Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

The one closer to the house, yes.

And the shooting crime scene expert or whatever his title was said that the trajectory of the bullet that went through the laundry room would have lined up with the front of the truck close to the ground and then traveled upwards through the laundry room from there. But he said he could not definitively say where the bullet started on that trajectory.

And again, that was testimony that was more than 36 hours ago, so I won’t swear that I got it right.

Edited to add: Wait, sorry, I misread the initials and thought you were asking about MB’s truck closer to the house.

Yes, the crooked truck at the bottom of the picture was RG’s, according to the police.

Could the dog have gotten out when LK went to speak to MB? He pointed gun at dog, she jumped in front of dog? She gets shot and RB comes out full force to beat the crap out of him? It can be that simple.

Eta. Her ego would never let her say she jumped in front of the gun


So the crooked truck between the trailer and other vehicle isn’t RGs?
I thought the truck parked closest and parallel to TBE house was MBs?




I believe at one point on a previous thread, there was a discussion of the barn property, and somebody found the real estate listing for it or something, and the real estate listing mentioned a barn apartment.

But it sounds like the working students must have already been living in that barn apartment before MB and MHG moved out of the house. Or I would think so, anyway, because where else would the working students have been living?

It sounded like the previous year, in 2018, MB and MHG were living in the barn apartment and the working students were living in the basement apartment in the farmhouse. But then that arrangement got changed after the damage from the frozen/broken pipe in the farmhouse over the winter between 2018 and 2019.

So I think it’s hard to guess who would have been sleeping where by August of 2019 between the lounge and the hypothetical apartment and sleeping in front of stalls at night and sleeping on trunks or whatever.

As I said in a previous post, I just hope there was at least one bathroom with a shower somewhere in the building. :crossed_fingers:


See the edit on my previous post. Sorry.

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Wouldn’t that cause a very short downward trajectory injury instead of an upward trajectory injury like was testified to?


Honestly, that makes just as much sense as some of the other explanations we’ve heard. If not more.


I’m not sure but that just seems like the most reasonable explanation in all of this to me. It was their ultimate chance to really destroy him. The hatred was so deep and the opportunity presented itself.


Maybe he was bitten and on his knees. Idk


“She admitted to posting really nasty stuff online. They both admitted drug use. They seemed pretty honest, not evading all the hard truths that make them look bad.”

I just wanted to point something out here.

The admitting to nasty behaviour and drug use was not indicative of honesty and not proof that they aren’t evading the hard truths that make them look bad.

The prosecution brought up both of these points, but especially the drug history, because it was a smart move on his part. It takes the bombshell away from the defence. If you put the drug use out there first and prep your witness to soften at best they can (it was a ‘mistake’; it was the result of a car accident injury - with no evidence that that is true, by the way), you steal the thunder of the defence introducing it in a harsher way.

That’s all. That was the prosecution’s call and there is no way he would have allowed them to deny it or evade the question b/c it would have really hurt him to have the defence either introduce the topic or impeach them on this point. This was not about honesty, it was about strategy and it was absolutely the right call for the prosecution.

ETA: the quote was not written by CurrentlyHorseless; it just appeared in quoted material within their post. I’m addressing the point not the poster.


@FitzeE here is more of the back and forth on this. I thought he did a pretty good job. He owned Bilinkas at one point when Bilinkas created evidence and couldn’t produce it. RG-“show me where I ever said that, one time.” Bilinkas-moved on, no evidence.

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I just put the original back and forth that you selectively quoted from with your continued misrepresentation.

Pulley rein


Bottom line, there are still a LOT of questions about what went on at the house when MB showed up that day. And what order things happened in.

Everyone agrees LK was shot during a confrontation, it was horrific, she came really close to dying, and that’s awful and should not have happened.

But beyond that… we just don’t know. The statements provided by LK and RG contradict each other at points. They are both not credible witnesses. They did not come across well on the stand. They have a history of dishonest behavior and drug addiction, and every reason in the world to lie about what transpired at that house that day after MB drove up and the confrontation ensued.

I just think the prosecution has to offer the jury something more, beyond the testimony of these two.


I believe LK deleted her FB. Probably trying to hide SM posts.

ETA: can her posts be recovered after deleting?


So we only have the word of 2 people who lied on the stand. His defense is insanity and SELF DEFENSE… that means that he DID shoot her. The question is when? We know they were beating him after the shooting, but do we know he wasn’t being beaten and bitten before or during the shooting?


Is that how it works? Isn’t it still possible to find it if you know how to look? Not general you, but the authorities.

Also, talk about shutting the barn door after the horse has left the continent.



Lots of reasonable people have doubts about the order in which certain key things happened on the day of the shooting at that house.


That’s what I was wondering so I googled:

“When a user deletes something, Facebook is able to ensure users will not see the deleted post, but that doesn’t mean Facebook destroys all traces of that post completely, or that Facebook cannot retrieve it.”

Not sure if it was deactivated or deleted. Either way nothing is rid of for good. Could have been to try to keep people from looking further into her as a way to try to control her public image.

Too late for that.