Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Which brings us right back to we really are not even sure HOW LK got shot. Since no forensics done we only have testimony from two people who contradict each other and in my opinion, lie, a lot.


Now I understand why abused women are blamed when they snap and kill their abuser. “well, your life wasn’t REALLY in danger your husband was only making it up when he threatened to end up and ruin you and take everything you ever knew about.”


It’s quite possible Dr Simring consulted with Barisone’s legal team what their defense should be. I have no idea.


Regarding bold, it’s incredibly hard to do anything with respect to involuntary commitment for mental treatment. I have been down this road with a family member… several times… over a period of years. It’s amazing how hard it is to get people to get help. And even if you are successful at forcing them to get help… sometimes they hate you for it. That was my experience.

As far as RG… it is incredibly common with people with cluster B disorders to form codependent, enmeshed romantic relationships with other disordered people. That’s my take on it.


I’m a little behind on the livestream. Did I hear correctly from Dr. Simring that the bug sweeping company actually did find bugs on the property?



Sometimes, when you are surrounded by all that MB was surrounded by, you can’t see the forest through the trees. It is very easy to get lost.
I cannot imagine living through all that.

That said, I don’t know that if I was Lauren, that I would have wanted to bring my horses to Cesar Parra’s place (if indeed it was that place).

This thing is just such a mess.


Wow! It just occurred to me! Dr Simring could be accused of victim shaming LK and maybe being an MB fab girl! He has said many things many of us have said here for over 2 years!


Except he has all the documents to verify all of that, and to me that’s not victim shaming, those are facts about LK. He’s direct about what these people did and are.


I wonder how the Kanarek family is handling listening to this testimony?


I wonder if MB was on prescription drugs for anxiety or depression. Paranoia and delusions can also be a side effect.


Not well, I imagine.

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I think Tarshus touched on this.
At one point he almost quit, because he couldn’t discuss this with MB because he was so… *Hyper focused on their threats, and their history of harming others.

  • My words
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I doubt they have any shame


So true. We’ve seen not indication that MB was attempting to “destroy” her outside of the SS report, which occurred well after LK’s campaign started. MB simply did not want her as a client any longer. Daddy needed to sit her down and tell her to get the eff out and find a different barn. Not to attempt to “destroy” him.

During the brief PMs back and forth with her, I said that she’s probably never really heard the word “no” before. Which she took great offense to. But the way daddy handled this sounds a whole lot like a man who never tells his little girl no. Ummm, JK? She’s 40, not 4. Make her act like it.

At the end of the day regardless of the outcome of this trial, her reputation is toast in the dressage world. No one will ever trust her. She’ll find barns/trainers willing to take her money, but she’s always going to be under a microscope. She’ll say she doesn’t care about other people’s opnions, but I don’t believe her.


Oh I know. My family has a couple of these in our midst too.

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I agree, no shame. But I bet they are furious.

And they should be furious.
At their adult daughter.
For her disgusting and disrespectful behavior.


Someone has to be real hard up or really stupid to allow that to come to their barn. You can’t run fast enough…


Maybe she should have thought of that before $hitting on what she had, where she was?


Speaking of…

JK was denied access to the gallery as a witness, but then didn’t testify. :thinking: