Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

So his delusional thinking led him to believe his life was in danger.


And there it is… in a psychotic state he did not know right from wrong.




Simring is back.

Says MB was psychotic and out of touch with reality at the time of the incident.

Says MB believed LK and her associates had come up with an elaborate plan to destroy him and kill him.

Bilinkas asks if Dr. Simring believes MB knew the difference between right and wrong at the time of the incident.

Simring says NO… MB did not know the difference between right and wrong at the time of the incident. MB was of the belief that LK was going to kill him.


Reference by Dr. on LK/RG on their past criminal history - Unverified, can only be used to explain MBs state of mind.

Allegations of prior arrests NOT admissible for their credibility as witnesses they are not convictions. Not evidence of bad character, cannot be used in that purpose by the jury.

Interesting. How to you, as a juror, do that?


Gentle hug to you. This stuff can be absolutely heartbreaking within families. That’s been my experience.


I think what some people are failing to realize is the catastrophic affects of LK and RG’s behavior intertwined with someone that has a delusional disorder.

10-15 different people have stated (including the psychiatrist, MHG, RC, working students, the assistant trainer, etc) that a few days leading up to the incident, MB’s severe insomnia persisted, that MB could barely speak let alone coherently, that MB looked physically terrible and vastly different from usual, and believed MB to be suicidal. They all state that MB was not the man they knew who they previously described as successful, put together, an accomplished rider and Olympian, a leader, a trainer, and that MB appeared to be a “human wreck.”

According to the psychiatrist, MB was convinced MHG’s children would be taken and, therefore, harmed. He stated MB believed his horses would be harmed by LK/RG, who others have testified to MB loving greatly. According to the psychiatrist, MB believed LK would take away his horse farm and destroy his reputation. All of these fears escalated over time. The psychiatrist stated that child protective services were “the straw that broke camels back,” and why MB armed himself directly afterwards as a way to defend himself. MB believed MHG was unsafe and believed that LK and RG were going to kill MB and cause harm to MGH and her family (per the psychiatrist’s testimony). That this had all been built up over thousands and thousand of SM documents over a year+ time, causing the delusions of MB to escalate and become out of control. The psychiatrist stated that anyone who tried to intervene with MB was impotent in doing so as he became worse and worse with his paranoia and out of control delusions.

The psychiatrist describes a paranoia disorder as “ an unreasonable belief that you are being conspired against - harmed, poisoned, and destroyed.” He describes the disorder as similar to schizophrenia in a sense that the individual is “out touch with reality.”
That ”thinking is in tact but islands of thinking are contaminated by delusional thinking.” Everything to do with LK became a delusion for MB. Outlandish beliefs of thinking pertaining to the harm she could do to MB and that no one could reason with MB otherwise.

According to the psychiatrist, there is a “core of false beliefs - that LK was going to destroy him,” and that MB did everything he could to protect himself from this delusion (the bug sweeping, the private investigator, the police calls, contact with his lawyer, the security MB hired, etc.) All of which lend to MB’s paranoid and delusional state of mind.


Oh, I thoroughly agree!!!


I have not caught up yet, but wanted to comment here, LK getting “shuffled off to not MB” was totally HER fault. You can’t buy into a program like MB’s and treat it as a “lifestyle”, i.e. not go to lessons, backing out of shows, etc.


Simring’s testimony is fairly solid, not matter where you are. I think the only question at this point is if it’s enough for the jury when compared to the specific law.

If we believe this testimony, it would be clear that MB was in a psychotic break and felt he was acting in self defense.

It would be my understanding that now it’s just a matter of comparing it to the law?


It strikes me that some of the delusional thought patterns the Dr. mentioned were actually MB’s reality. I wonder if that strengthened the delusions… that they were based in reality (ie; being spied on)


This was my thought too. They were not delusions at all. It was really happening.


I doubt they could care less. I wouldn’t put it past them, particularly JK, to be proud of her actions.


Interesting Simring testimony on cross.

Delusional disorders often have common themes, especially persecutory delusions, but are idiosyncratic in nature.

People with delusions can’t be reasoned with. They hold onto their intense delusions, in a way other people don’t.


Exactly my thoughts.
He just said as much, MB thought he was being spied on, and he was!!


So Blinks can’t mention that it’s his wife’s birthday, but Shellhorn can get the witness to say that the witness admires him? UGH.

ETA: the VERY CREDIBLE witness.


Also important to note that the forensic psychiatrist believes MB did NOT know the difference between right or wrong during the shooting.

I completely understand why the defense is arguing insanity and self defense now.


I thought he said that that was “unclear.”

Yes. Women need the court to have established danger and issued a restraining order and/or have doctors willing to testify she was regularly getting a beat down that put her in the hospital.


How many illicit/illegal recording devices did they find on the property?