Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

To all those complaining about how the lawyer didn’t wear a suit. Perhaps the prosecutor felt he would be better received not looking like a “slick” lawyer, more a regular guy that only met the alleged victim a couple days ago and was trying to help solve a landlord/tenant problem.
Maybe not having him review his testimony before hand and having some inconsistencies, makes him more human, and then the prosecutor coming in on recross to clear everything up was a planned and genius move. Who knows.


Didn’t the call say she was in the house, and could “overhear” MB talking to the person in the SUV plotting to murder her? I seem to remember that.

However, the house is actually quite far down the driveway from the barn, to where there’s no way you could overhear a conversation from the barn if you’re inside the house. Unless she was listening via one of the recording devices …


He was their lawyer wrt the tenancy dispute who was in phone with RG during the shooting

If so, it didn’t quite work out for them. At least in my opinion.


Yes, but he was the one and only ear witness, so wouldn’t that make him the one who called JK to tell him that his daughter was shot?

I have to admit, that I did not know there were so very many people who find lying to be their every day go to. I thought that most people prefer to just go along in life being honest.


Does anyone else think it is odd that all the 911 calls leading up to are essentially undiscussed? Surely those are not hearsay and relevant to state of mind, for both the prosecution and the defense.


Yes you’re right, after he dialed RGs number three times, two more times after she dripped the phone, he testified he called her parents (he used both their first names), and the police.


The big glaring lie to me was the idea that he called 911, but it was too another area/police station. My experience is that if you get the wrong area 911 (happens when you are near a county line) and have a real emergency, they will transfer you to the right place.


I’m assuming Bikinis will weave them in, as he can, with each witness… But he’s not calling MHG again is he?
And she was there for those calls and the responding officers.

How will Bikini…BILINKIS… is introduce the visit MB paid to the PD where he was denied a meeting with a supervisor?

It’s easier. You don’t have to keep track of your fabrications.


Good idea! Would that also work while shopping at Target or Walmart, or is that considered a public place and okay even if you have a sign?


Also, LK was on the porch…her phone was on the porch….why couldn’t she answer?


Thank you for posting this. This was my thought too.
I live in one county, work in another county. I know that the time I called 911 and my call went to the county my phone is registered in, they very easily transferred me to the county that my call applied to. I did not need to go researching a number for some counties emergency system.


It is a public space but if that young woman had found an employee and stated she was being followed bu a creepy couple who were also recording her they may get to chat with cops about their hobby.

They are so gross.

I wonder if the beauty contestant past in the family is manifested in Lauren’s obsession with appearances.

Many people grow out of it.


My guess on this is because he didnt know offhand WHERE he needed to be transferred to. He had to hang up and Google because he didnt remember where LK was situated. It’s likely they asked if he’d like to be transferred and he didn’t know where to have them transfer the call to.


Especially since she had to know ED had met with MBs lawyer and would be reaching out to update her on the situation.
ED testified he tried her number but got no answer so then called RG and asked to speak to her, and, my interpretation, RG handed the phone over to her.
That call was only four minutes long. Alot transpired in those four minutes according to Prosecutor case…

ED reached RG, he called LK from the porch and handed the phone to LK, ED speaks to her, hears her say MB arrived, that RG and LK had an exchange with MB* (but not what was said), then allegedly MB pulls out the gun and shoots her, she’s losing consciousness, he hears a loud thud, and she drops the phone…

*her testimony is that first RG spoke with MB, decided to let lawyers handle it (not stating they’re speaking to lawyer right then), then she (holding the phone speaking to ED) goes down to talk to him… Etc…

That’s not how ED heard it in his end of that phone call, according to his testimony.



Don’t really believe it honestly.


Yes, he said he’d said 4 words to RG. Had a conversation with Lk and then she said OMG MB is here and he’s got a gun, bam bam….then scuffle and nothing….

LK went upstairs to get RG because MB was coming down the driveway… That is mighty convenient timing for him to call.


Good point

If so, he might want to sign up for an acting class somewhere. Regardless of the reason, that was not a good look.