Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

from the picture I saw they had to have laid her open like a suckling pig before roasting!
Kind of like the damage the fire department does vs the actual fire. ( the only thing I give her)

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I would think many dogs would be much more inclined to bite in a situation if the owner is excited and there’s a lot of commotion.

And unfortunately, there are plenty of dogs that are inclined to bite without much encouragement, whether they are being protective or whether they are fear biters or what have you.

I still keep thinking of that dog in the 911 call. She just sounded beside herself. Poor Rosie. I realize it’s easy enough for me to say that, since I did not have to go anywhere near her. But I still would feel sorry for any dog in that situation. Dogs don’t get to pick their owners.


nah, untrained dogs bite all the time.
The bite work - and from what I understand not every dog is able to do this successfully - is to bite only on command and release on command as well.


Indeed. Taking all evidence and testimony thus far in the light most favourable to the prosecution, I cannot in good conscience convict even if I loath Mr Barisone.

With zero forensics done on the three people involved and zero done on the gun in question, I honestly cannot now, within a legal or narrative structure, put that gun in MB’s hand. Interestingly, because of the complete failure of the PD, I cannot put it in anyone else’s hand, either. I have no logical chain of custody or events supported by evidence to show how that gun got there that day. Literally nothing.

That they didn’t even test the gun for fingerprints and DNA is just…wha?

I also found it very odd and very noticeable that RC was asked on the stand to handle the gun without gloves whereas all other evidence was handled with gloves. Why was that one - nay, the key - piece of evidence handled differently from all others?

The whole thing seems HIGHLY irregularly handled from the LE and prosecution side from go.

Also, every single prosecution witness* had issue with lying, evasion, and extreme defensiveness on the stand. The arrogance was, as someone noted up thread, very off putting. But it also lent a whiff of desperation to the testimony. Why so defensive if you’re all in the clear, not lying, and telling the true story? I think that uppity/snippy lawyer ED is fearful of action by his state bar given what was recorded in that meeting he had. And he didn’t even know he was being recorded! I’d be freaking out, too, as a lawyer.

*ETA: meaning LK, RG and ED. MHG, JH, and RC were exemplary to the point that I keep thinking of them as defence witnesses.


Additionally, the nice amateur from Illinois (?) testified that she did not have trouble finding several nearby options to move her multiple horses. And I believe she also said that since it was an unpleasant situation at MB’s, she was primarily concerned about finding a safe place to put her horses and her daughter, even if that meant the training program was secondary for the moment.

I think that was an excellent contrast for the jury to see.


I would want to know where RG and LK were 4 years ago…
perhaps stiffing some other hapless person out of rent?


The security guy only saw MB walking around, not LK.

True. Maybe he can’t keep them all straight from one year to the next.

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Are you here to get the thread shut down? They usually get shut down for this kind of nonsense. Don’t dox people.


I’m just going to point out that RC, MHG, and JH were all technically witnesses for the prosecution. But they mostly made things look better for the defense, so it was easy to forget that part. Lol.


I agree. Back when I volunteered at my local shelter, I had a couple close calls. Thankfully no actual bites for me and the dogs (though their jaws got close to my face multiple times) - just grazes from their claws. With these instances though, none of the near-bites were due to aggression, just under-stimulation, far too much pent up energy, and perhaps no training that humans are not chew toys.


Sorry, 100% agree and stand corrected. They were all superlative. They did so well for the defence that you are correct, I forget the prosecution called them! :astonished:


I had to deal with AC when my own dog bit me. We had recently gotten him and hadn’t been told he was food aggressive. I gave him a peanut butter kong and reached toward him to close the latch on the yard gate and he lunged and bit my hand. It’s a reportable incident even when it’s your own dog so, that was fun.

He’s never done it again. Was my bad and had I known he was food aggressive/resource guarding I would not have done it the way I did.


I found the fact that LK had been ED’s client for only 24-48 hours to be so …odd. And whatever happened to her attorney Andrew O’Connor, her attorney at the time of the shooting, per that NYT article?


I got this sense, too, that he’s a quiet and very observant and careful (e.g., the tile work) person who would be great with animals. I think he worked with the babies, too, is that right?

Based on his demeanour on the stand I would be happy to have him around my animals. By contrast, I wouldn’t allow RG within a mile of my property, let alone any living thing on it. That performance on the stand will colour people’s perceptions of him forever, I’d imagine. And not just the admission of his drug use; his arrogance, aggression, lying, and generally presenting as neither likable nor believable.

Speaking of which, I wonder what’s going through the minds of the other boarders, staff, and owners of her current place. If she did this at MB’s, I’d be scared witless that it was only a matter of time before some form of this was coming to my barn.


Yes, I believe he said he worked primarily with the young horses at MB’s farm, which was also confirmed by one of the working students who testified early on in the day.


Yup. Any bite at the shelter would have resulted in an immediate 10-day rabies quarantine for the dog, with the possibility of euthanasia. One dog was just a super friendly and beautiful spaniel, who had too much energy and saw the world as a chew toy. The other two dogs were very sad situations for me. Both were big dogs, cooped up in a space just larger than a twin bed. One had been returned to the shelter three times already. The other had been at the shelter for over two months. Being high energy dogs, most volunteers didn’t want to go in and interact with them and I tried to give them my attention every time that I went to the shelter, but it just became too dangerous.

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People are required to report a dog bite from their own dog to Animal Control?

I wonder if that’s true in every state.

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Gee that’s weird being he said she popped out of the bushes at night dressed in black and barefoot. Have you even watched the trial?


The report might come from the doctor or nurse who treats the injury. It depends on your county/state’s regulations.