Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

She is not on trial.

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I’ve been told dogs must be trained to bite humans (think police dog training). This particular dog seems to have no problem biting anyone. Hopefully a child doesn’t encounter that dog.


To me, today hurt the defense badly. It was nice MB could see people really care about him but the testimony did nothing for not guilty by insanity and self defense.

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Really? While she can’t be found guilty and sentenced, her behavior certainly is on trial. The behavior of her and the boyfriend and father most definitely added to the rapid mental decline of Barisone in an admitted calculating way.


It does make the defense’s job quite a challenge. I suspect that is why he is working to hard to pant a glowing portrait of the defendant and a horrible picture of the victims. It’s all he has. There are 3 witnesses. One isn’t speaking and the other two are imperfect. One was shot twice in the chest and a third round went through the window. The last person seen with the gun was the defendant who left the barn to drive to the house. He made comments to LE and others about they came to take the children.


Their testimony told of the decline of a once “elegant” man reduced to a mental/possible psychotic breakdown. They watched it and they witnessed what caused it. I really am sincerely sorry you can’t understand this fact.


Wow. Unbelievable.


For me, and it could be I missed quite a bit leading up to the trial, but there were a whole heap of new things:

-LK and RG: history of illegal drug use, including the herion that was mentioned in the civil filing

  • LK was, indeed, demonstrably asked to leave, more than once (something she denied repeatedly)

  • in addition to being asked to leave, JK had been negotiating her departure

  • a barn with BNT was found to accept her (i.e., she wasn’t dependent even on all the people who were offering her places/help on line)

  • LK/RG recorded in places other than the admitted locker and ‘our apartment’

  • LK had gained access to MB’s office including being able to manipulate documents and use his signature

  • LK sneaking around Mr McGrain’s trailer at night dressed in black w/o shoes (eeewww)

  • that MB had and still has a loyal group of friends and supporters (not a single one of whom could reasonably be derided as a ‘fangirl’ - Dutton? Dancer? Brock? Mr Davidson? barefoot trimmer? health inspector? his lawyer? etc., etc. none of those people fit that description) [hearing that MHG cut off all contact (no judgement) I has been thinking he was friendless after this]

  • they can only show 2 shots with any evidence

  • no one was swabbed for GSR including the alleged shooter so now I cannot even get a gun in someone’s hand

  • no forensics done on the identified weapon - hardly even know what to say on that point

  • LK’s story, RG’s story, and the earwitness’s story do not match, and not in little details but full blown timeline and event mismatches

All of that was new to me, though I could have missed a fair bit of it previously.


The latest in this unscientific poll:


It occurred to me that we might have just seen him out of his element. Perhaps he is a great communicator with horses, which might be more relevant to his day-to-day job.

And he did do quite well on the stand, I thought, in a situation that would have to be difficult for anyone.

Edited to add: I was reminded from a later post that his last name is McGrain. Come on. He was destined to be a horseman. Lol.


And all of this spells REASONABLE DOUBT.

Great post!


Your insight so far has not been precise.


We have a German Shepard/ Collie cross that we have owned for over 8 years. He is definitely “my” dog. My husband and I can be horsing around and he will insert himself between us with the intention of protecting me. I am with our dogs more than my husband, and this dog often travels with me.

He is not what I would say is considered aggressive, but we have never pushed an issue with him. He will bark and react to vehicles pulling in the driveway, as if he has a vendetta against the UPS man, Fed Ex driver, mailman and Amazon.

I can call him off, tell him to get on his bed, and to lie down and be quiet.

There was an night however, on a camping trip, however, where I had gone to bed and he was in the neck of the trailer, sleeping at the foot of the mattress in his normal position. There was a knock on the living quarters door, and someone trying to get in, which I ignored because I was alone.

He jumped down from the neck of the trailer, barked and growled a couple times, then planted himself in front of the door for the rest of the night.

I could see if I was yelling, and he thought there was an issue, that he might then be aggressive.

But, my theory as a person who tries to be a responsible dog owner, is that it is my job to have control over him, whether it be verbal commands or a leash physically restraining him.


I find it interesting in LK’s statement here about the events of that day that she said the dog was never allowed to be out unless tied, and yet was “somehow outside” presumably because someone came flying out the door and didn’t close it behind them.

No mention from ED that I heard about a dog barking or reacting in any way he could hear.


The testimony today revealed he kept saying something about they want to take the children or they are here for the children.


Could they call the policemen who were at the station that day and turned MB away to testify about it?


You’re right. How come there was no dog barking heard over the phone. Nor head bashing with her phone when it was RGs phone she was talking on.


I also know very respectable people in the canine industry, i.e. breeders, professional handlers and trainers, who will say tying dogs is a sure way to encourage aggression in dogs.


It seems there would be some way to prove it. I suppose the cops could easily say they don’t recall.