Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

No. MB has never admitted to anything .
His attorney has argued that the defendant doesn’t remember and even if he did shoot her that it was self defense.

Why is that you believe the testimony of LK and RG when they say they can’t remember?

LK has admitted under oath that she has lied on social media

You still choose to believe conflicting victim statements and shaky forensic evidence .

I choose to believe the defendant not guilty because he is until a verdict is handed down.


This is what I thought it was…Not sure if it in fact says MAGAZINE & Location of SUSPECT? Beats me

He didn’t say “not guilty.” He said “not guilty by insanity and self defense. That means he said that he shot them but he was insane at the time and believed it was self defense. Those are hard to do. Alternatively, he may get an “imperfect self defense” which means the charges can be downgraded to attempted manslaughter.

The “not guilty” ship sailed already.

All he has left is “not guilty by insanity and self defense” or downgraded charges to manslaughter from “imperfect self defense.”

Plus, there are gun charges.

Until new evidence shows up, that’s where it is.

Edited to correct to “attempted manslaughter”


LK and IM always got really worked up over the dog. You have to know just by that, it was more involved than was portrayed.


Perhaps because they may still be concerned she will be put down.


You would think if they know they are doing a live stream, they could figure out a way to post a better picture for us online. Come on, man. Lol.




So you are saying you think the charges could possibly be downgraded to manslaughter?

I’m assuming you mean attempted manslaughter

Is it even possible to charge him with ‘attempted manslaughter’ in New Jersey? Is that an actual option at this point?

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Has someone died? I hope not!!

The charges are the charges and manslaughter or attempted wouldn’t pass the elements test I’m guessing.


On the diagram, does it seem to anyone else that the spots where the 2 casings were found are kind of far apart, based on LK/RG’s testimony that the shots were one immediately after the other, “boom boom”? Or maybe one of those is from the 3rd shot allegedly fired toward the house and the “missing” one is one of the first 2?

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Sorry yes. Attempted manslaughter. It’s not a statute in New Jersey, it’s established by case law.

Andrew Branca explains it on his podcast and YouTube The Law of Self Defense. He started commenting on this one when LK started testifying.

Pffflllllttttttttttttt Why make it easy for us? lol
BTW…am I allowed to post a meme of LK? lololol

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Please don’t. There are already enough people trying to get these threads shut down every time they pop up. No need to help them.


No problem…I completely understand and agree.


Thanks very much!

If there were a bombshell recording of the plotters (MB, MH, RC) discussing the plan to kill LK (as I recall LK and/or IM saying) would that not have to be released to the Defense during the discovery process?

If so, what other “bombshell” could still be in the offing for tomorrow?


when your means of retreat are blocked, what then?
LK testified he blocked him from getting into his truck on one occasion (was it on another day, or did she cinveniently forget it was that day? Hmm…)
Or when you are off your feet and on the ground.


sucks for the dog to have lousy owners.
Pup ran out of strikes.


Now there’s a thought, however I think I caught a photo of the safe with the RC gun case left in the safe. It would seem to me if he was going to show them the gun so they would stop saying it was lost, do so with the case.


@Knights_Mom, when a house or apartment is on a large property like MB farm and no lease agreement exists, if a landlord is waiting for an eviction to happen, how much of the property does the tenant have a legal right to occupy especially if there is a business or another residence on the property?

I can see the house or apartment and maybe an outside area connected to the residence, but I wondered how much on a large property do they have a right to be on before it would be considered trespassing?
