Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I am having problems in other places too.

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Exactly the same. I don’t approve of it in either circumstance.

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Interesting take. I didn’t connect the two. It seems like the prosecution could have done more to explicitly connect the two, if that was his goal.

I definitely felt like it was more about taking a slap at one of the many character witnesses that had showed up on behalf of MB. And the fact that the defense had pretty much called in a 7 time Olympian, with almost no connection to the case, just to demonstrate the depth of some of MBs connections and the caliber of people who were willing to testify on his behalf.


I have been slogging through this thread and can’t remember half of it. I have two theories as to what happened the night of the shooting.

  1. the gun went off by accident as LK and RG were beating the crap out of MB when he arrived and told them at gun point to get the hell out of there.

  2. LK had the missing gun. The dog, LK and RG beat MB almost to death. To cover her ass LK shot herself with MB’s gun aiming at her implant thinking that would prevent serious injury.

And as a side note there was a shooting here in Canada. Medics didn’t take the victim seriously as there was only a small puncture on his abdomen and no actual bleeding. They concluded it was only a pellet gun. Finally took victim to a hospital where he died shortly after due to internal bleeding. Bullet had entered an artery.

They Medics were charged.but I can’t remember exactly what they were convicted of


So, considering the quality of the Defense witnesses, I can see why they declined the plea deal.


I know this is serious but I giggled when defense counsel asked PD “Do you compete?” :rofl:


Ewww gross. I can’t take much more vile in my life.

Of the people here who have actually been watching the trial who also thought Michael was foolish for not accepting the plea deal, do you still think that way?

We can easily understand why the Kanareks seemed to get their panties in a wad after the plea was rejected now that all this testimony given so far has not been kind to their actions and behavior…I know, I know, but she was shot! Uh-huh. And Barisone was beaten and bitten. Which came first?


I thought it was kinda funny when the prosecutor was asking Phillip Dutton why he was taking lessons with Michael Barisone. Why is a 7 time Olympian still taking lessons?
Yes, this trial is definitely giving an interesting perspective into our dressage life


As he was sitting there waiting during the sidebar, the phrase occurred to me again:
I had a good life.

These poor people.


I can’t believe I missed PDUTTY on the stand. Going to watch back now.


I interpreted the plea as the prosecution knowing that they would have difficulty with the charge for attempted murder of RG. Before the trial I was really confused about the defense strategy of using both the insanity and self defense but after watching it to this point it makes more sense.


After seeing how badly the PD handled things from day 1 thru the investigation, if I were on trial I would have taken the plea bc there is NO WAY I’d have any faith in the judicial process at this point. I’d feel pretty hopeless that justice will be served.


Next week this time it will all be over and things can return to a new normal for many people.


Pass, thanks.

It’s hard enough to see her old posts that people will occasionally link or screenshot to illustrate the… inconsistencies.


Do we think it would be better to start a new thread? That’s not hard to do if it would improve the BB function.

And many people have lost a great friend. A life long friend to so many. I get choked up over it all. Just heartbreaking.


I am getting the same spinning and errors in little tiny unrelated threads. I don’t think it is a problem with THIS thread but with the BB. It might be the extra traffic because of this topic, but not necessarily this thread.


I think if he can get a not guilty by insanity and self defense then he has a chance to go on with his life. He may be institutionalized and treated for a time but that may be a short time. If he is not guilty then SafeSport might reinstate him. I said before he may feel he has nothing to lose to fight it all the way.

Some have said he still has a chance for just a plain not guilty. If so, then he really has cause to fight it.

If he is convicted of attempted murder or attempted manslaughter but someone said that would be aggravated assault in New Jersey then SafeSport may keep the ban on him. He is 57 I think, 10 years with time served would put him at 64 maybe and with a SafeSport ban.

So fight fight fight.

This whole situation is horrible and sad.


I don’t think he is going anywhere. We shall see but my money is in “ Not Guilty”.