Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I recollect one was inoperable, but thought the other worked? I can’t remember.

I’m not well versed in firearms either.

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Soooo… if police stay narrow in how they process a scene, and prosecution has a few key witnesses willing to say one version of events, the defense is pretty much screwed unless the defendant takes the stand to speak up in his own defense, and offer a different theory of the shooting and related version of events?


For sure, at least one of the handguns was inoperable because it was missing the firing pin, and I sort of think they said one of the revolvers was also inoperable. So does that mean there was a second revolver that was still functional? I am also not at all a gun person, so it also did not really stick with me.

If they had been talking about vet work on the horses or something, I would have done a lot better at retaining it, I’m sure. Lol.


LK is not the Prosectuor’s client. The State is the Prosecutor’s client. LK is merely a State’s Witness.

Carry on.


@Virginia_Horse_Mom. That was an interesting theory, but #1 why would MB take RC’s gun and clip and leave behind the gun case? Wouldn’t it be obvious to CPS that a gun was “missing”.
#2 I don’t think LK had a gun in NJ. She seemed pretty aware of NJ laws—maybe her dad put his foot down and told her “do not bring your gun to NJ!”

I can’t reconcile the timing of the shooting, beating MB, the dog getting out, either. I guess we’ll never know for sure.

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Maybe. Although you would think for the amount of practice she’s had on social media, she should know the technical ins and outs.


IIRC, the cops said one of the hand guns had no ammo in the safe, but I have no idea which was which.

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Hi, I’m new, but have been following here since the beginning of the trial. It’s been quite enlightening!

I’m a true crime/court junkie, but hadn’t heard about this case until it popped up on Law & Crime. I’m horrified by these two individuals and I feel sorry for anyone who has had to deal with them over the years. #FreeMichaelBarisone


No, the prosecution still has to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt. Even if the defense attorney sat there like a potted plant, the state still has the burden of proving the case.


I didn’t realize the case was left in the safe. I must have missed that part of trial testimony. So there goes my theory. Uggh. I guess we could assume he did take RCs gun with him that day to use in self defense though…

As far as #2 … all we know is that LK made a lot of noise online claiming she didn’t bring her guns with her to NJ. But let’s be real. She has a long running drug problem. She had no problem regularly violating laws.

The timing of the rest of it that happened at the house that day is messy. For sure.


I think you might have the most ironically hilarious COTH forum handle ever.

Welcome to this unique little corner of the internet, where people who all love horses chat.


I REALLY Want to know what she meant by “missing gun.”

Did she maybe assume RC gun was free floating around the property and not in the safe?


But she admitted that she lies on social media. And we have seen some projecting. Was she telling the truth, or doing a cya? Or just yarking on as is her wont?


There were no expert witnesses today. Experts are allowed to give opinion testimony instead of just fact testimony. Unless NJ is different than every other state where I’ve watched a trial, the judge will give the jury specific instructions on how to handle the expert’s testimony.


CPS would not be able to charge MB with a gun related crime simply because he had a gun case. Certainly not illegal to own.

I think LK was using SM to project whatever version of reality she was trying to project. I think she is conniving enough to make these SM posts about guns to illustrate a completely untrue story, one being she didn’t have a gun in NJ but in reality certainly could have.


She also had no problem lying to her friends (recall lying about the camera months before she allegedly purchased them?) in order to construct a certain narrative.

“I’m a badass but not really a threat because my gun isn’t in this state.”

I could see that being a lie.


You assume MB took the gun there.
You don’t see the possibility that LK and RG had it?


But they haven’t even had that, have they?

Their three key witnesses, LK, RG, and ED, did not all tell one version. They all said different things.


The BEST place for it to be is IN the safe, isn’t it?


I could see some inconsistencies being the norm in a situation such as this. Lots of stress, severe physical injuries. I would be verrrrry skeptical if their stories were word perfect.

But these accounts are SO VASTLY different, its hard to process.