Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

[quote=“MHM, post:6848, topic:770941, full:true”]

I also think, from the perspective of the child welfare investigator, she was focused on investigating the home environment MHGs child was in.

So even if they found the gun locked in the safe… the gun was still illegal in NJ. And the safe belonged to MHGs boyfriend, and was part of the child’s home environment. And any illegal gun found in that child’s home environment? That would become a child welfare concern, and be a serious issue for MHG.


Ok, that was impressive. Lol.



Would CPS know which of the 5-6 guns in the safe were legal or illegal? It doesn’t seem that she asked to see inside the safe.


How about to keep his customers from shooting each other, since we’ve heard that RC was sleeping in the barn aisle with it under her pillow, and now we’ve heard that LK had been seen sneaking around at night in black clothing?

And let’s just pause and think for a moment how completely insane the situation was there by that point to make that previous sentence applicable.


Apparently not.

"First, in every GSR test report – whether the test comes back positive or negative for GSR – there is always a disclaimer. A positive GSR test result does not necessarily mean that a defendant has fired a gun. Even if the fused particles of barium, antimony, and lead are found, they could have come from other materials, such as brake pads or fireworks, or they could be a result of a contaminated sample. "

“Second, it is important to consider how the GSR sample was collected. Many times, police officers do not gather the GSR samples in a proper way to prevent the possibility of contamination. The FBI and most police departments recommend that GSR samples be taken from a suspect immediately at the scene and hopefully before being handcuffed or transported in a police cruiser. Studies in major metropolitan areas around the country have determined that there are an alarmingly high number of GSR particles on handcuffs, the back seats of police cars, holding cells, interrogation tables and chairs, as well as on police officers themselves.”

The Keystone Cops, oh sorry I meant the Police in this case do not sound capable of even preventing contamination.


So why did MB take the gun from RC?

Child welfare was there due to LK’s SafeSport complaint, correct?

The complaint that she reports that she was just telling them what was going on and they asked her over and over if there were children there and she answered yes.

I had the impression that she wasn’t calling SafeSport about a gun. I realize she’s not 100% credible, but if she was calling to make a report about bullying, yelling, fire code violations, her life being threatened, murder plots… they would still report to child welfare?

My guess is the child welfare call didn’t have much to do with the gun.


What a coincidence :rofl:


[quote=“Virginia_Horse_Mom, post:6852, topic:770941, full:true”]

CPS cares more about the child witnessing violence and being around drug use. Those are 2 and 3 on the no no list. Number 1 is sex abuse or physical abuse. And by physical abuse I mean big stuff. Stuff you didn’t know existed.


Not when it has a serial number, and that can be traced to registered in NC to RC

OK, Lauren

The poster is now on ignore for me. This whole sordid ordeal is unpleasant enough without having to deal with people that I feel are disingenuous.


Well… if “someone” had complained to SS that MHG and MB were allowing children on the farm to be around their clients firearms… and specifically mentioned RC - and then SS immediately reported this to local CPS to investigate…

CPS would have come right out to the farm to investigate. And talked to the minor’s custodial parent MHG. But second on their list to interview was… RC.

So yeah… I think CPS knew exactly which handgun was the concern. It was RCs handgun.


Did you miss the part where she claimed JH broke into her phone and was searching for the CPS hotline number? And that they wanted to talk to RC?


If the gun was in the safe and MB retrieved it, then went to shoot LK and RG with it, it was never “missing” at all, was it? The only way it could have been missing and for LK to know about it is if she or RG took it from the office themselves, and then decided to publicly taunt MB about a “missing” firearm as another way of threatening him, basically letting him know that they were armed. Plausible? Certainly raises doubt in my mind that MB brought that gun to the scene of the crime.


She really was an excellent witness. And she seemed to provide a good perspective from somebody who was present but not really directly involved in all the drama, except mostly as an observer.

And the fact that she was basically a customer, and could leave at any time, and in fact was planning to do so, showed that everybody there was feeling the heat, not just the primary players.




Well, she may have done that… but the CPS representative said they were there because of SafeSport, no? She may have ALSO wanted a different complaint, but if I remember correctly they were likely not there because of the gun.

Admitting that it’s a clusterf*(&$ and pretty much anything could go.


But… what about the GSR on MBs hands? Did he somehow get that gun away from LK and RG at the house… and then shoot LK with it?

That seems more complicated to me, than MB just having it and taking it to the house that day with him.


Takes a bow…