Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

The earwitness doesn’t necessarily preclude their being more shots though because the phone disconnected 10-15 seconds after Lauren was shot according to his testimony (and I assume phone records). That could be consistent with Lauren being shot and then MB shooting Rob after, even say 30 seconds after Lauren


Yeah, consider this: All the nice people character witnessing for MB, olympic athletes, hay guy, friends, people who know him, have years long relationships with him, to talk about what he was experiencing, and they too, the past frew months. But no one speaking up for LK and RG. Not one person they know, supporting them. No horse people, no former trainers, no boarders, no friends, not even relatives, talking about their “fear” of MB, or their worry about this or that. Nobody. No farriers, no vets, no one who sold them a horse, no working students talking about how nice she was, how kind, not even to say how well she tended her horses. The only person who had anything nice to say about her was MHG, who tried to remain neutral, out of decency because she’s a decent human being. But even the prosecution witnesses made the defense/MB look good and LK and RG look like losers. No one came out of the woodwork to rally to their cause. Not even shelly nelly belly, her BFF on social media.


Maybe you are.

Plus we’ve only seen about a day and a half of the defense’s case so far, between all the sidebars yesterday and the early finish today.


I’m assuming this was the situation when RG allegedly threatening the WS.


Then why would defense ask multiple people about the dog, show pictures of the dog and try to illustrate the dog’s temperament and breed?

I would think it would be because of involvement or to illustrate the many problems LK/RG brought forth, including the dog. I’m honestly not clear on the dog’s relevance but believe it is relevant.


Yes, but being a very nice man doesn’t preclude MB from shooting LK, and LK being a absolutely terrible person doesn’t mean MB was justified in shooting her


I honestly think the defence is just trying to focus in on irrelevant things because he is unable to produce any actual evidence to contradict the prosecutions version of events. If MB could testify to how things went down maybe the trial would be going very differently


He called on RGs phone and RG handed phone to LK. LK states she hit MB with HER phone. Then she said her phone was too bloody to work so she used RGs phone.


I think the testimony of ED, LK & RG was very contradictory. If they all had the same story, that’d be one thing, but they don’t.


Except. Except!

That completely contradicts RG’s witness testimony last week when he very specifically said that the first two shots were one right after the other and then the third shot came just a second or two later. (Direct quote: “Boom, boom… boom.”)

And he confirmed that again. He did not just say it one time. I don’t recall now if that was when he was answering the prosecutor or the defense lawyer.

But if it was the defense lawyer, I can certainly wonder in hindsight if there was extra significance to that exchange when RG said the same thing more than once regarding the timing of the shots. :thinking:

Edited to add: And if it does turn out that the specific exchange between the defense lawyer and RG regarding the timing and number of shots is very significant, I’m going to be the first one to stand up and wave a banner and say, All hail, Columbo! Lol.


The dog biting MB in the groin has been brought up the entire trial numerous times. So you must be watching a different trial.


Except that’s not the testimony LK gave.


It’s been brought up by a flailing defence. I haven’t been convinced it’s relevant. It’s not disputed that the dog bit both MB and RG after an altercation. The defence would need to introduce evidence that the dog attacked before he shot to support a self defence claim


How about this theory. It’s my best attempt to stitch together various facts and details that we know about after watching this trial, and after seeing some of LK’s social media posts.

MB grabs RC’s gun from the safe, immediately after MHG and the child welfare investigator leave his office, during the visit that happened on 08/07 immediately prior to the shooting. He grabs that particular gun, as well as a magazine associated with that gun, because he learns that the child welfare investigator showed up because of a SafeSport complaint LK initiated. The SS complaint LK initiated involved multiple things, but part of it was about MHG allowing her 11 year old child to be in a living situation around illegal firearms that were improperly secured. And this fits one of the conditions of neglect that necessitates an immediate welfare check by local authorities. LK chose to make up this particular complaint, because a few days earlier, she overheard RC and MB talking on one of her recording devices about RC bringing her handgun with her when she recently came up from North Carolina. And LK knows they put that handgun in MBs gun safe for safekeeping, but technically, that gun isn’t even supposed to be in NJ. LK had made social media posts right around the same time alluding to how gun laws vary from state to state, and how she knows that it’s illegal to bring a gun from NC into NJ without first obtaining certain permissions. Anyway… LK made the very specific complaint she did to SS in hopes that local child welfare authorities would check it out immediately, and find that particular gun in MBs possession, which would cause serious trouble for him and MHG, as it might be considered a bad home environment for her son. Might even cause custody issues for MHG.

