. LK displaced the live in trainer.

So was there ever a barn apartment or were MB and MHG just run out of the house to sleep in the club room viewing lounge?

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