Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Which is why many of us posted and suggested to her that she not post, not rant, not rage and often contradict herself, not go back and edit, not delete etc. etc. etc.

But hey - we were just gushing MB fangirls… :roll_eyes:

I know that in one of the very first threads about this sad cluster, I shared my experience with a coworker who at one time managed the BO’s boarding barn on the adjacent property. She was always smarter, better, out to get people, manipulative, smirking, secure in her knowledge that she was untouchable and in charge of everything. She also set up cameras around the property to spy on boarders and even had one “hidden” (not very well) on the fence line pointed at the front door of my barn apartment down the hill and on my truck.

It took a long time to get the BO to understand what was going on… but the endless overlapping lies slowly started to unravel… and when my co-worker could not longer keep all her lies straight or remember what tale she had said to who, her smug little empire crumbled and she was finally fired. After she left, we would hear that she was spreading vile lies about the farm and the boarders… and, of course, me and the BO. Apparently she has now moved on to Montana to become the amazing reining trainer she always pretended to be. I am so very sorry, Montana. Deeply sorry.

Prior to that hot mess, we had a trainer operating out of that same barn who had many of the same characteristics. As long as blue ribbons continued to come in (as a result of the superior horses, not that particular trainer’s unique skills), the BO dismissed our concerns and complaints… until once again, the tower of lies started to crumble. I often wish that both these people had been at the barn at the same time - the fireworks would have been extremely entertaining… but the drama would have been far too much for the boarders, the horses … and me!

When this saga started to unfold here, it all sounded strangely - and sadly - familiar. But even mentioning that brought down the MB fangirl accusations and condemnation.

It is fascinating to watch it all unfold and play out… although I usually have to catch up on the video in the evening when things have settled down for the night around here.

Dr. Reiner Klimke often shared that he was still taking lessons - despite being an Olympic gold medallist. Why? Because there is always a new perspective… always something to learn…


As a sidebar (!), I have been having ZERO issues with using the forum. Operating on an iMac using Safari…



I wonder if RG was pushing LK not to accept the deal that JK and MBs lawyer had negotiated for her on 8/05 to just go ahead and move to a nearby facility?

I think RG is a total low life, who had an active substance abuse problem, and spent a lot of time around the high end dressage world, and no doubt, saw dollar signs everywhere. Which might have made him envious. And people like that result to nasty behavior, when they feel deep envy, and see “opportunities.”

And from earlier testimony, it sounds like even back in 2018, JK didn’t even want RG living with LK… and communicated as much to MB. but somehow, RG managed to tag along with his gravy-train girlfriend when she went to live and train at MBs farm for the summer of 2018, regardless of anyone’s attempts to keep him out.

RG is a serious part of the whole problem. IMHO. A dangerous guy.


Im sorry if I missed this in another post but I’m not caught up yet.

The young working student was asked “is your mother xxx and what is her relationship to MB” to which she replied "a romantic relationship "

To whom were they referring?

I’ve had the same issues others have described using an iPhone on Safari.

As far as living situations. In NJ LK was living in a condemned house with ceilings ripped out and in FL for the first while in a trailer until her father bought her a place. Was there strategy to having her live in low end housing? Was there a hope that living in a crowded house on the property might keep them a bit supervised and less likely to go on a gender? Obviously MB was not told about the drug problems when they moved in


I wondered about that too. It made no sense to me.It was a past thing?

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It was someone with the last name Osbourne. I can’t remember if it was Lauren Osbourne? Or if i’m remembering the working students name. Definitely last name Osbourne if that helps

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Bilinkas tried to enter a text from LK that RG shouldn’t give MB a bill because “it would ruin our plan”. The prosecution objected.


I took that exchange to mean that the working student’s mom was in a romantic relationship with MB. It sounded like the prosecutor meant right now, although I don’t quite understand how that could work while MB is in jail. But that’s none of my business, as Kermit says.

The prosecutor seemed to be implying that her testimony was unreliable due to that (current?) relationship. But the defense lawyer asked her on redirect if that was the case, and she adamantly said it was not.

Yet another person whose life was turned upside down as a result of the events that summer. But she still showed up in court and did a good job in a difficult situation. Props to her.


constantly amazed at the importance people think this forum carries :joy:


Ah OK. Hope to get LK living on property without RG and his drugs and maybe LK totally horse focused and healthy lifestyle et al. Not in a condo in the nearest town partying all night and getting into fights with neighbors.


I think its definitely the witnesses…which makes sense given the situation, their testimony would be important to get right from the judges point of view. JMO

I don’t think the ceilings were ripped out in the apartment LK and RG were staying in (which was on the top floor. Only in the two lower apartments.

There was also evidence or testimony produced in this case or one of the civil proceedings that LK does not live with her parents… at all. That’s a total no go. I haven’t heard why… but it strikes me as odd.

Also… RG testified he liked where the two of them were living in NC better, because it was a nicer place.

Bottom line, JK has been paying all of RGs living expenses for years. I know nothing about JK other than what I have read on these forums… but I bet he seriously dislikes paying for his daughter’s no load addict boyfriend’s living expenses. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Just a hunch. Wealthy men can be a bit specific about such things, and very alpha.


This fits with my personal experiences of being in this type of situation.


As I think I said upthread, I seem to recall a previous post either in this thread or another recent one that said JK was afraid that RG might leave LK once they were in the new house, or something? I don’t remember who said that, or what the details were.

But it made me wonder if RG were suddenly out of the picture for whatever reason, who would fill his (insert description of your own choice here) role in LK’s life?


I saw that post. But honestly… I’m skeptical. I believe one of the defense attorneys got in a question mentioning smoking crack before the prosecution screamed “OBJECTION” in relation to RG.

A guy like JK? He doesn’t want his daughter involved with a guy who still smokes crack. No way. A guy who isn’t even a licensed contractor. Just a glorified handyman. A guy with a criminal background.

I bet you he (JK) would be only too happy to see RG gone for good, but RG and LK are utterly enmeshed… as is the nature of people with cluster b disorders… and thus, JK has to tolerate RGs presence in his daughter’s life.

That’s my personal opinion on the situation.


Someone claiming to be one of LK’s victims said that JK was worried about RG leaving LK, once they got the house, but I think it was a typo and they really meant to say that RG was worried about LK leaving him once JK bought her the house, the only bit of real property she has ever had her name attached to. Given RG’s obvious reliance on LK’s money for expenses, it isn’t likely that he would leave her voluntarily, unless she drove him away somehow.


JK risks losing all connection with his own daughter in this situation. That’s my guess.

I am trying to remember…but didn’t RG return to the house & stay there after the incident?
And didn’t LK even stay there after the hospital?