Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Even when Taylor tries to shut down the defense, it it is said, it is heard by the jury. They can’t unhear things.


I’m self professing I’m a Simring Fangirl


But, but, but she was never convicted of anything! Isn’t that what she always


Everything MB tried to do to deal with the LK situation and mitigate risk? She reacted by upping the ante and posting more.

Because that’s how it works. She wouldn’t let someone else have control. She had to grab control by any means possible.

Now, they are talking about “Manifesto 1-4”

LK came up with that title.

Simring specifically uses the term “gaslighting




Now is not the time for your defense of Kanarek.


Thank you!
For those who might think about subscribing. DON’T. There are commercials and there are commentators talking DURING the actual trial. Not helpful!


100% agree. The only thing to do with these sorts of people? Avoid, avoid, avoid.

My sister has a funny saying about cluster b’s like this, and dealing with them - “Never forget that you can’t make crazy sane.”


Funny, you must not be watching the same trial as the rest of us!


LK was clearly trying to provoke MB.
MB was provoked.

MB shooting LK wasn’t acceptable, but she intentionally harassed MB, and his response resulted in the shooting.

You (general) can’t always predict the actions of others, so harassing/provoking them may result in things you didn’t anticipate. So maybe don’t do those things.


Simring discussed the DCPP visit with MB

That visit was the “final straw” for MB, according to Dr. Simring.


This testimony is not about LK, it’s being carefully crafted and worded on what MB’s mental world was in the weeks prior to the incident. The expert is laying out that in MB’s MIND, he was interpreting things a certain way.

This testimony is setting up the defense’s insanity/self-defense argument. It’s certainly helping in that regards… It’s painting a picture of an unwell and struggling man.

Whether that is enough for a not guilty self-defense/insanity according to the law and this jury? Yet to be seen.


Having dated someone with cluster B traits, my ex wasn’t quite as intense as LK, but a lot of the behaviors were in a similar vein. Presenting himself as a “badass” and one not to be crossed, while at the same time presenting as a victim and blaming everything bad that happens in his life on others. The Facebook sh**posting while refusing to accept the consequences it caused when it got him in trouble at work. Lying with impunity about pretty important things whenever it suited him and refusing to own up to it, but latching onto any small inconsistency or omission in another’s words as proof that the other person is manipulative and untrustworthy.

They’re all the same.


I am not talking about this past incident so much. Considering how things ACTUALLY PLAYED OUT…. It seems a public statement from the BNT side could avert this sort of scenario.

In this particular case it cannot be known. But it is a path that could change the outcome. For better or worse…… hard to tell.

For sure it helps Ukraine :ukraine: to advertise their situation as much as possible.

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Exactly, specifically because you can’t know their mental state… If you participate in pushing them to snap, you can’t know what that snap will look like, and who might get hurt in the process of the snap.


You don’t ever know the mental state of others, so intentionally pushing someone to snap is unwise.

I wonder if LK had an idea of what the “snap” would look like, or if she just decided to push as hard as she could with no regard to the future.


That was always so disingenuous. She probably has open warrants. She bounces around from FLA, to NC to NJ and avoids arrest or service, but most drug addicts have open warrants that can stay open for years and years and only get addressed when she gets stopped at a traffic stop, which she won’t because she doesn’t drive, probably because she’s lost her license, or, possibly because having one would track her down for these warrants, or when some other legal issue comes up, the open warrants/arrests get addressed, or, from filing taxes, she can be found. They probably found open warrants or arrests she never came to court for, and this can build up a lengthy list easily for drug addicts who skate on legal issues, which she is known to do.


I’m not so sure. I have the same personal feelings as many of you, but under the law - not sure the legal definition of insanity is being met here. Feeling desperate, feeling afraid, being paranoid (though - is it paranoia if they’re really out to get you?), even having delusions- being clinically insane or mentally impaired does not necessarily equate to a legal insanity defense.

All that is required is knowledge of right from wrong. Even with everything going on and all this testimony - I’m not sure we’re there. If he felt he might need a weapon for self defense, that to me says he had some rational thought processes at the time.

If anything, I think what’s happening more here is some doubt as to whether he went with the intent of hurting them or if it might have been proper self defense that he just can’t remember.


Remember guys, according to LK’s lawyer, Ed, who was on the phone during the shooting, this entire incident happened 4 years ago!

But sure, the defense lawyer is the bad one.


Defense of LK? I’m commenting on Bilinkas horrible defense of MB.