Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28



Certainly not a new theory in these discussions that he may have taken the gun with him for self-defense because he was in fear for his life.

Dr. Simring’s explanation just made it clear how much more elevated that fear was for MB.


And the Civil case has just been sunk. Yes, the SSimring torpedoed the LK fantasy case.


Once again, I’m reminded of my ex. He came across as so charming and caring when he wanted to, and he’d convince me to share details from my past or about my feelings under the guise of wanting to connect or share cute stories … then he used that stuff against me, either immediately to create an argument or distrust where there was none, or he saved it for later and brought it out as “proof” I was a bad person or not worthy of anyone’s trust.

It’s striking how identical their playbooks all are.


My personal belief, based on what we’ve heard, is MB had, over a period of time, succumbed to delusions that LK and RG were out to kill him. I believe these delusions were prompted and continually reinforced by SM commentary, and the information that MB dug up in an attempt to reassure himself. They were further supported when his feeling that he was being recorded proved to be true.

When CPS arrived, I imagine MB immediately jumped to the fact that he was potentially being accused of sexually assaulting MHG’s child(ren?) and that was incredibly distressing to him given his history of being a victim of the same. He recalls grabbing the gun at that point and heading to the farmhouse.

The great Dr. Simring indicated that he didn’t (or may not) have been clear on what was reality or if his actions from this point forward were right or wrong.

I believe, based on the evidence to this point, that MB then proceeded to shoot LK based on his own personal perception of his life being in danger, due to his delusions. She may have stepped toward him, perhaps aggressively, to intimidate him (as she’s admitted to doing in the past), without realizing that he was in a different mental state as before. Or perhaps she knew and didn’t care. She may have approached him and hit him.

I am enough skeptical about her/RG/their lawyer’s testimony that I’m EXTREMELY unclear on the sequence of events after MB brought the gun to the farmhouse, but I do believe that he was acting in self defense, even if only based on the thoughts in his own delusional mind. Perhaps more, but there is not evidence of this, nor can there be, without MB being able to testify or video proof.


Part of that is because some cluster bs are high functioning. My family contains two high high functioning cluster bs, who are a delightful combination of narcissistic and sociopathic. Both are successful attorneys. Both are multi millionaires.

High functioning NPD and sociopathic people dominate politics in both parties. Also… definitely in business.

Combos of NPD and Borderline are very common in acting professions.

My personal opinion? That’s why we hear more about it lately as part of public discourse.

Last thing… cluster b disorders do occur on a spectrum. Some people have some of these traits. But… not intensely so.


Yes, until the jurors sitting in the gallery complained and Taylor told him there were jurors in the front rows. Then Simring spoke to everyone.


Totally agree. It would have totally shattered her to be bested by him - and she knew that - so she was determined to best him instead. In her mind, she was GOING TO WIN - [edit]


The mute and ignore feature is working well!


I am not even sure this is a delusion.
As the old saying goes: Just because you are not paranoid does not mean they are not out to get you.

Ruin his life, drive him to suicide, or kill him outright, claim victimhood…
all the same.

from LKs onw words here on the forum, she found out that mere ‘bullying’ did not get the desired response from SS ‘it has to be sexual abuse’
And the way SS sactions work, people to assume pervert first when a ban is handed down, if they bother to look at the case.


This is so accurate. I am the victim of my Cluster B SIL doing exactly this. She has constructed elaborate scenarios in her head about how I have conspired with my husband and Its to contrive elaborate means of undermining her life and relationships.

I discovered this after she posted public lies about her family’s “abuse” of her all over social media. I played a significant role in these fantasies.

Meanwhile, I actually, in the real world, don’t believe I’ve ever called my MIL or FIL in my life, and the only time I text with them when they ask me what a kid wants for their birthday. We have a friendly, cordial relationship when I see them a couple of times per year…how I became the keystone to a plot to sabotage her life I can’t for the life of me say.

I firmly believe, though, in her mind all this stuff is real. It’s the most bizarre thing and I don’t ever want to see or hear from her again!


This is part of why she said NO to whatever Stephen T (MBs attorney) and JK came up with on 8/05, in terms of her voluntarily moving all 4 (or 5?) horses to stalls at a nearby, top tier trainer’s place… who may or may not have been CP.

Moving = losing. So she refused to move. Period.

I think RG knew darn well how LKs mind worked… but he’s his own self serving sort of grifter. So he might have proposed “Hey… it’s still winning if we have to move, but squeeze 30-50k out of MB in the process.”


RC testified that MB asked for the gun on probably her first night on the property and that she did not observe any mental issues with him at that point. She said he took it into the office but she had no direct knowledge of what he did with it. She did not report any discussion leading up to the request. But she was clear he did not seem unhinged.


That’s the saddest thing. He was trying to dig himself out of that trench, but in fact, he just kept digging himself in deeper.


I missed where anyone testified to LK’s or RG’s mental state? What is the source all the psychological evaluations?

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Having had 2 serious head traumas, the reports of the medical personnel and the expert here coincide exactly with what I was saying (according to my poor mom). Out of it, unable to do more than indicate pain, thinking it was a dream, etc.

I also have no memory of either of those events now (one I can’t remember past the sudden impact, the other I can’t remember a FULL WEEK before the accident. Nada, it’s like those days never happened. I know they must have, but it’s simply gone. You can lose memories before a head injury as well as those after.


The Doctor was very clever to repeateedly get that number across to the jury. THAT is a lot of SM harassment.


That has been my experience as well.


It is great that MB’s friends were able to testify on his behalf. I hope it helps him and that he is able to get mental health care for the disorders mentioned by Dr Simring.


Do you understand that he’s not pleading self defense? You’re trying a case that doesn’t exist.