Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

not just you, mine just went wonky as well

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Me too

Haha it’s probably a good thing that it crashed, maybe now I’ll actually be productive this morning!

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I wish Simring would diagnose her for us all.


insert ashamed face I scheduled my day around this.


Report shows listening eavesdropping devices WERE FOUND!


It’s back … RIP productivity


$5000 to bug sweep. wowserss


Life is not meant to be played out on SM. MB behaved like a responsible, respectable business owner by not airing his dirty laundry on SM.

He took legitimate legal steps to resolve the issue.

How about LK and RG should have left when asked to leave?!?!?!


My extensive and up close personal experience with cluster Bs (sociopaths, narcissists and borderlines… and combinations of the three) is that when it happens in a family, it’s impossible to distinguish nature from nature. A cluster B parent begets a cluster b child… in part, because they show no empathy to their children when they raise them… but also, possibly there is a genetic component.

I believe there has been analysis of sociopaths who were adopted and raised by non biological parents… and that genetic components have been identified as well.

Last thing though… there are no guarantees in life. Cluster B parents who raise their kids with great dysfunction and no empathy? Well… sometimes that results in HIGHLY empathetic offspring. Almost an overreaction to the parental deficit.


Good lord the judge is being kind of annoying.


Background check -

Did not see the formal report for a formal investigation, but did see the records.

Arrests, traffic violations… numerous arrests for both (more than 1 each).


Oh good. Glad that got in.


Well, don’t forget there is one cluster B where they FEEL deeply but they mistake their feelings for accurate fact.

Regardless, LK is a menace and I am glad the tip of her iceberg is now evident.

No, I do not think this has plumbed the depths to which she has gone or will go.


Wish Simring would focus on lack of help from police


All mental health personnel indicate MB is sane under the law.

Dr Simring just verified MB took the gun to the crime scene.

Earlier defense witnesses by repeating comments made by MB gave a possible motive by his comment about they want to take the children.

Nasty, vile, vicious SM posts do not justify shooting people.

The defense is helping the prosecution.

He’s trying to use this guy to unprofessionally enter how mean LK was to MB but that is noise. It’s not insanity and he just hurt the self defense.

I wonder how much money MB is paying defense.

It’s a disaster for MB. It supports LK’s and RG’s version which matched on MB drove over here and started shooting.


Taylor is again holding up to not allowing much specifics on LK or RG. He’s now calling his own sidebars. This is also the reason we were almost an hour late to start, there was a big discussion in advance.

Taylor has also stated he will be giving the jury instructions on how they are to consider this evidence at the end of direct…

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This is exactly what I have tried to say when posters here talk about threats received and posts etc…you can’t expect normal behavior from someone suffering mental health or personality disorders. Avoid at all costs, do not engage.

My opinion only.


That thick stack of arrest records gives the jury an idea of how awful these 2 are.