Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Wow. Super scary idea.

I can only imagine it would take a very extreme combination of crazy/stupid/whatever to do something like that. I would hate to think any of us might cross paths with such a person at a horse show or in the checkout line at the Publix in Loxahatchee.

If someone were, in fact, crazy/stupid/whatever enough to do such a thing, wouldn’t it make much more sense to shoot the foot or some other location that seems less likely to cause death? Which was what almost happened to LK, according to the surgeon who testified.

Although maybe if someone were that crazy/stupid/whatever, the logical thought process of wound location might be a bit too much to ask.

I hate to say it, but in the scenario described above, wouldn’t it make more sense to shoot the dog? And claim MB did it? (Once again, poor Rosie.)

All these things make me think it would be much more likely that the first option in the original post could have happened, where there was a struggle and the gun went off during the struggle.


That explanation does make a lot more sense. Wow, am I glad these are not my problems. :crossed_fingers:


I noticed that exchange. The prosecutor barely let him get out the letter C in the word crack.


Any adult should be able to unplug a worrisome dryer then leave a note alerting people to their concerns. Even Rob Goodwin should have been able to handle that, regardless of whatever substances were swirling through his body. Ill intentions, mostly.


Completely agree. This typo explanation makes loads of sense.

Also, I’m still wondering what RG’s military discharge involved. If he had a substance abuse problem back then (possible), he very easily could have gotten tagged on routine testing. It happens to all sorts of people, all the time. For the average person, it means an Other than honorable, or a dishonorable discharge. Different rules apply to “special people “ - ugggh. Anyways… an OTH or dishonorable discharge would have followed him for the rest of his life, and been a challenge on each and every job application he filled out when he was asked about his military service. He’s have to disclose to each and every prospective employer that he didn’t have an honorable discharge. But working as an unlicensed contractor would be a possibility for someone with that sort of background problem…

Anyway… this is just more speculation on my part. I’ll admit it. These are not hard lines to read in between though…

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I admit I get curious and with very little effort figured out who the mom in question is - there is not obvious signs of MB on any of her SM, but that is only what I can see publicly. I’m not going to name names here, though.

Sadly, jailhouse romance happen with some frequency. There are stories all the time about people getting infatuated with a particular inmate and ending up in a “relationship”. It can even be people who had never met the detainee prior to time in prison. So they very well may be “romantically” linked to this day, such as it would be with MB being in county jail and all.

I took the exchange to mean they are currently linked, but Shellhorn did not dig into the time frame too deeply. It seemed that he felt he’d planted enough of a seed with the jury.


As someone previously mentioned, that kind of shot would be very, very difficult to do to yourself. For one thing, the entrance wounds were rather high on the upper chest (almost shoulder area). Seems that would be above where an implant generally sits (I know next to nothing about breast implants), and even pretty much above the breast itself. Secondly, how does one hold the gun at that angle? I know it was a relatively small handgun, but LK is very petite and assumedly has very small hands. It just doesn’t seem logical that she could have gripped the gun in such a manner to ensure that kind of shot without seriously endangering her own life.

And I am still struggling to understand how a round could enter that high up on the chest, travel downward through the body to injure a lower lobe of the lung, and then exit through the back. I understand that the rounds may have been deflected by bone, but how likely is it a round was deflected by multiple bones in different places to cause two changes in trajectory? Plus, I would think there would be visible damage to said bones and I don’t remember if the surgeon mentioned that…

So my theory is that MB did in fact shoot her (most likely while they were wrestling for control of the gun), or perhaps RG did.


Anyone can purchase, for a small fee, a background check on someone that includes military history. I seriously doubt RG has even been in the military, especially the USMC. It isn’t important other than just one more lie.


I think that location would be very possible with that small of a gun and an upward trajectory. Also, there was very little made of LK’s hand injury. If it was the right hand, I wonder is it was possibly a slide injury.


I think that line of speculation shouldn’t be discussed publicly. It’s very unlikely. A struggle and a gun going off while rolling on the ground and a dog attacking? Sure.


They mentioned his military history when he was on the stand. If he lied about serving at all, that’s relevant.

If he was kicked out and had an OTH or a dishonorable discharge on his record… in some circles… it’s a big deal. As I’ve mentioned on other threads though, I’m from a military family… so perhaps I put greater emphasis on this sort of thing than others do. It just means “serious serious dirtbag” to me.


It seemed like the defense lawyer barely mentioned it, though. I wondered if there was any significance to that.

It would probably get stricken as he isn’t on trial. Yet. Let’s hope LK never finds herself in the role of Lisa Jo Druck (better known as Rielle Hunter) to RG playing quite a different part in her tawdry soap opera life. Maybe LK can take a leaf from RH’s book and make videos demonstrating her kitchen cleaning skills, or vacuuming. I doubt she can flip a burger.


Me too, particularly USMC. All veterans are sacred people IMO.



Well, LK obviously thought it was very important to her case… with constant edits, screen captures, deletions, rages at moderators etc.


I have often wondered about that quote. It certainly makes more sense to think that RG was worried about LK telling him to leave, rather than Daddy-O worrying that RG would leave LK. I would think JK would want someone like RG far, far away from hjs daughter. But then again, he may have “allowed” RG to stay in the picture as long as he ensured LK had a roof over her head (especially since - as has been said here - she wasn’t allowed to live with her family). But once that roof was gone (i.e., they left MB’s farm), RG would have had to get a real job (poor baby) to keep a roof over Daughter Dearest’s head. And being the grifter he apparently is, there was no way in H*** he was going to go back to making an honest living. Simple solution - drive MB out of his own property and then LK and RG can continue living there as His and Her Highness.


Add this to the long, long, long list of things I will NEVER understand.

Not in this case specifically, but just in general. I don’t get it.


What you are forgetting is LK can’t function without RG. He does EVERYTHING. She reads and sleeps.


I agree completely.

The average construction worker’s salary in New Jersey is approximately 33k-51k PER YEAR, FULL TIME. I’m certain this includes the permits and requirements needed and not someone that isn’t even licensed.

RG has already testified stating he was not full time, did not work everyday, but did work when he had free time or when it was convenient for RG. The state of the house showed marginal improvement and marginal work done. Coming from someone that has renovated several properties and has done the work, ourselves.

So where LK/RG are getting 50k for a few months of unqualified work, I have no idea.

ETA: Hell, RG wouldn’t have even passed a drug test, per his admittance that he relapsed several times while working for/with MB.


Consider that statement and think about the character and judgment exercised by those two people for many, many years.