Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I edited my post.
It seems to me her testimony of going to get RG and everything else she testified to just doesn’t jive with EDs narrative of that four minute call, at all.

Per EDs testimony, from seeing MB driving up to her losing consciousness should all be in that four minute call… But so much of what she says happened, ED seems to not have heard at all.


It looks like the live chat is back up in Youtube.

ETA: ah I think it’s just a replay from last week before they shut it down.

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I’m bugged that ED said he had a “green” office and that’s why he destroyed his paper notes. In a green office you don’t use paper at all. What he described—using paper but then destroying it—is not green; it’s someone who doesn’t want to pay for storage at best and at worst someone who doesn’t want a record of anything they do. Hard to believe he couldn’t bear to keep a piece of paper with his notes after he allegedly believed that he hears his client get shot.

I was shocked that ED started chit chatting with the judge about golf while waiting for the jury to come in, and even more shocked that the judge chit chatted back. Perhaps that’s why the judge took so long to slap ED down for being argumentative.

I think the judge is talking too much about hearsay in front of the jury. He shouldn’t be giving the witnesses tutorials about what hearsay is—that’s not their problem—and he shouldn’t be editorializing after he makes his ruling. (Especially when the rulings seem inconsistent) The danger is that the jury starts thinking it knows what hearsay is and worries about that when they discuss evidence when deliberating. That’s why so many judges use non speaking objections; they don’t air all these legal points in the middle of trial for the jury to hear. It’s much cleaner and far less confusing.


It was probably because he’d just testified to something that broke privilege and now an attorney has a recording of something that was going to get him in trouble with the bar.


That witness struck me as very professional and competent. I am sure she is highly respected in the community and that her testimony as a character witness would weigh very heavily on the jury.


I realize this question is not really related to the actual topic of the thread, but I am curious, what is a non speaking objection?

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I don’t know. Having parented an adult child struggling with both addiction and psychiatric issues, the sleepiness may not be from any illegal substances (drugs) but may be from medication. Regulating the ongoing psychiatric issues can be extremely challenging, and if the person isn’t even able to understand or perceive that they have a mental disorder (is experiencing anosognosia) it can be even more challenging to keep them in balance, as they often think they are fine and don’t need medication. Sometimes the afflicted person struggles to keep up with time, and overmedicates. Sometimes they under-medicate. Sometimes they mix their prescribed medications with other medications or illegal substances or alcohol. If she was prescribed any type of benzo for anxiety then I could also see her struggling with staying awake. I can’t imagine living a life where the very medication that keeps me from struggling with anxiety and other potential issues (paranoia comes to mind here) is the very thing that also strips away my joy to live. It’s a horrible thing to watch as a parent because you see your child struggle daily - you work with doctors to find a balance between keeping your adult child in control and keeping them happy. Too much medication, and they are “stable” members of society, but also lethargic and unmotivated. Not enough and they have energy but lack control. As an example, our child was an artist - the less medicated she was, the more brilliant her work. As we worked to stabilize her, her work became more “normal” and lost the brilliance. After a while, she no longer painted, as she stated she lost her creativity. This also happened to my schizophrenic aunt when we leveled her out - she no longer felt she could paint and her world became what she described as dull, but when she wasn’t medicated she was incredibly dangerous. How do you keep the afflicted person happy and keep society safe? That was always our challenge.

And as adults, they can leverage HIPAA to keep their health information private and away from caring and willing family members who would love nothing more than to help.

Our child became skilled at manipulation and lying. She had to, to hide her behavior, drug usage, etc… It became a lifestyle for her. I would always ask, “How can you tell if our child is lying? Her lips are moving.” In moments of clarity, she would even admit to us that she was manipulating her bio mom - it was a sport for her.

It’s possible that going to a job and working would also be a struggle, as was the case with our child, who regularly missed her alarm for work and overslept constantly. She couldn’t finish school as she could never stay focused. It was so sad to watch.

Someone on here has also commented about the boyfriend. When you have an adult child who struggles, you have to accept that no healthy minded person would ever be able to maintain a relationship with them, so you learn to accept that it will likely take a relatively co-dependent (or parasitic) person to stay in the relationship. Heck, we were just thrilled when our child got a boyfriend and he was able to support her emotionally from to time. He was a bit of a freeloader, had all the potential to contribute to the GNP but no real ambition to do so. But he truly loved her. And somehow that meant more to us than all of his issues, because she was so incredibly hard to love at times.

One thing is true - it is heartbreaking for all involved.


The attorneys just say ‘objection’ and the judge, who is paying attention and knows why there was an objection, just says sustained or overruled. If there is disagreement they go on sidebar to discuss.


MB looks exceptionally bad today.


In my professional world, all the offices who are “green” or “paperless” do in fact, shred and use a lot of paper still.


I just turned it on, who was that lady who just left? She seemed really irritable.

Jail psychiatrist, this will be interesting. That would be such an interesting job.

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That’s not green. Your still using paper. Paperless or green is doing electronically what you used to do on paper.


Not talking about lawyers, but I can say the more they try to insist the office I work in go green, the more paper we use.


Indeed. I take many notes and do evaluations on paper and then they are scanned into our records system and the originals shredded.

I would like to note that even though the scan is dated for when it is scanned, my professional order requires me to sign and DATE everything before it’s scanned.


I agree, but in the professional world, its common to state this and still use a lot of paper.


:joy: sounds familiar


Brown hair with reading glasses?
Nurse at the ED I believe


I don’t use paper anymore. I do everything electronically.

Darn I was on the wrong video and missed the nurse’s testimony!

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