Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28



Did this really happen? I just love it.


Especially coupled with the absolutely pathetic police department handling of all of it.


Which must make renting an apt difficult.


I concur.

It sounded like everyone at the farm was scared, but MB’s fears were at an entirely different level than the rest of them, whether or not everyone else realized it.


At this point, it’s a real shame that they weren’t allowed to clarify that. I understand not confusing the jury with details that are not overall relevant to the case, but it seems like a lot has been thrown out.

A general feeling of unquiet, amorphous fear, concern, would have certainly contributed to someone’s fragile mental state.


Yes it did!


Exactly, the horses got cared for, the horses got worked, etc… so the rest of them, while fearful, still were functioning. Bathing, eating, sleeping, etc


Yes, the “I will win” mentality of someone with major league NPD accompanied by delusions of grandeur and God knows what other mental illnesses (and exacerbated by substance abuse mental disorders).


I think I love the doctor even more!


Hmmm . Perhaps this why JK negotiated some of the rentals for her, and writes checks that are drawn from her accounts?

What a mess.

I know little of the background information related to JK, and why some posters have such strong opinions about him. What is clear though is that LK has had addiction problems for years, and on some level, he has enabled her for years. But… this dynamic happens with great parents as well, who love their kids, but then the kids develop addiction issues. It’s all really sad to me. I’ve experienced serious issues within my family… but addiction wasn’t one of them.


I have a few thoughts.

First of all, I think Dr. Simring will be joining the jury in never, ever wanting to hear the word Facebook mentioned again. Ever!!!

Secondly, I think if MB had ever mentioned his mental health issues to or in front of LK, that was a terrible mistake, as it turned out. But of course, he may not have mentioned them in front of her, but in front of a recording device.

Also, I was struck by the fact that pretty much all the defense witnesses commented on how MB always seemed so happy, so upbeat, so much fun to be around before the recent changes in his behavior.

But then it turns out that he had been seeing a therapist for years, and battling depression for years, and I believe the therapist told Dr. Simring that she had been concerned about the risk of MB committing suicide for years.

It just really makes you stop and realize that you can think you know everything about a person, when in fact, you have no idea.


I’m not certain the prosecution read more than 100 of them.


Yup. The only caveat I would make? I think she’s a combo of NPD and a sociopath.

Often cluster bs are combo disorders. Such as a Borderline Personality disorder with narcissistic features. Or a narcissistic personality disorder with borderline features.

Or… a narcissistic personality disorder with sociopathic features.

But… narcissistic rage is a SERIOUS thing. People who have encountered a full blown NPD person, and had the misfortune to get into a personal power struggle with them? Well… you learn what narcissistic rage is all about, and how these sorts of people go into “scorched earth” mode.

That’s what I think was happening on 08/05 - 08/07 … especially combined with that whole “finish the ba$tard” text LK sent on 8/07. Or whatever that particular text said.

It all reeks of narcissistic rage.


He is known for fighting her battles for her including flying to NC to get in the face of a barn owner. It didn’t work. Many people don’t back down to bullies.

Recall that Bilinkas has tried to get on the record that three people conspired to destroy MB and they were LK, RG and JK. He was in on all of it.


Yeah, I have been wondering how Daddy-O is feeling now, with his daughter’s dirty laundry being aired in court, on TV, on the Internet, by an eminently qualified highly trained and highly respected psychiatrist.

Of course it could be that Daddy-O is also scared of his little girl, so didn’t dare try to interfere in her war games.


Don’t forget, drugs can cause people to become unstable and what not, and if already an underlying issue going on, drugs just make it that much worse.

Drugs can take a normal kind person, and turn them into an absolute monster.


I’m curious how much pressure is being put on ABC right now to stop the 48 Hours segment? It’s going to get much uglier for that family.


They definitely can be but another classic combo is a BPD and an NPD starting a relationship. That would be my experience. However - my BPD parent knew from childhood that something was “off” about their reactions and beliefs. After having me said parent was in therapy for YEARS and WORKED HARD at it. So despite the screaming, the beatings and having to be hyper-aware of the mood of the house and my surroundings - I KNEW my BPD parent did NOT want to be like this but had no or few tools in that ‘how to be a parent’ tool kit to deal with a relatively normal child but one with less fear of anger than BPD parent (thanks NPD parent. I guess).

Anyway, it is vanishingly small that a person with BPD wants to overhaul their personality and sets out to do it. In that sense, I won the life lottery. We are on very good terms now and have been for quite a number of years. It really really helped when I found out/figured out how my NPD parent set up BPD parent to go crazy and then look good in comparison.

They’re still together. BPD parent is far less nuts. NPD parent is slightly less so, but now racist and far FAR too interested in collecting guns and ammo.

Anyway. I’m not impressed with clan Kanarek. I doubt Lauren’s basic personality is widely different from more than one member of the immediate and extended families.


Sometimes the happiest people in your life are the saddest… Robin Williams comes to mind.

People deal with their daemons in different ways and everybody has a story.