Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

What happens if the person is already a monster?


And really - to me, the saddest, most unbelievable aspect of this situation is that even though MB tried multiple times to get the authorities (i.e., the Keystone Kops) to help, they dropped the ball time and again BEFORE the shooting, and again AFTER the shooting.

It’s almost as though the entire PD and criminal justice system of that municipality is in bed with the Kanareks. Just wow.


Good. Let them enjoy that spotlight.


In my head I have inserted the letter “L” strategically in their surname. It keeps their horrible behavior and attitudes uppermost in my mind.

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So… another painful lesson learned from having up close and personal experiences with people who can be categorized as straight up sociopaths, or something else, but with sociopathic features.

They can be incredibly charming and adept at getting targets to engage and share personal information. And then they file intense, emotional personal details away, to trot out later, and use in really cold blooded and nasty ways.

It’s not quite the same experience as it is with other people who are sort of disordered… and get into messy personal stuff like this and interpersonal conflicts. The way a sociopath can flip a switch and go from seeming like a caring kind engaging person, who you decide to confide in… and then use your confidences against you in an ice cold ruthless way… months or years down the road? It’s incredibly specific.

Add this to the list of reasons to stay far far far away from people who exhibit these personality traits.


Any chance the prosecution got a biased view of them?

Also I could have sworn that LK used the term “manifesto” or that I heard it before Dr. Simring’s testimony today. I could be mistaken.


Is this why he didn’t testify?

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that makes actually the most sense, accounts for RG yelling ‘get the dog’ on the 911 call…

Holy Shnikies!


Sure. And finding the listening devices just confirmed his fears. We still don’t know that he was actually delusional, just that no one else believed it was quite that serious. Although MHG had her father come because she was scared. That validates the fear as well. I think MB as the focus of LK’s threats would feel much more threatened than those around him regardless. And LK got off on it. I think the diagnosis is necessary to support the defense’s argument.


You can’t make someone in arrested emotional development act their true age. It is mentally impossible for them.


Yes. Ditto for Anthony Bourdain. He looked like he was leading a fantastic life, traveling the world, seeing new places, eating great food, meeting friends old and new. And then…


After hearing Simring describe MB’s thinking at the time, combined with the other testimonies, I’m getting a better picture of just ‘who’ walked into the police department demanding help. Police departments are notoriously under trained on how to deal with mental illness. It could be that instead of the ‘elegant man’ coming with a report of harassment, a mentally unstable, unkept, unbathed man came in with a stack of 10 000 pages of ‘documentation’ and muttering about threats on his life.

I’m not saying it was correct or helpful or proper protocol, but I can certainly see that at that point, MB may have come off as a mentally ill person with some random over the top complaint. Maybe they thought about calling social services? Maybe they brushed him off, as is what happens all too often…


Other than MB admitted to bringing the gun to the farmhouse to Dr. Simring.


I think 10K pages could drive anyone insane!


And harmful to the person they flip on.


I found Dr. Simring’s explanation and diagnosis of MB being delusional convincing.

This is “delusional” in the actual psyciatric aspect, not as it’s used in every day discussion (“You’re delusional…”)


Yes. I am new to the phrase Cluster B but have a family member that displays traits. My observation has been that they are full of a sense of abandonment and resentment and are constantly mulling over grievances. They mull and fantasize scenarios that fit their emotions and then believe those scenarios as truth. Because the fantasies fit how they feel, but how they feel is inadmissible. They will attack people who express normal levels of emotional vulnerability. They find them threatening. Anyhow the question of truth is irrelevant around them. Obviously they will take some obvious fact as a starting point but then they will construct an elaborate fantasy about motives and etc that places them in the role of combined victim and hero who triumphs. The stories morph because they need to reflect how they feel rather than facts. Also projection big time.

All human relationships eventually sour and if they get their teeth into a vulnerable or unsuspecting person they can become vicious. They have some ability to figure out what will really hurt and zero in on that.

So the question of what’s true is irrelevant because obviously some true facts get mixed in. But these are only incidental and the whole production is a fantasy consructt.

Cluster B personalities appear to be over represented today in public and political discourse imho.


I can see why Dr. Simring has been hired to do this many, many, many times. He seemed to be able to explain everything very clearly to the jury in a way that was understandable for just about anyone. No doubt that skill has served him well teaching medical students.

I also noticed that when he started, he was speaking directly to the jury a lot of the time. Even though he was answering questions from the defense lawyer, he was addressing his answers towards the jury. I don’t remember seeing any other witnesses do that so far.


But also just a minor change in the senario, shockingly enough.

Now we have a psychotic break from delusions disorder on the table per Dr. Simring.

The prosecution may not realize the gifts from the defense. Not only was MB the last person seen with the gun per testimony by RC, now it’s established by Dr Simring that he picked it up and took it to the house. Is that hearsay or did that just establish means?

Per earlier testimony and defense witnesses MB was kicked out of the barn apparently because he never sought occupancy for people living quarters for the barn and had other expenses from an over capacity septic system which he apparently knew to permit because he knew the health department professional but also he stated something to the effect of they are taking the children. Does that establish motive? Add a delusional belief they were going to kill him?

Per Dr Simring, he drove over to the barn with the gun so what does that do for his requirement to retreat?