Prosecutor seems to be chasing down idea that Simring has suggested that others, who weren’t delusional, didn’t fear Lol and RG… But the WS who testified yesterday, who was cut off, was going to, we believe, testify that RG threatened her.
I’m not sure why Schillhorn is going down this thread…
I lost all sympathy for the prosecution when he tried to discredit Simring’s diagnosis and report on the basis of one particular LK post. And then, later, the prosecution admits he only researched the details behind that one post.
LK and RG are his star witnesses. The prosecution should have done a LOT more homework on LKs postings. Maybe if he had… he would have decided to decline to prosecute this entire thing. Because it’s a freaking mess.
But Schellhorn wants a specific date! His minutia questions are tiring and getting no where. Is he seriously trying to impeach Simring? Good luck with that!
Maybe, but also Dr Simring states no one else on the farm was personally scared, but rather scared for MB.
Unfortunately, I think that people on the farm could have been scared by LK’s SM posts that we aren’t allowed to see… and I think if allowed to testify to that, many would have also said they were scared for themselves and MB. (I know I would have been, and I wouldn’t consider myself delusional.)
I think they may well have been scared. But the distinction will still be that they weren’t scared for their own LIVES. They may have disliked LK/RG, they may have feared them yelling at them or making a scene, they may have feared them making their lives more stressful and unpleasant… but they didn’t think LK was going to KILL them.
Even if we had all their testimony, I do not get the impression that Simring would change his opinion. MB was interpreting LKs behaviour on a different scale the rest of them.