So MB keeps interrupting the meeting between MHG and the child welfare investigator, because he is desperate to get in his office and get that particular gun out of the safe, and hide it somewhere else stat. So that it isn’t discovered during this initial welfare check visit by the local child welfare lady who just showed up and started asking questions. Upon his third interruption, he actually gets MHG and the child welfare lady to take their interview elsewhere… and that gives him the chance to grab RCs gun, and stuff the extra magazine with ammo related to that gun into his pocket. He plans on stashing it somewhere else safe on the farm, at the first opportunity, once the child welfare lady has left. But before then, he drives down the hill to speak with LK and RG. Because this threat to MHGs custody, and the visit from a child welfare investigator is just too much. And he wants to try and speak with them directly to see if he can get them to just agree to go. After all, his lawyer and JK have found a different farm that will accept LK and her horses in the immediate term.

When he gets to the farmhouse and steps out of his truck, LK is outside, and she does run inside to get RG… in keeping with her testimony. RG is then on the phone with ED, in keeping with his testimony. But while LK is in that apartment… she also grabs a gun of her own that she did have in the apartment all along. She is holding her gun, while also speaking to the attorney, ED, on RGs phone, as she follows RG down the stairs, while he is going to confront MB. And RG does try and speak with MB, saying lawyers should handle it. Then LK does say, “I want to talk to MB.” And she proceeds to walk towards MB, and shows him she has a handgun on her as she approaches him, because after all… she is “Miss BadAss” all while she has that lawyer on the phone. Her intention is just to terrorize and intimidate MB even more. To gaslight him. But in that second, when she walks towards MB and flashes her own gun at him… MB snaps, as he truly believes LK is about to shoot him. So in that split second, he reaches for the gun he actually has on him at that specific point in time, and shoots at her in self defense, and in an attempt to get away.

Then stuff goes wild. People start scrambling. Either MB or LK fire off a third shot, which goes through the apartment. RG comes running out to try and tackle MB… and then LK does walk around… in fact, she walks around the house (as per one of RGs original statements), and she goes to hide her gun in RGs truck or in his trailer, or somewhere else close by, because at that point she doesn’t know if MB has been shot, but she can see that RG has MBs arm behind his back and has MB in a choke hold. LK never intended for her moment of idiotic “Miss BadAss” bravado to turn into a full blown shooting situation, and she’s worried about her own rear end getting charged with attempted murder. So she hides her gun. And then she runs back to grab her phone from inside (she’s already set RGs on a patio table) and at that point she lets Rosie out and sics the dog on MB as well. And the dog goes nuts and starts biting MB and RG, and other details do play out in a general way somewhat close to whatever RG and LK testified to. And it all matches what can be heard on the 911 call, that LK makes at that point. But LK and RG do try and beat in MBs head and make him lose consciousness in the minutes immediately before the police get there. Because LK is desperate to prevent MB from saying so that she too pulled a gun … and LK is pumped full of adrenaline for a few minutes, and this is able to do some of this before collapsing because of her own wounds…

Then when the cops show up a few minutes later, both RG and LK immediately claim that MB is the one who shot at them… “unprovoked.” And the police never seriously search for a second weapon. They don’t search any of RG or LKs vehicles. Nor do they swab LK for any GSR. They just try and stabilize the scene, do triage, and coordinate with the EMTs who are arriving.

And MB is in a daze about WTF just happened, and keeps on asking the EMTs in the ambulance as he is driven to the hospital if it is all real, etc.

The next day, RG and JK go back to the apartment, delete any relevant footage from the video camera (which doesn’t even matter because the police never bothered to look for it anyway) and RG retrieves LKs gun from wherever she stashed it immediately after the shooting.

And thus, MB gets charged with attempted murder, while using RCs gun, when it really was a case of self defense. And in the immediate aftermath of the shooting, with LK in surgery and medically unable to testify, it’s pretty easy for RG (who is the sole witness the police are going to at that time) to drive a specific narrative with his statements to the police that MB was the only crazy person at the scene, and he engaged in attempted murder. And the police dutifully just go in a specific direction when “investigating”

And that is that.


It’s a great story, but it’s not one that the jury have been presented evidence of


You must be watching a different trial. The two expert psychologists are scheduled to testify tomorrow.


Catching up … the prosecutor acted like a jerk when that sweet young nervous woman who was the working student testified.


You missed a key element…all the things you complain the defense didn’t prove…was the state’s burden to prove.

The state never presented any physical evidence that MB had ever held that gun in his hand. For all we know, RC handed it off to him in the case. The only thing that puts it in his hand is those three witnesses that didn’t have the same story and had their testimony so thoroughly discredited by almost every witness the defense presented.


Just saw the post here that said that La-LaPoprider is suspended. Maybe it was on purpose so she wouldn’t rage post? or wanted to come here without people knowing?


There were two expert witnesses today (although I don’t really understand why they were called). A psychiatrist from the jail and a psychologist I believe. I hope, for Micheal’s sake, that there is another expert witness called tomorrow that can help prove the insanity defence