Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

She was sneaking around outside the garage in particular.

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Who the freak does that? What the heck? Why?


This poor kid looks like he is just about to start crying.


MM testifies MB was breaking down in early August 2019. MB seemed depressed. At one point, MB gave MM a hug… which was strange, because that was not in keeping with their prior relationship.

LK had mentioned MM in social media posts.

Objection. No more of that testimony.


What I also find interesting is how all these defensive witnesses have stayed quiet on social media for all of these years (good for them) and yet LK couldn’t help herself and kept digging a bigger hole with all of her lies online.


The hug.
So many of these witnesses had relationships with him that they valued.


Prosecution is now conducting cross. He is questioning whether MM told police on 8/7, when he was apparently interviewed following the shooting, about this weird story involving LK sneaking around the farm dressed in black…

MM says he doesn’t remember if he told police about it during that interview.

Now prosecution is approaching the bench


That definitely made me go “ewwwww”


Imagine having a client that is so unsavory, to put it kindly, that you have to object to 90% of the testimony about them. I understand they are not on trial however if it was favorable commentary I believe much less would have been objected to.


As someone said upthread it’s also a required step for evictions.

All law is a scare tactic designed to manipulate people. From don’t speed or you will get a fine to roadside warnings on up to the big stuff. It’s all about marshalling the power of the stare to compel certain forms of communally agreed behavior. As a lawyer or individual you have to find the right legal words to achieve your goals.

Very very often in civil issues people are given an out to rectify their behavior. Publish a retreatraction statement or we will sue for libel. Resign your job now or we will fire you tomorrow for cause. Pay up now or we go to small claims court. Leave the premises now or we will procede with a formal eviction notice. Etc.

Indeed in all these cases it makes sense to ask the person to cooperate before going to the expense of court fees.


that would terrify me. So many flammables kept in garage shops.


He looks so scare, waiting there. Not scared as much as on the edge of emotion.


The forum is hardly working for me…anyone else?

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I still can’t get over the way the prosecution brought up PDs barn fire, and the fact that multiple horses died. As though that discredits a 7 time Olympian’s testimony.

That was so clumsy and classless. And ineffective.


It is crazy slow and sometimes spitting me out. I get an error when I try to like something.


It will be really interesting when this is all over to read LK’s posts and get her take on some of these points.


ok not just me then! thanks

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I’m having no issues - I was able to like your post just fine. However, I also am only loading 3514 posts as I have blocked so much of the nonsense (which has been hugely helpful in sorting through the content).

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I didn’t get the feeling he was discrediting PD, but more that he was showing that LK’s statement that it was imperative that she call the fire marshal over the dryer wasn’t just puff, it can be a real serious concern, and horses can die… See, this 10 time Olympian can even lose horses…


I’m having issues and it’s slow and occasionally spitting me out. I’m at 6465 posts, I think. It’s a monster thread.