Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I think that’s EXACTLY what she meant. And she totally played the whole thing up to SS, and combined it with “concern” for MHG’s child’s safety… knowing full well that SS are mandatory reporters. And sure enough, SS immediately kicked it to local child welfare, who hustled right out to investigate.

Remember… the child welfare investigator first talked to MHG that day. Then… she talked to RC. Why would that child welfare investigator even need to speak to RC? What could she possibly have to do with that complaint?

Answer. The complaint focused on RCs gun. And it posing a danger to the children on the property. And LK only knew it was there because of her illegal recording devices…


But she wouldn’t have known it was MISSING.

She made that up to drag CPS into it.

Presumably it was in the case, in the safe the whole time.

I’m not convinced she could access the safe, even if she could get in the office.

Maybe MB took the gun to show it to her “it’s not lost it was in the safe, undo what you did?”

Idk I’m not sure that’s reasonable though.


Ugh, I posted the guns found in safe and coordinating ammo… Somewhere here.


I hate it when that happens! Lol.

Seriously, the fact that there are so many different theories that fit the actual provable pieces of evidence seems like there’s a lot of reasonable doubt out there.


I think that’s possible. But I am trying to work through the evidence and come up with the most simple theory possible that explains what we do know. And it seems more simple to come up with a theory in which MB did actually bring that gun to that farmhouse that day.


Didn’t RC testify that the box of ammo, that was found in the safe, wasn’t hers, that she only gave MB the gun (in the case) and the two magazines (one full, one maybe empty).


Isn’t that “hashtag” thingy the same as the one used by the woman that has that unpleasant “Dressage Hub” posting center ( is it called a channel?) on you tube?


But here’s the thing. Wasn’t that gun in NJ illegally, missing or not?

Maybe I Sam confusing details between LKs posts and RCs testimony, but I thought part of the problem was that RCs gun was only licensed and legal in NC (where RC is from). And she just brought it up to NJ with her out of force of habit, not thinking about that.

But LK knew the details of gun laws, and the problems with carrying across state lines…

So… even if CPS found it in the safe, it could still have posed a problem for MB (and by extension MHG and her custody). Because it was an ILLEGAL weapon in NJ…


Welcome! @ScaredOfHorses

I’m guessing you have not read anything, yet. There are many, many threads about this going back 2&1/2 years!

I’m sorry you are scared of horses. Maybe one day you can find someone that has an old sweet horse and you can wrap your arms around its neck and just breathe in its scent—nothing on earth sweeter! Well, maybe a barn full of horses who have just been freshly bedded and fed hay—that’s really nice, too.


I thought that particular gun was in NJ illegally. RC had brought it from NC with her. So MB having an illegal firearm in his safe? That’s a big problem still.




Said the jury, probably.


And let’s not forget she testified that she lies on social media so just because she said she had no guns in NJ doesn’t mean that’s the truth.


And was it fingerprinted? Did we ever hear how many bullets were missing or what type they were? No….nor was a receipt provided for proof of who purchased the box. If MB’s guns were all non-operational, did he have an active handgun permit that was necessary in NJ to obtain those bullets?


There has been a lot of discussion about this 'Lower Lobe" injury and how this is confusing. I just want to point out that the lobes of the lung aren’t horizontal. The lower left lobe is a triangle and comes up almost to the point where here gunshot wounds are, especially in the back. It doesn’t necessarily mean there was any specific angle on the shot. The Dr. is describing anatomy, for all we know it was just the very top tip of that lobe, as the bullet was exiting her back.


But if a law was broken, only RC broke it at that point.

MB simply put it somewhere safe, so the kids would not be able to be harmed by it, until a few days later RC would take it back home to NC with her, where it was legal.


I think reasonable by that time with those people under those circumstances could be a pretty big ask.


Not in remand which are provincial institutions.

IHNI if she uses that hashtag. We use hashtags all the time in the true crime community. They are especially helpful for getting the word out on missing person cases. I did look at that channel so i could learn what dressage is, though.


Agreed. But I’m still trying, in my head, to attribute MB’s actions to “reason,” which given the testimonies we’ve heard may not be accurate.