Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Could ED have been so combative yesterday because he was served with the subpoena?

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I found myself wishing Hay Guy (Mr. Davison) was my neighbor, my friend, heck, even my uncle or cousin. What a dear, sweet man…his fondness for MB was so obvious.

Can someone refresh my memory though? I know he said LK came running out of the house and stopped him as he came down the driveway and demanded to know who he was. Did he tell her why he was there (i.e., to watch the barn at night)?

If so, I imagine that seriously ticked her off, esp. if she was planning to sneak in during the wee hours to cause more havoc. No wonder the cops showed up a few minutes later. I would love to know what she told them when she placed that call. “Uh, MB called a hitman to get me. You better get over here right away.”


I believe he said she was yelling and running, and he just kept right on driving to the barn😆.


And I wish I had the time to plot out the timelines of various activities leading up to the shooting. I can’t keep track of what happened when and graphs and flowcharts could be so very informative. There are so many data points though that it would take weeks to get everything plotted. (I’d probably have to use “R” to build the graphs - and I’d rather take a beating even though it is super useful when working with large data sets.)


I haven’t had a chance to watch ED’s testimony. Can someone confirm if he said he was the attorney who called JK to tell him about the shooting?

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Yes please, put me on this list. Mr. Davidson fangirl! What a wonderful man.

And we all know that dressing up like that is not something that lovely man does on a regular occurrence. He was going above and beyond.

Yes! Me too! I had to stop and read it very carefully.

IM posted on this forum that they were subpoenaed. Are we supposed to ignore that? IM posted it.

This is a good question:

@Ambitious_Kate, I have heard that @Knights_Mom can even make those fancy patterns in the carpet while vacuuming . So clearly they are an upper level vacuuming skills.


I am sure that was part of her final exam to get her vacuuming certification. :grin:


Thanks. I couldn’t remember if he told her why he was there or not.

I was just thinking that as well. I also was thinking about listing everything she did in order to up the ante compared to the one statement she made of what MB was doing to her.


I so would never even make it to the final exam with my poor vacuuming skills.
People who vacuum well are very special!


I was thinking the same thing. Like a giant Gantt chart or something.


He’s sure laid the groundwork with all the questions about bites to the groin.


I just think it’s a LOT more likely that the dog attacked while MB was standing up, than when MB and RG were struggling on the ground, together.

And as with everything else, we only have the testimony of LK and RG to substantiate when in the sequence of events the dog biting happened. And their testimony is suspect… because they have demonstrable credibility problems.


I’m in Sussex County and the local paper has been covering the story from time to time.

Edit: way behind on this comment lol. Tried to reply to someone asking about the trial being in the news beyond the horse world.


Also the health dept person who described Michael as a confident, dignified, elegant man. It broke my heart to see him break down a little when she said that. Probably remembering how his life used to be. And she said how different he was, how he was distraught and mumbling, disheveled, undone.
She is the same one who said that RG gave her a bad feeling and didn’t want to be near him.


Sorry, I am 400 posts behind again, but:

Most documents used to refresh a witness’s recollection (as IIRC the phone records were) are not themselves entered into evidence. Some may be potentially admissible (like phone records, which would fall under the business records hearsay exception) but still have to be moved into evidence. Others would probably not be admissible due to hearsay rules anyway. I wouldn’t swear to it 100% but I don’t think the phone records were moved into evidence. In any case, the distinction is important to note in general. Just because one of the attorneys is clearly reading a document when questioning a witness doesn’t mean that document itself is in evidence.

Here’s a fictionalized example of how the use of documents to refresh recollection would go:

Atty: How many texts did you send Mr. X that day?
Witness: Just a couple–I don’t remember exactly.
Atty: Would seeing Mr. X’s phone records refresh your recollection of how many texts you sent?
Wit: Yes.
Atty: Here are Mr. X’s phone records for that month. Do lines 13-20 refresh your recollection about how many texts you sent him?
Wit: Yes.
Atty: And many did you send?
Wit: 6 texts.
Atty moves on with questioning. Note no entry of phone records themselves into evidence.


This is so true. Law clerks are good at legal research. If you want to know how things actually WORK, 100% go to the court clerks!

All hail the court clerks, attorneys rely on them and they are a very important part of the system (on top of their mad vacuum skills!)


Except when listening to the trial I heard the recross and then the prosecutor entering evidence to support the testimony of the lawyer(three things that were questioned by the defense) and it being accepted.


There was a call about it that was released if you really wanted to know. It went generally that “the SUV is back” and trying to suggest she heard MB ordering a “hit” on her.


He said that he just kept
Driving towards the barn

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