Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Whoa. I totally missed that from todays testimony. Thank you for pointing it out and clarifying.

I completely agree. Crime scene processing = FUBAR


Thank you for clarifying that.


[quote=“BigMama1, post:6930, topic:770941, full:true”]

No, judge blocked everything that could provide insight to that. The closest we got was an email/text LK admitted she sent that described her being able to access the office and that she could now do “nefarious” things that they needed done.

The closest they got into evidence was mentioning that CPS wanted to talk to RC and that several people testified to recordings of their conversations in the office. So far anyway….


I have no idea. My knowledge of what was presented at trial is limited to reading some of the recaps posted here. I haven’t had any desire to watch it online or learn all the details inside out. Many people here are though, and I’m sure one of them will remember if the “missing gun” was mentioned.

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You know…so far in, and there is still nothing we really hadn’t already heard yet…just the reasonable side of the story is coming out now….


Yes, where are all those bombshells? Tick, tock…


Refresh my memory since it’s being discussed:

When LK posted on social media that RC’s gun was “missing”, were the posts actually made before the shooting? Or did she just post after the fact talking about the gun having been missing leading up to the shooting?


This makes sense up to a point. I don’t think that JK is altruistic when it comes to cleaning up after LK and the freeloader.

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After I’m thinking because who would be looking at her stuff before?

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And while hard to imagine, he might be a stabilizing influence on her. [quote=“eggbutt, post:6624, topic:770941, full:true”]
What you are forgetting is LK can’t function without RG. He does EVERYTHING. She reads and sleeps.


Did they call the farrier to the stand today?

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A barefoot trimmer, who was not the farrier who MB told not to do her horses.
I’m not sure they will call him. I’m not sure they’d be able to get much of what he says admitted.


If I recollect correctly… there were two posts. One, shortly before the shooting, went into detail about how gun laws are tricky when it comes to NJ, and how if Lauren brought up her own guns from NC, they wouldn’t be legal in NJ, and she could get in serious trouble. She also blathered about hollow point ammunition in that post, which is the part some people focused on… but the relevance of NC to NJ gun laws, and the perils of taking weapons across state lines jumped out to other folks. Because that’s exactly what RC did in early August…

Then, there was a more direct post at some point, either immediately prior or after the shooting, when she calls out RC for her “missing” gun, and I think something else was mentioned about how that was dangerous for kids in the immediate vicinity…

Anyway… it was clearly an issue LK focused on in detail


So much to wade through but I wanted to counter this. He presented as a lovely, genuine person. He answered all questions, was polite, non-evasive, and actually for me communicated a lot in his quiet way. He’s not the same personality type as the Olympic athletes and various professionals who were on yesterday. He is clearly a quieter personality. He also looked very traumatised and close to tears which communicated A LOT from such a reserved person.

Like the other defence witnesses he came across as a sincere, sound, genuine person, who was clearly a bit intimidated by being on the witness stand but conducted himself with dignity and poise and did not lie or carry on like the prosecution witnesses* did.

*ETA: by which I mean LK, RG and ED, the two men by far making complete dog’s dinners of their times on the stand.


Both. One was a threat she made before the shooting. One after in which she taunts RC about the gun and being recorded.


They are quite volatile together. RG said under oath that they fight alot. He was not joking when he said he does EVERYTHING - cooking, laundry, grocery shopping, house cleaning, tacking & untacking the horses, you name it and he has to do it. She sleeps, reads and paces when she isn’t taking a lesson.


I don’t believe they would be considered expert witnesses as the judge didn’t qualify them


Don’t forget she also lurks about in the evenings as a veiled ninja in all black and shoeless…


With everything else, I now think it’s also possible that the dog attacked MB, he pulled the gun to defend himself, and LK jumped into the line of fire to save her beloved Rosie.



The prosecutor was not allowed to enter the pictures of her wounds as they were deemed prejudicial by the judge. They were described as the cut from the front to the back under her arm when they placed her on her side to clamp the aorta, the entry holes including the damage to the breast implant requiring removal of the destroyed implant, a cut from her lower stomach to her ribs which had to stay open for a while to allow the swollen intestines to move away from the lungs so she could breathe, a hole in her back where the bullets exited. She lost half her blood, was on a ventilator for 8 days, she required another surgery to plug another hole somewhere before she could begin to heal. I can’t remember how long she was in the ICU. So, no lurid photos were allowed but that doesn’t mean there were no scars. Listen to the doctor again on YouTube.