Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I think the doc is getting frustrated, or at least tired of all this. Bilinkis hasn’t aske him his diagnosis yet, and he should in my opinion.


SM has no business in dealing with situations like this. The current doctor testifying was give 19,000, yes 19,000, pages of SM posts made by LK. Look how this turned out.

When you are a professional, you operate in a legitimate, PROFESSIONAL manner. You do not air dirty laundry in SM posts. Period. End of story!


Aside - can I get a lesson from this man on how to remember names accurately? He’s FANTASTIC on names.

This is a very busy man with a huge case load and work load. He’s made one small error with MHG’s name that he then corrected. He knows everyone’s names.


So how did that work out for MB??? SM at this level is a very, very new thing. Human gossip is very old. But this scale is new. So I see the potential that applying OLD paradigms to the new facts might not be the recommended way to go.

Maybe pleading his case on SM was the best way forward in a terrible situation. Certainly the path taken wound up pretty badly.

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She apparently didn’t care. This was her chess game. She’s all that matters.


She absolutely just pushed to make him snap. No long term thinking on her part. It was about seizing control, and something similar to narcissistic rage. Which is pretty specific and impulsive, and just my opinion. But that’s what I think drove her in the final days and hours before the shooting.


I think that’s intentional.
The doc seemed pretty clear that he believes the amnesia is due to head trauma, not psychological break.

He didn’t close the door on it, but seemed to lean toward the amnesia was induced by the beating at the scene, not before (indicating insanity).


Two questions:

First, for our legal experts:
How is it determined that the prosecution has failed to make its case? Is that up to the jury? Or will the defense have to make a motion to dismiss bc the prosecution has failed to make its case? Will the jury have the choice to find not guilty bc case not proved or just not guilty by reason of self-defense/insanity or guilty?

Second, I know LK is not a rational being, but what rational person would assume that as a 1st/2nd level rider, trying to achieve your scores for bronze, that you would have unfettered access to an Olympic level rider and trainer that multiple OTHER Olympians, both dressage and eventers, sought out?

That’s as if I was competing in the .85 or 1m jumpers, expecting to go to Beezie Madden’s and work one on one with Beezie.

Some serious delusional thinking there.


She knew. That was why she did it. She and her family used a systematic, planned approach to destroy MD. That was the goal. She stated it herself.


Sure, but I don’t know that they really considered what “destroyed” would really look like.

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Here we go. Delusional belief of some kind.

I’m subscribed in YouTube but no charge for it. I’ve watched every day.

How would we know what they thought it would look like?

Delusional disorder … interesting. It seems a lot of his beliefs that LK was conspiring against him were validated by facts, though


I don’t see that the shooting supports those ideas. If anything, the fact of the shooting suggests the opposite.

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Psychiatrist said MB took all the social media post literally as well.


I’m just wondering, idly, really.

Dollars to donuts she knew what destroyed looked like. She just never considered the fact she could be collateral damage.

Bad miscalculation on the part of LK, the master chess player, as she likes to describe herself!


Oh boy, cross is going to be exhausting.

Did we hear about the abuse he suffered at hands of his father?st died while MB was in jail. That’s got to have a huge effect on him now. How sad.


But why is his delusion unreasonable? I see it as entirely reasonable? Or maybe its how he reacted vs. how someone who would roll their eyes at LK, recognize her sociopathy, and systematically separate from her. Such as move his operation entirely to FLA, then go after her legally.