Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Im curious if the defense will bring up MB going to the police dept in person. The trimmer guy recommended he go do that but I did not see where it was mentioned that he went and was turned away.


Thank you for getting me to giggle imagining this scene.


It may be possible i have the same scar in the same place. I do not describe mine that way at all so I am curious.

Also pulling out a chest tube is not fun but they do it fast.


The judge won’t allow it in because MB can’t testify about it. Unless Michael can discuss it, that event and many others will not be brought up as direct evidence. Bilinkas may find a way to bring some things into his closing though.


Yes I think you’re right, I’m referring to them wrong. I was thinking expert because they were professionals in mental health, I thought they’d give a big more testimony on MB

The defense wanted to show others were afraid of RG and the dog. It was not relevant to MB’s state of mind so it was not allowed.

The comment about the young woman’s mom being in a romantic relationship showed possible bias so it was allowed.

I found it confusing. Was this back when it happened or is this now? I don’t think it matters for the trial.

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There’s no report.
MB can’t testify so anyone else discussing it would be hearsay wouldn’t it?

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Florida is a two party consent state regarding recordings isn’t it?

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I wasnt sure if the police that turned him away could be asked about it or not. It makes sense now that it will probably not be brought up.

How do we know who they were without a report?


Yeah, that PD has already proven how lax they are about reports.


I didnt know if the area had video surveillance and that could prove he went, plus I thought some of the cops were ones that came out to the farm on the 911 calls. Ironic, the one time you wish you were recorded.

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And the arrogance on the stand was very off putting to me.


I’m watching the same one you are.

They are not on trial. This is Bilinkas blowing smoke to say MB good and LK/RG bad. True or not, it’s not relevant to whether or not MB is not guilty by insanity and self defense.

I have never owned a dog which would be aggressive towards people, that I know of. They never had the opportunity to show that tendency.

Would a more aggressive dog be apt to attack if the owner is upset and yelling at someone, but no actual physical contact of the owner?


It most certainly is relevant.


You obviously have no idea what you are talking about.


My armchair is (or probably) even further away in Australia! I’m often late in catching up here and watching as much as I can of the trial. I thought the prosecutor looked a little gleeful and I could even anticipate that he would repeat that word if he got the chance. He managed to get it in, sadly. …